Jumbofret (my fav kind..) :lol:
I bot my santa fe's from Dan Enterprise 2nd hand shop...coz as I mentioned Ashleigh the dude there abit problem case... :butthead:
Like to share abt the sants fe's I bot
Body 3 or 4 pc JELUTONG...i.e local wood - definately not alder....
Body is slightly thinner than tex/us strat...but very close to squier afinity series. Same goes as bridge...
Pick guard - BEWARE - not compatible wt fender or other licensed strat pick guard - Unless you wanna refill and redrill pickguard screw hole.Pots, selector, wires, output jack stadard taiwanese type but pick ups a tad bit better than other similar range guitars...a "litttle" more "weight (tone)" on them but they still squeel at high vol...PUP cavity is swimming pool but wt lower channel to accomodate longer humbkr screws...they didnt plan it well coz the normal back cover scers will punch right through into the body cavity - a hassle if you are sheilding the interiior or the cavity.
21 frret neck - basically ok. Truss rod ok...frets med jum - better than other similar range guitars BUT most examlpes I sw needed some sort of basic crowing / polishing...things you cud do yrself...gd ref the stewart mcdonald guitar repair guide. Fretboard is ok basically, neck satin finish ok lah but a nice wipe down with red english oil will help bring out some nice grains..BEWARE sum examples I saw had wring outs & other imperfections...
Plastic nut SUX on all pieces - replace at all cost. Tuners - ok but pros may wanna replace them asap

I bot these santa fe's, scrapped the names off....Thers no listing in international forums coz I believe these are in house brands like e.g Symphony music guitars...JD, TGM (Tan Guam Ming?)
At first glance fender style headstock but it's actually much larger than strat headstock..got some reasonable 2nd hand pups e.g dimarzios etc with new pots, etc and used them as my back up / jammers guitar. Not too bad...then sum ang mo customer would offer to buy em...so I sell loh...
AT $180 new (offer period) and $140 2nd hand but still mint - I tot they were an "OK..lah" buy...for back up guitar. Esp when compared toother pricer similar range guitars...Modders can easily sell the parts U dowan to offset cost of other parts which U can get 2nd hand (e.g in luther music site). :lol:
For those who have a slightly higher budget you cud try for 2nd hand mex fender - alot in some online local classifieds... aprox $450-500+ range?
My personal view only...cheers :smt039