Gear photos 2011

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= valentinik_15

Hey there. Sorry to burst your bubble but your Fender American Standard Stratocaster is probably made in 1991 because that guitar only came into existence only during 1987 onwards.
That Breedlove Roots looks absolutely delectable. Wish I could get my hands on it!

How does it play and sound? Purchased locally?

It is, in my opinion the best sounding acoustic guitar i've played. I actually got it from Sinamex 2 years ago. I had no intention on buying a guitar when i stepped in, then i played a few Taylors (the 7k ones) then i tried the breedlove and was blown away. But i still wasn't convinced until i plugged both the Taylor and Breedlove in and that was it. Sold! I didn't even have to adjust any EQ on it and it sounded awesome. I don't like the idea of my acoustic guitar having obvious looking controls sticking out and my breedlove has the controls hidden away in the sound hole another plus point for me. No regrets!
= valentinik_15

Hey there. Sorry to burst your bubble but your Fender American Standard Stratocaster is probably made in 1991 because that guitar only came into existence only during 1987 onwards.

Yo dude, you're right. I just checked the serial no and yes, 1988-89. Oh well. Still old though.
NGD :)

A warmoth strat: hope the image shows up:

Body, neck, frets, tuners & nut from

Pickups from a gentleman softie by the nick of 'Benster?'

Shielding, knobs and everything by the folks at sound alchemy (Thanks guys!)

Chambered ash, 1 piece maple neck, jumbo porno headstock ;)

I don't think I've ever posted a picture of Elizabeth here before. So here goes, nothing much, just a 20th anniversary CU24. Stage lights on her looked brilliant while I was putting her away, so I stooped over to snap a shot. Lol iPhone albeit.

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Bought an LP premium plus, didn't like it. Traded away for some stuff, sold those.

And now i have THE RES PAUR

You gave up a LP premium for this lame piece of wood? Whaaatttt

hah dont so mean la.. personal preference la.. LPJrs are lighter.. single humbucker means they're simple what u have is what you have and the tv yellow versions have quite a repertoire. and if this is a 90s piece, many ppl wouldnt mind selling a 2000-something LP for this =)

So qns is... is this a 90s piece? =)
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@templar yeaaap. Bored of standard LP's. new a toy

@skipper nope. its brand new. Stickers not off yet.

And that ain't rosewood or ebony or pau ferro, etc (fretboard)
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