and I presume there is some marketing science behind this at Gibson HQ
Looking at all the cheap shots they've been taking over the years, I'm not entirely sure they're exactly as smart. not in the sense that they've not done well, but that I think they could be much much more if they just concentrated on making their guitars great. The Robot and Darkfire and new LP Standards to me were a general step in the right direction. That's something I can tell that's being done with some thinking. But I'm not sure about their PR and marketing efforts.
Like I said, I don't think the JH starter guitar comes with the Gibson name, and they proably did try to cash in on this as a hit-and-run tactic. I just don't see this having any long term benefits, but I do see it having long term damages.
Would it stop you from buying a Les Paul though? (assuming you have no current aversion to Gibson products)
Very valid question, and I'm actually glad you asked.
Honestly, I've got mixed feelings about it. I've always wanted a Les Paul. Not because of the brand itself, but because of my guitar heroes. Having owned clones in the past, i've realised nothing can substitute my GAS except a Gibson.
Yet, I've also always known they were underhanded at their marketing tactics. and I STILL bought a Gibson over the last 2 years because the guitar was good (surprisingly GOOD), and the price was right (much thanks to Swee Lee!). But do I feel like buying one more? I'm not sure. I probably would, if I found another equally well built version of my LP. Or I could wait for the new Derrig clone from Gibson. hahaha...
But at the same time, I also feel disgusted in supporting a company that shows so little ethics.
Let me put it this way. It's almost like workers unions. They're pro-busienss (supposedly), but not always pro management.
So, I'm in a sense pro-Gibson products for the brand, but not pro Gibson management. Alas, they can't be separated unless someone buys out the company and bothers to look into these things. I just hope that after Henry retires, the new management would have different ways of marketing.