How you done your song?


New member
I start this thread for all SOFTies to sharing their method of creating a song from scratch till it fully sequenced/recorded.

Are you done it by...
first composed the main melody... then do arrangement on score...modified until satisfied, then record the song layer by layer (instrument by instrument)?


first composed the main melody... then by "try-and-error" method, do the arrangement cum sequencing (or recording) section by secton (ie. after finish section A then go section B...etc)?


Construct the main melody/arrangement/sequencing (or recording) in one time?
For me chords structure first, then write the melody to the chords structure, then record rhythm with drums and add bass guitar to it. then record melody lead and fill in lead on my multitrack recorder. Anybody can write music if they try :) it might sounds horrible at first but if you keep on writing , it will surely improved.

If you got creativety , you do not need to be a piano player or grade 8 in music to write your own music :)


Depends on type of music.

When arranging for vocals, I would prefer words first then melody. When I compose music for a song with lyrics, I would prefer it comes without any melody. The music can then have the flexibility to bring out the words. The climax/low points of the words can be expressed better with carefully crafted melody line. Sadly, many songs nowadays have melody first then words. Good melody, but words and melody doesn't quite match.

For instrumentals, I usually have a melody in my head. Usually a main theme. It doesn't have to be long - can be a few bars. The rest of the piece will evolve around the theme. The chords comes next - at least for the few bars of theme. Then everything comes at the same time - melody and chordal progressions. Melody line is brought out by different instruments while other instruments play counterpoint. I usually sequence and compose at the same time.

When I sequence, all parts are written at the same time. If the effect is not what I wanted for a phrase, I re-arrange with other instrument arrangements and try again. It then becomes phrase by phrase composition and arrangements. Basically, all instruments are written at the same time.

After all is done, I listened to the whole thing again to see if it all fits into a whole. Usually, parts will be re-arranged and new ideas come. Then more re-arrangements.

Finally, sequencing technique is applied to make it sound good - note by note in many situations.

Then record. If orchestral, I record in 3 parts to simulate the orchestral sitting arrangements (distance-wise from the audience). If pop etc, then doesn't matter. Apply a general reverb at the end of the whole mix esp for orchestral. Tweak more with slight EQ. Normalise in certain situations. Tweak some more. Mix down. Listen again on good and bad speakers. Usually will cause me to re-arrange or re-mix slightly again, but not much.

Sounds like a hassle - but much fun!
mingguan said:
so chim... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

if words come first, doesn't it restrict the melody writing?

no because u can sing out the words and get the melody! on the other hand, it may be harder to fit the words into melody because sometimes we cant find the right words
Cheez said:
When I sequence, all parts are written at the same time. If the effect is not what I wanted for a phrase, I re-arrange with other instrument arrangements and try again. It then becomes phrase by phrase composition and arrangements. Basically, all instruments are written at the same time.

Summary: Try & Error.
For my band, we just sit in the jamming room and think of stuff. My lead guitarist might have a riff in mind, then drummer would add a beat, then me, the bassist would add some lines. Fast, frantic lines for those high energy songs or mellow ones for the slower moods. The rhythm would follow the lead then the lead would come up with variations. Vocals are last. Just fit it in.
Summary: Try & Error.
Yes and no. The arragements already existed in my head - I could hear it. I knew the effect and emotion I wanted to create. I just needed to make it come true. Most of the time, I didn't have to re-arrange a lot.

Hard to explain. It's like the music is already done - in my head. The arrangement is already completed. I just need to find out how to make it in such a way that others can hear the same thing I hear in my head.

OK, I'm sounding wierd already... That doesn't mean it is "anything goes". Still need to apply theory.
Cheez said:
...The arragements already existed in my head - I could hear it. I knew the effect and emotion I wanted to create. I just needed to make it come true. ... I just need to find out how to make it in such a way that others can hear the same thing I hear in my head.

Same way.
But normally,no matter how I do, I still can't produce the idea/arrangement/feeling which same as what in my mind.

Sounds wierd.
but normally after you come out with melody, your mind will automatically make the melody more mean... more full/rich.
This happen especially you keep repeating thinking or "playing" the melody in your mind....then the whole structure will slowly come out....

but when you want to make it into reality, it is another story liao...
as you definite can't reproduce exactly what you "imagined".

Okie this is how I'm compose my songs :-

1st, get a tune in my head. 2nd, finalize e tune. 3rd, pen down the tune for verse & chorus, then come out w a set of lyrics for chorus. After that, the verse, pre-chorus and/or bridge.

Actually, all the themes of my songs will come from my chorus.
mingguan said:
Sounds wierd.
but normally after you come out with melody, your mind will automatically make the melody more mean... more full/rich.
This happen especially you keep repeating thinking or "playing" the melody in your mind....then the whole structure will slowly come out....

but when you want to make it into reality, it is another story liao...
as you definite can't reproduce exactly what you "imagined".

Well, I don't exactly "imagine" it. The music in my head actually has different parts and instruments going on at the same time, not just the melody.
Cheez said:
Well, I don't exactly "imagine" it. The music in my head actually has different parts and instruments going on at the same time, not just the melody.

That's is what I meant.
Maybe I shouldn't use the word "imagine".
but don't know what word to used.
just something like...
when i thinking of my melody, some instruments will "exist" to play it, some other instrument will then "exist" with some counter melody, some instrument will "exist" to play bass...etc.
i will have either the "full structure" or individual detail...
just sometime i can't "can't" what i think.
i thinking of an orchestra music, at certain stage, the music in my mind will have a "Glissandos" like counter melody, but when try to find that "certain" melody, I may not get the exact notes that playing in my mind, and i need to try-&-error to find that notes...

hm... sounds wierd? That's me.
tany, BlackMoo, neuro182, vivalapunkrawk... you all only stated activities during composing stage. how about arranging & producing stage? I quite interested to know...
i just mess around and see if anything happens..if it does then just work with it and put different pieces together yea...noobish way ^^