Well, it's not as if life is perfect.
Even when you think you are doing things the 'right' way, the proven way or whatever - things can and will go wrong someday, somewhere.
As long as man still inhabits this planet earth of ours, I don't think we can see a day of peace and love in every single moment anywhere at any given time.
And the terrorist farkers have caused us little conveniences here and there, and make us look at each other differently.
I remember vividly September 11 2001 as we were preparing for a meeting in the morning and my director came up and sat next to me and smiled, quite smugly, and said "The World Trade Centre twin towers had just been destroyed. A couple of Muslim terrorists most likely, the reports said." I knew about the news cos I saw it on television in the morning.
And this director of mine is like one of those holier-than-thou God-fearing Christians who preaches to everybody all the time, sending SMSes to everybody in the office saying "Jesus loves you." during CNY, Hari Raya and Deepavali, and of course Christmas lah. No kidding.
So, when he told me that, I thought to myself "What the f**k has that got to do with me, asshole?". His face really read like "My religion is better than yours!". The words were almost written on his forehead.
Anyway, since 9/11 I remember cursing in my mind when I had trouble finding dustbins because at some point, some terrorist farker put a bomb inside a rubbish bin somewhere, and so the Singapore authorities said to themselves - no rubbish bins for Singaporeans! Either that or you risk dying from a rubbish bin bomb!
Goodness, what else? No turbans for Sikhs and no songkoks for Malays cos some terrorist idiots managed to hide a bomb in his headgear and came up to some minister and bombed his head off, and killing others in the process?
Ridiculous sia...
This is exactly what terrorists (no, not just the Muslim terrorists) want. For us to live in fear, to cause disruptions in our everyday lives, for us to view each other suspiciously, for us to eventually hate each other.
I had a meeting with an American client yesterday and he has stayed here in Singapore for like 7 years and he says he loves it here! He doesn't miss New York at all (crazy! Hahaha!!) he says. Well, maybe because he's like 60 years old and his two kids are here (wife is Chinese Singaporean). He loves Malay food (me, I can do without it) but the one thing he said to me that struck me was that he viewed each and every Chinese, Indian and Malay as Singaporeans.
He said that in the US, everyone is viewed as either white, black, hispanic, native indian, and so on. He says in Singapore, he's proud to observe that the tolerance level here is quite admirable. Even if people are not happy with each other, they don't take it out on the streets and shout all those racist remarks and labels. Thats why he loves Singapore although he says the current government practices need a rethink. He's damn pissed off that such a rich country like Singapore still has homeless people, and children who go by somedays without lunch money. That the men in white can still sleep at night when poor children are going without education and proper nutrition, and 90 cents of a dollar donated to NKF goes to 'administrative costs'. And people are committing suicide every other day due to money problems.
Ok man, I wish I can write more but I need to prepare for a jam session now.
Have a good weekend, peeps!