Gear News 2006

if you want a decent practice amp to own & on a $300 budget, do well to check the CRATE VTX15B. i deem it on par with Roland's CUBE30. available @ Davis...


Dude.. Is that yours? That axe rocks! Love the grey flamed body and the fingerboard inlays are interesting. Is it neck thru?
Not mine. I also prefer 2006's... Initially, it looks very vague from those pictures, these pics proves that it's improved...
Have you guys seen the Double Drive 3X Programmable Distortion from Tech 21?
It looks damn sweet, saw it on this month's issue of Guitar Player. Can't find the picture, but it's blue and has 3 metal footswitches.

Specs are as follow,
- 100 per cent analog
- 3 channels
- 2 different types of distortion can be used individually or cascaded together.
- Active 3band EQ
- 195usd (Retail)
Duncan's tube drive ishas been around since January, promptly after the NAMM feature. heard clips of it- will appeal to vintage tone fans as it's not a high gain unit.
i was hunting for good Cort to invest in & came across the Hiram Bullock signature model- it's really surprising how good this guitar sounds. the price tag makes this guitar a tempting piece of ware.

Cort HBS (List: $750)
ItAcHi said:
tts a sweet telecaster there...does swee lee have that too?

nope, it's a Jap repro. it's raunchy sounding & will appeal to those who are into lots of single coil bite at crunch settings.
if you've been looking for a hard case for your Ibanez SZ, the W50SZ is now available @ swee lee. List: $200


also available: 2006 version of the SA120 (new SAT Pro bridge) with no price revision 8)

SA120 (List: $600)
Woo, finally there's a proper case that I can get for my SZ :D Was gonna get the Freedom case but this one looks waaaaaaay classier