How many basses you have?


New member
Haha hi guys,

Just amaze that some people got so many basses but might not be using it or see gd bass then impulse to buy. Hmm probably got $$$ and passion.

So wanna share hwo many basses you'll have and why you bought it?


how many have you got? i've got one. just a fender standard jazz. nothing special but i like it a lot. its only the second bass i ever bought but i love it just because of the nice tone and its a fender! hahaha. i used to own a sammick LB-11. a precision bass... i definitely like what im having now. hahaha.
I have a squier jazz bass. Didnt get a fender last time cos when I bought my bass I also didnt know much bass.

Change the pickup to emg and uses ne-1 and AX10B.

Thinking of getting a 5 string bass. Maybe yamaha TRB 5PII or variax 705?

Good bass not cheap and my squier provide a nice tone too even though it isnt any high end bass.

TRB5 will give me a funky sound which I will like and variax got many sound too.. Although not all 24 is useful but just 5-6 will be great.


I only have one bass now, don't have money $$$ ... *sobz*. Mine's a Fender Warmoth.

Custom made in the 1990s, imported from the US. Well, it's a Warmoth, what else can i say? I'm really satisfied with my bass and there's nothing more i would like to ask for, maybe a change of pickups and change of hardware to black hardware. Maybe i'm asking for too much ... ahahah

This bass currently is my 6th bass that went through my hands. Some of the basses i used to own were a TGM P/J bass, 5-string Hamer Cruise Bass, Ibanez SRX505, Yamaha BBN5A. I had to sell each one off consecutively cos i had to fund the purchase of my next bass.
Guess i have feeling for my bass since it's my first and went thru with my learning and growing. So if get new bass will still keep this. Hmm since im thinking of 5 string and the current one is 4 string can give me excuse to keep it? haha


2 basses. LTD Viper 254 and Samick Vintage Series. Just bought my LTD and my Samick very old already and it seem to be having alot of problem lately. Saving money now to buy Fender Standard Percision.
I like how everybody has/wants a Fender-type bass haha. This is great!

I belong to the 'want' catergory unfortunately.
haha. you got it brother. i belong to the sub-have category. cos its a standard. hahah.

and i still want a stu hamm urge bass. im just not good enough to own one. its so bloody paiseh to go to swee lee to try out basses. you go in there and say "can i try that blue bass with 3 pickups?" and they bring you to the showroom. then everybody thinks "wah this guy must be good". then you start playing crappily. hahaha. i should just stick to buying second hand basses where only 1 person will hear me play. hahahahaha.
benjso28 said:
Thinking of getting a 5 string bass. Maybe yamaha TRB 5PII or variax 705?

i envy people who play five or six or seven strings man. i cant even reach the 5th string. my hands are damn small but i still want to play bass, dont know why. ha. so if i buy a 5-stringer, im still playing a 4-stringer. hahahah.
Hee my hand not big but guess can still handle or try to handle the five string. If play 6 string then will try model after John patitucci.

Hee Fender bass is not a must lah. To be honest even if I played on my squier with my current setting, it can also produce same or better sound. Sometimes it's pple's mind doing the trick.

Nothing against fender bass (since jaco and etc uses fender) but just saying that if I get nice bass, wun be fender.

Btw the urge bass is 4 pickup rite? Very versatile loh..

Bass with PJ pickup produce nice slap tone too. Ernie bass also nice slapping sound but can be found in variax bass.



Hmm.. i'm another one who has a thing for fenders!

Own a 2002 new american standard jazz bass V and a 62's re-issue p-bass. Eyeing the aerodyne jazz bass next... not for it's sound really, but for it's looks... it looks daamnnnnnnn cool... hahaha
I've only got 1. B.C Rich 4-string warlock. I might get 3 more after o levels. And after I strike 4d :lol:
Looks like quite a few fender fans here.

Any TRB, Warwick, Sadowsky, Lakland, Spector and other basses people around? hee


sure do! i luv fender and warwick.

got the sub-vers.. squier pbass and rockbass streamer... he latter really makes me wanna sell my backside to get a real thing. muahaha. if only i had the money.

i'm gassing for a real fender american J and warwick corvette. hmm.. =p