Gibson Explorer... About Time!!!


New member


I'm so happy they finally decided to do this! I can't wait for this to come in so I can take a stab at it, and bring it home if it's really nice!


Though... It comes with EMGs... Why Gibson, why??!?!?!?!?!?!
fretsonthenet makes pickup rings that allow you to retrofit a regular passive pickup into an EMG route.

It works and looks cool.

There is hope!
yeap, the active units handle the low end under heavy gain well, straight from the get-go. May have to do with how actives prevent loss of high-end as the gtr signal runs thru cables and stuff.

For passives & low end... should either get a good buffer system going on or EQ the setup to be brighter (at the cost of spoiling "regular range chords/notes" tone).

Its more work with the passives to get it right.

That said - the 7 string is only to what? A or B aye? I find almost no issues choosing between active & passives... if it's an F#, then ya lah... no?