from the looks of the pickup, I would say no. Toneriders use cloth wires instead of plastic. On top of that, Tonerider pickups are very self centred. They never fail to put their big name on the back of the pickup. If they did, they'd probably use the same wires right? Who knows anyway?
the black bobbin might look similar but I'm sure many other pickups are the similar in design.
in terms of sound, I can't be too sure whether they sound similar but what I can say is that they both have the same type of "recognisable characteristics". Something like "you'd know its a "insert pickup brand here" pickup just by one strum" kinda thing. I refer to single coil pickups in this case.
whatever it is, both pickups sound good. for the price, who dares to complain haha! If only I could get my hands on a nice used Squier CV Stratocaster.