actually there are some reasons for me to get the turbo tuner, just that they are not good enough for me to purchase it since i already like my Korg DT-10.
but in the heat of the moment i told myself what the heck you've been thinking about this for months already, just go ahead and order it lol
ok anyways me reasons are:
It's smaller than my DT-10. I'm always looking out for smaller pedals to save space, but i didn't consider the pitchblack because it does not have drop tuning function that i find useful.
I think it tracks faster than the DT-10. Now I was spoilt by fast tracking by starting out on the tuner from the Zoom B2.1u. That thing tracks amazing fast. Then I thought the Korg is pretty fast too, so I got it and to my disappointment, the DT-10 tracks slower than the one in the Zoom, so i've always been keeping an eye out for a faster tracking tuner.
Now many people use tuners and many people do not, and why such a big fuss over using tuners, it's just a tuner lol.
Well, not really. A tuner is useful to me in these ways:
I don't have perfect pitch, only relative pitch. So I still need a reference note to tune up my bass. - A 440Hz tuning fork would work, but a pedal tuner is faster, easier, and no fumbling and losing that tuning fork. I could tune my guitar if there's a piano around or a keyboard, but I don't count on one being present where I play.
I play in a band, and when I hear someone's instrument out of tune, I could say ok, stop, tune your instrument, and then I use the tuner to show them they are out of tune. A electronic tuner gadget is by far a great neutral party to tell people they are out of tune, and more people are willing to accept the truth from a tuner, then simply me just telling them they are out of tune just because I say so.
The pedal tuner is a great mute switch as well, when I want to mute my bass, I just stomp on the tuner and there, mute. I don't have to mess with knobs on my bass or amp - and lose my volume setting that I find is a good volume. I leve the knobs alone, i just stomp on it to mute. Easy.
So anyways yeah, hahahah look at me trying to justify my turbo tuner purchase hahahah.... let you all know how I feel about it when it arrives!