G.A.S Remedy


New member
Finally after weeks of consideration, I finally decide to get the Zoom G9.2tt!!

Plus after playin ampless for 5 yrs, I thought I treat myself to a new amp as well.. A 40w, 1x12" Smarvo amp.. Value for money I must say..

Its gonna a be hellish days for my neighbours now.. :twisted:
Yeah.. Been pluggin it straight into my sound card and playin through my PC speakers for yrs now..
Hi Bro Cavett Hows this Zoom G9.2tt . compare to PODXT live and AX3000 G when use to play classical rock ? U compare them before ? Very tempted to get one during the sale period.
stratopedia said:
Care to tell me more about it?

Well its made in china.. From the same factory that assembles the cheapo range of Marshalls.. For the money that I paid for a 12" amp, its sure was value for money... The cleans are great and it compliments my pedals very very nicely.. Drive wise I did not really like it too much IMO, but it will surely suffice others... Plus its really LOUD... :twisted:
devilman said:
Hi Bro Cavett Hows this Zoom G9.2tt . compare to PODXT live and AX3000 G when use to play classical rock ? U compare them before ? Very tempted to get one during the sale period.

I was in the same dilemna as u when I wanted to decide which multi-efx to upgrade to.. Though its only like 2 days that I played around with this unit, personally I'm very very satisfied with what I got. VAST improvement from my previous GFX-8.

I would actually highly recommend u this multi-efx.. Dont be fool by the present settings as its quite weak in my opinion.. When I tested it at City Music, I was honestly dissapointed but I took a leap of faith and got one.. No regrets there cause once u figure it out and start tweaking, this baby can do alot of damage(in a gd way)... Plus the two tubes really do make a diff to the tone..

Compare it with the other two multi-efx that u mention, the XT Live can give the Zoom a run for its money but construction wise the Zoom wins both unit hands down.. The Korg unit seems abit sterile in my ears(thanks to the customer who was testing it while I was fiddlin with the Zoom). Plus they seem to be more interested in marketting that auto arpeggio efx that can be found in the Korg unit(which I find a bit kiddish though...)

Remember that tone is subjective so do go and test it out for yourself first yeah.. I'm happy with my current set-up that I have.. Maybe time to upgrade cables... :twisted:
Cavett said:
Plus after playin ampless for 5 yrs, I thought I treat myself to a new amp as well.. A 40w, 1x12" Smarvo amp.. Value for money I must say..

don't you think you've just opened a can of worm, instead of curing the GAS? :lol:
Hehe.. Quite true yeah...

To makes matter worst, got myself a new baby at Sweelee's 2nd year end sale..

RG1527.. Time to really unleash the foooorrryyyyyyyyy........

remedy for gas: take one teaspoon of milk of magnesia, 3 times a day. It should lower the acidity in your stomach and thereby eliminating the formation of gas...
muxis said:
dude! congrats for the new baby!(rg1527)

How much you got it for?got 50% discount eh?

Thanks man! Was just wanting to get some cables during the sale but somehow ended up gettin the axe... Yup it was on 50% discount.. It retailed at $1825 before discount...

Wasted they didnt have the Air Norton 7 in stock during the sale though.. :?
8O i hope i can make it for the next sale.

record some stuff with that bad@ss guitar and post it up. Would like to hear the Zoom working on the low end of the RG1527.

Are there any D-sonic 7 selling there?