Intro: automated time machine

hey,et i met u and your friend just now (ps ah forgot your name :) )
went to check out the songs and they're pretty good considering that its not really my genre of music.
i actually sat thru both songs. good job on that guys.

Haha hey there, that was the bassist Joey, if you stayed like 15 mins longer you would've met darrell, other guitarist.

Thanks alot for checking the band out. :D
ok.ill rmb it this time haha.
hey np, it was worth checking the band out. will stay tuned for more.
thank goose for intro-ing u guys to me haha. good thing the name was catchy and i remembered it.
haven't given it a proper listen but there seemed to be technical mess-ups at the start.
also, i really think you guys should do a proper mix before getting us to listen to it. a bad mix could drastically pull down the enjoyment of a song. much like how a good mix could make a song really shine (or make it sound as good as it can anyway). not saying the mixes are unlistenable, but they could certainly be better.
Well maybe you could give it a proper listen before you comment on what technical mess-ups are there, cos i dont hear any.

Regarding the mixing bit, the idea is to let others preview our songs and get the gist/idea before as we progress towards recording our entire EP. After that we will proceed to do proper mastering/final mixing of all the songs through a proper outlet. I feel that this would be the most cost-efficient solution over the long term and we would rather do a proper final mastering/mix compared to a cheaper half-baked mix.
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Well, maybe it was intentional, but the kick comes in abit late at 0.15, the drums also come in abit late at around 0.23 kick comes in late again at 0.33. the kick generally seems to be fluctuating in tempo slightly, i dunno, i just woke up maybe my ears are fuzzy.
i know it seems like i'm being an asshole, since i only ever seem to be saying negative things, but i'm just giving honest feedback.
Nice track with an overall balance mix but like the above post said, the drums seems to be fluctuating in its tempo in few instances, esp the kick drums.. Recorded with no metronome I presume?
Well i dont really feel that way. ): but i think that's bias opinion from me. aha. yeah, no metronome used. anyway i feel that its a damn nice song ah. xD
Well i dont really feel that way. ): but i think that's bias opinion from me. aha. yeah, no metronome used. anyway i feel that its a damn nice song ah. xD

Well... Thus that explains the fluctuations in the timing I guess... ;)

But if it works for the whole band and intended to be that way artistically, then why not... :cool:
We did not use a metronome for any of our recordings because we wanted the drummer to set the pace without chasing that dreaded "click". Well fluctuations in timing or not, you can say we intended it that way as we feel that the drums should be more natural rather than mechanical. IMHO of course. YMMV.

Anyways thanks for the taking the time to listen Cavett and wck. Glad you liked the new track!

Nah Blank, you'r not being an asshole and I understand where you'r coming from. I can actually imagine why guys like you hang around the forum. Really! And I dont mean that in a bad way ;)
Thanks for taking time out.

The not fully mixed thing as according to ized is a cost effective method for us, seeing that we're all poor folk.
Hey teleplayer, thanks for the compliment man :D

Just wanna thank everyone for taking the time off whatever you'r doing whether its at home, work or play etc....that 5 minutes of your precious time means alot to us and we really appreciate the comments and feedback everyone has given thus far. Positive or negative, the fact that most of you bothered to leave a comment means something ;)

We'll be working towards releasing our debut EP to the world (hopefully) so keep your fingers crossed!

Anyways just curious to know - do you guys prefer The Calm Before A Storm or the new track Espionage?
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Nah Blank, you'r not being an asshole and I understand where you'r coming from. I can actually imagine why guys like you hang around the forum. Really! And I dont mean that in a bad way ;)

Uh. okay that doesn't sound like it could be a good thing haha