Gun Shot in Outram MRT

He could have used the baton, but if you think of the scene, 3 metres away, a guy lunging at you with a knife (like CS), you'd panick and you only have less than 2 seconds to think. If you took out your baton, you'd probably block it, but the chances are low, and i think taking out the baton like abit hard at that angle.

So he shoot lor. Rather drama to be heard in Singapore, but i didn't think the policeman did wrong.
if you shoot his limb, chances are he wont fall immediately, because of the adrenaline, he can continue to pounce on the officer with the knife for a short while.
Anyway, that guy clearly understood the risk for his aggression against an ARMED policeman, still he went ahead with it, well, he deserved it.its either he was really desperate, or its just one of those 'assisted' suicide attempts.
theres reasons and purpose why its done this way. It has nothing to do with not giving precise info...

there are always reasons for doing certain things; it's be better if the info disseminated was 'a police operation' taking place at the aforementioned MRT Station as oppossed to 'accident'. accident won't deter people from going there, it's jeopardizing their safety.

if you disseminate accurate info/ instructions, you'll earn more respect.
None of us have been in a situation like this, so we don't really have the right to condemn anyone.

A dude rushing at you with a knife is scary, our police don't face such split second life-deciding situations often .. last shot fired was in 2002.

The situation could have had a better outcome of couse, hand to hand combat, submission, non-lethal shooting.. but as with every situation, we can only hope and try our best for the most desired outcome, and we all know it that isn't always the end result.
yeah, it wasn't easy for the police officer as well. some policemen have never fired their gun at someone in their entire career... much less kill someone with it. i can't even start to imagine how traumatizing it must be for the policeman.
police must not be discouraged from using their guns, they are after all trained officers to assess if the situation necessitates its use.
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cops in Malaysia blow away baddies all the time - and it's normally splashed across the Malaysian papers in all its gory glory .... In recent reports, some cops who werent up to it got killed instead - leading to more tragedy for the families concerned.

Authority is such ... e,g drug laws in SG - U do em, you hang ...same thing here ... U charge at a cop with deadly intent, you go 6ft under. Simple as that.

Body shot was a good idea too coz aiming for a limb in such chaotic circumstances might have led to a missed shot or worse, the round hitting an innocent bystander. Anyway Im sure the cops know what they are doing...later today I must check it out with Dan Music's resident cop who hangs out there when off duty, for more details ...
Based on today's Straits Times front page photo, commuters are less than a metre away from the fallen suspect. At that close range, thank god the bullet did not pass thru him and hit others.

That front page photo is a classic, never seen such photos been published here. To the cop who shot the suspect, hopefully he's strong enough and not be traumatized by the incident.
the cop should practise the 'halt, halt, halt or i will shoot'.

and i thought normally the guns r not loaded? but then again i may be wrong.
i doubt there is enough time to carry out all warning steps,the rules of engagement are kinda grey when it comes to this type of time-critical situations
sigh. those people criticising the police because everyone's been criticising the government recently. come on. that guy was wielding a long knife! like, LONG! It'd probably be able to go in, and out, of your body.

Was the stabber drunk? My chinese teacher said he was drunk, stabbed his friend while being drunk, and prolly died half drunk. Maybe because she read chinese newspaper instead.
IMO, it's self-defence so the shooting is justified. At least the gun is not "for show" only.

But it's NOT alright if our police becomes paranoid over any perceived "threat". Just like the London police who shot dead a Brazilian tourist because he looked Arab and he carried a haversack.
I don't think they should've shot him dead, at least wound him so that he won't run..
I'm sure the policemen had taken their precautions to ensure the safety of the commuters from that man but they needn't kill him.. shoot the leg or something lah... Then can catch him and send him off through the usual court procedures and sentences..
He could have shot other places but aiming legs and hands of a moving target is hard. Furthermore there are so many people around him. He was probably hoping that by running in the crowd, the policeman would not shoot him. Thus it became a challenge for the police officer to deter him. If the police officer had not stopped him in time, he could have just held anyone near by as hostage. If that happens, I guess people will start questioning why didn't he fire earlier.

Fully agree. If the cop didnt shoot and the criminal created a hostage situation, we would be bitching about why he DIDNT shoot instead of why he DID. Us singaporeans love to talk and talk.... and talk...
hmm some of you guys seems carried away on the shooting incident ...well actually alot of knife incidents took place in the 90`s but non end up with shooting ...normally for a stabbing case 2 cars would be dispatch and i just thought that no need to shoot...

old timers in the force knows how to handle this sort of case...just my commets :)
bro penguin

any past incidents you personally know of whereby none end up shooting?

old timers in the force knows...gee..i am an old timer and i was in the force for a good part of my adult life but if this thing were to happen to me..i myself would not even visualise how, what , where and what's gonna happen
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I think the cop did the right thing to neutralize him. Just imagine if he were to board the train and start to slash/stab other commuters?