Gear News 2006

Goodness.. What happened with the finish of your RG? I've seen cracks and chips but this tops them all.

BTW what's below the top layer? Wood or another layer of plastic laminate?
It bloated, like got air below then started to crack and peel. Probably too many trips in and out of air conditioning. Not my rg by the way, was my cousin's. I was at his house and snapped those shots.

That's basswood. Now you know why you don't see basswood guitars in natural finish :)

See, extremely uninteresting grains:
Hmm.. Didn't know RG are such vulnerable to such climatic changes. Maybe it's QC problem. :wink: If i were him, I would just strip the rest of the laminate off and get a new paint. Those patches are seriously unsightly.
there might be some confusion pertaining to laminates here. i'm refering to the piece of wood plastered on top of a guitar body to make it more visually pleasing. as long as it's wood, there's bound to be some grading to it, especially the flames/ quilts type.

with refernce to blueark's guitar- is that the wood laminate coming off or just the lackered finish giving way? it's rather unfortunate because the finish of my 15yr old RG560 is still in tact.
It's a thin laminate like those you would find on furniture.

Since Ibanez says it's an undisclosed laminate, we wouldn't know if it was wood right. It might not be maple, just that it has maple grains like the guitar i showed you had alder grains.

There are just too many guitars around with photoflame laminates and such. Nobody will ever know till they try to refinish it or it starts to peel like that one.

Heck, check out this one:

Still, if it sounds good, feels good, I say buy it. Just don't be deluded into thinking your guitar has a flame maple top when it might just be a photo laminate.
theblueark said:
Since Ibanez says it's an undisclosed laminate, we wouldn't know if it was wood right. It might not be maple, just that it has maple grains like the guitar i showed you had alder grains.

the 'undisclosed' here refers to the wood grade, not the doubt whether it's wood or not- it's definitely wood & not a photo finish, like on some Fenders.
QM- quilted maple

FM- Flame maple

these are merely adjectives to describe the granular wood pattern.

there's no 'better' here when it's merely a laminate. for any tonal contributions, it has to be at least a quarter inch, otherwise, it's merely visual candy.
subversion said:
the 'undisclosed' here refers to the wood grade, not the doubt whether it's wood or not- it's definitely wood & not a photo finish, like on some Fenders.

That's an interesting titbit but how do you know for sure?
1. Manufacturer declaration
2. Luthier confirmation
3. Self-inspection- remove the pickup from its cavity, even if it's a mere laminate, there is a definite layer differentiation, unlike a photo top.
no need laminate laa paste sticker can liao.

got thread discuss the properties of stickers on guitar.

want more high use the metal flim sticker.

want a warmer tone paste many many sticker on same spot. no need worry abt peeling laminate. Steady!

want to make your cheap plywood guitar sound like a Custom shop instrument! Paste many many sticker over entire guitar fretboard also paste TOne is comfirm THICK THICK!
ciel21 said:
no need laminate laa paste sticker can liao.

got thread discuss the properties of stickers on guitar.

want more high use the metal flim sticker.

want a warmer tone paste many many sticker on same spot. no need worry abt peeling laminate. Steady!

want to make your cheap plywood guitar sound like a Custom shop instrument! Paste many many sticker over entire guitar fretboard also paste TOne is comfirm THICK THICK!

handyplast how?Wooly tone ah.
Hmm ok I guess a photo flame can be differentiated if you angle the guitar.

Though a super thin laminate may enhance the look, I still feel it's a misleading enhancement and to write "maple top" as a description is as sneaky a marketing method as planet waves' true hard bypass tuner.

Still, if you like the look, and know what you're buying, I say go for it.
theblueark said:
Though a super thin laminate may enhance the look, I still feel it's a misleading enhancement and to write "maple top" as a description is as sneaky a marketing method as planet waves' true hard bypass tuner.

'maple top' can refer to both laminate or a substantial cap. people kinda equate this term to the latter, which is a convenient assumption.

same goes for 'floyd rose', it's taken to mean a floating vibrato bridge which need not necessarily be a floyd unit.

not trying to defend any guitar manufacturer here- they don't give me a free guitar by saying all these.
Yep I guess that's how big companies survive nowadays anyway.

And why there exists a boutique market.

Hmph just checked out my fav yamaha pacifica line and their higher end guitars are guilty of this marketing too I think. :(
ciel21 said:
no need laminate laa paste sticker can liao.

got thread discuss the properties of stickers on guitar.

want more high use the metal flim sticker.

want a warmer tone paste many many sticker on same spot. no need worry abt peeling laminate. Steady!

want to make your cheap plywood guitar sound like a Custom shop instrument! Paste many many sticker over entire guitar fretboard also paste TOne is comfirm THICK THICK!

bin4christ said:
ciel21 said:
no need laminate laa paste sticker can liao.

got thread discuss the properties of stickers on guitar.

want more high use the metal flim sticker.

want a warmer tone paste many many sticker on same spot. no need worry abt peeling laminate. Steady!

want to make your cheap plywood guitar sound like a Custom shop instrument! Paste many many sticker over entire guitar fretboard also paste TOne is comfirm THICK THICK!



ok..... for the less informed no, its meant to be a joke in case it din get to you....
hmm. i am confused. u mean those so called 'maple top' on the guitar manucfuature's spec actually is simply just a maple laminate ?
i know laminate is a thin layer of vernner to enhance look. so is a real maple top really a thicker piece of maple layered on top? means we only get these on expensive Gibson LP and PRS ?