whatever the situation is, we must not disclose personal info here without explicit consent. keep in mind that should there be complications, SOFT will get in trouble FIRST before the individual concerned.
whatever the situation is, we must not disclose personal info here without explicit consent. keep in mind that should there be complications, SOFT will get in trouble FIRST before the individual concerned.
what many consider personal info is actually in the public domain..
what many consider personal info is actually in the public domain..
Dude...aren't you Marxist's "best buddy" who also got into a rather similar spotlight recently? So how's your trip at planet Nippon? Bought many Gibsons lately?agree with may cause harrassment to the party that has his personal info on a public forum.and when the police tracks, i dont think we will be able to discuss abt anything here anymore
Haha! Can't blame those teenage male hormones in this forum!anyways the girl in my avatar pic is my wife-to-be. can ppl stop pming me if thats me in the pic or pm if "hi can we be friends?"