I GAS-ed a tuner!!!

when paramore drop key, they change guitars...

'if your ears don't work on a live gig.....' that's a new one.....you must be deaf all this time playing music live....

i guess ur right. now i'll just throw my tuner away and get another bass :D

the tuner being a good neutral guy is a good point too. imagine the guitarist and the bassist argueing saying the other one is the one that's out of tune =]

i guess u nvr know the value of a tuner until u go off tune on stage. i tend to move around alot, and my bass head hits things sometimes. in the middle of the song, its pretty impossible to tune by ear imho =\ though i usually improvise by locating a string that it STILL in tune after the shock :P

but i guess there IS 1 scenario where i wouldn't use a tuner
1. i have a bass tech handling all my basses/tuning/intonation/etc pre-gig
2. i have a spare bass on hand all the time

hmm... but then again, i'd probably STILL have a tuner on my pedalboard JUST IN CASE :D
when paramore drop key, they change guitars...

'if your ears don't work on a live gig.....' that's a new one.....you must be deaf all this time playing music live....
but usually when i ask the entire crowd to keep quiet while i tune it doesn't work...

paramore change guitars because they probably dont know how to tune
sorry noob question... what does it mean to "gas" the tuner? haha paiseh ah.

also i use the onboard tuner on my bass pod xt live... fast tracking, good enough accuracy for me, no complains from me!

and yeah tuning on stage "live" is very unpro, imo.
GAS: Gear Acquire Syndrome. A common "disease" that musicians suffer due to the need and possibly addiction of collecting various gear, most of the time out of lust rather than need =P
it has always been a good habit of mine to tune up BEFORE i hit the stage...and i still do.

i always tune up in between sets on break before the next set...

yes i do use a tuner, a korg DT 10.

sometimes i need to tune down my E to D i do it on the fly...before the song ends.

i pluck a D harmonic on the 12 fret D string and tune down the E...

i am sure you guys CAN hear that?...or....????

i always maintain my tuners i.e. tuning pegs so they do not detune....

paramore has the advantage of changing guitars because they have a hit album on the billboard charts....and lots of cash on hand...
so all this time u actually DO have and do use a tuner? hmm... so while we're at that, why don't we clear more stuff about u. do u have a tuner on stage in between ur bass and ur amp?

i must say u are superb bro. not only can u tune an E to a D on the fly, u can do it b4 the song ends. i wonder how that works. even more i wonder how that sounds.

we can hear =] but its more, how do u put it, dignified, if u tune silently. u must agree on that. silently being that you activate ur tuner which mutes ur signal so that no one can hear ur endless twanging away.

u must b tuning with your whole band and the whole FOH able to hear u tuning. now don't u get irritated when other ppl do that on stage? i know i do. maybe i'm just more critical than u are ;)

unless u have super ears that can even hear ur strings on stage w/o ur sound coming out from any speaker watsoever. if that is the case you are godlike to me =D
i must say u are superb bro. not only can u tune an E to a D on the fly, u can do it b4 the song ends. i wonder how that works. even more i wonder how that sounds.

actually I agree with aquanaut that drop D tuning is not that hard, I used to do it all the time many years ago. So many times until I can hear when I actually reach D from E. Then I hit the 7th fret which is now A and double check with the next A string.
actually I agree with aquanaut that drop D tuning is not that hard, I used to do it all the time many years ago. So many times until I can hear when I actually reach D from E. Then I hit the 7th fret which is now A and double check with the next A string.

true true... but can u do it before a song ends? =P and silently w/o the crowd hearing anything? now thats the challenge =]

Well, now I'm GAS-ing for this tuner.
since my pedal board is already full.

looks uber cool man this thing! i wonder how they make it true bypass though coz my limited knowledge on this tells me that only 3pdt switches provide true bypass :P its about the same price as a normal tuner though (US$100 list US$70 street)

*update* its kinda crap to rely fully on this thing i think. just found out that it's accuracy is +/- 2 cents. fyi the korg pitchblack is i think +/- 0.1 cents and the turbo tuner by sonic research is +/- 0.02 cents =]
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uh...anyone thought of using the pair of ears we all have?..its free.....only not branded...but really as effective like any other tuner when the battery on the tuner runs out.....

sometimes the ear cant tell if something is 2 or 3 cents off,

but we can feel that it ain't as shoik,

while i'm able to tune my guitar on my own on a good day, pretty close to standard, especially when there's (recorded) music playing in the background, i'll rather use a tuner for rehearsals and gigs.
true true... but can u do it before a song ends? =P and silently w/o the crowd hearing anything? now thats the challenge =]

i think aquanaut's original point may have been about those cases when you play a song in standard tuning, but then have to drop to d halfway through the song. think of it like having a drop-tuner... nothing to do with stopping to retune. but yes, it's possible and probably easier than you think
unless u have super ears that can even hear ur strings on stage w/o ur sound coming out from any speaker watsoever. if that is the case you are godlike to me =D

Maybe he feels the vibrations coming off from the bass body! That IS fantastic!
Aiyah, looks damn cool mah. Once you pull up, got a streaming flash of lights, machiam like robot guitar without the robot! lmao. Anyway, at 2cents, the n-tune also easily more accurate than the boss tu2 and the planetwaves pedal tuner.

how to fight a strobe tuner when its just a bunch of light mounted on a knob?Lol
agree the n-tune looks pretty cool!! :)

BTW my turbo tuner arrived 2 days ago, and I have actualyl really used it only yesterday.

My comments so far is it's very good. Once you hit a string, it immediately responds with the note you're playing and and the strobe lights start immediately and you can start tuning. The response is really fast, unlike other tuners when you hit a note and wait for a while before the note registers.

It takes a while to get used to tuning until the lights stop rotating. But once you get used to it, it's fine.

Smaller than my DT-10 so it takes up much less space on the pedalboard.

Although personal opinion is that the tracking is still not as fast as the tuner in teh Zoom B2.1u
For real ? its not as fast as a multi-effect tuner ?

I have not tried a zoom yet, but my ax1000g built in tuner is quite lousy...
For real ? its not as fast as a multi-effect tuner ?

I have not tried a zoom yet, but my ax1000g built in tuner is quite lousy...

the fast tracking i'm referring to is when you play scales really fast, the notes don't change as fast on the tuner, but on the built in tuner in the zoom, it changes immediately.

on high notes, the display changes very very fast, but on the low bass strings it's slower than the zoom.

this is really of no consequence coz it's not supposed to be used this way anyways.