How to properly store a guitar at home

humidifiers dont trap dust what (unless you are talking about the expensive ones). They do exactly what their names suggest i.e. humidify the room. What you may be refering to might be an air purifier.

According to furniture experts, humid weather actually SPOILS wood faster. (think the wood of your guitar)
yeah, ive heard that its not the best to keep a guitar in the case, as its normally hotter inside, than without the case. Anyone else shed some light on this?
yess i agree.keep a guitar in a case or leave it open in an air con room.cause its humid in the room and strings DO rust. well i suggest a giant thristy hippo.ha.that should work ;) just playing. i just mean a great big thirsty hippo could really work fine.a humidifier works just like a giant thirsty hippo.
I was thinking of installing wall mounts, then make a 4 slided glass (no need for wall and floor sides) case to cover the wall so there will be no dust.
Too classy? :P
dace_diath said:
if u wanna keep ur guitar inside any hardcase or
softcase, do not leave it in the case for too long.

u should take it out once in a while,

leaving it in the case for too long will cause
the strings to snap at any time because of immense heat
trapped in the case.

i dunt think it's really heat as immense as it would cause strings to snap. I leave mine in a hardcase over a few days and when i opened it later the coolness of the metal trem bridge can still be felt.
hey, wat if u juz rest it against the wall or something?
will it cause the neck to warp?

not tt i do it... :smt105
my future plans include a glass cabinet mounted on the wall ... then i install those guitar hooks ... and hang my guitars inside. keep the cabinet closed unless i wanna take something out and play - the doors must have those rubber things to maintain airflow into the cabinet.

.... oh ya...must put a thirsty hippo in.