Soft Scammer Alert!

whatever the situation is, we must not disclose personal info here without explicit consent. keep in mind that should there be complications, SOFT will get in trouble FIRST before the individual concerned.
funny how people make such a big deal of posting "personal information" on a forum when it's relatively easy to find contact numbers,addresses and other info if you look for the right sources...
it is a big deal because it would entail legal matters. if you know where to look for them, then it's not something which involves consent.
agree with may cause harrassment to the party that has his personal info on a public forum.and when the police tracks, i dont think we will be able to discuss abt anything here anymore
i'm the other unlucky guy who got scammed. kindly pm me for any details/updates, i swear i'll make him pay for this. thks!
lets not make this [or accidentally make this] a legal battle of any kind.

if really wanna dicuss, can but outside this forum.

Subversion is right. We gotta spare a thought for SOFT.
whatever the situation is, we must not disclose personal info here without explicit consent. keep in mind that should there be complications, SOFT will get in trouble FIRST before the individual concerned.

hey dude, yeah that's true. in any case, we suspect he's using a prepaid card... we just got to make sure he does not strike again.

anyway i've already removed the number on my own accord, sorry if i placed soft in a compromising position.
I only like quickdeals. No installments, no borrowing, no deposit, all the shit. Flat-out exchange of cash and item. Safer that way :mrgreen:. Though of course there are some who although seem to be distrustful, have good intentions. Alas, hard (almost impossible) to tell a person's character and trustworthiness over the internet.

Gotta count myself lucky I haven't had bad experiences dealing with SOFTies yet, but yeah I agree for the safest side, rely on PM. I don't advise posting of contact numbers online.
wow.. good move dude.. and thanks for letting us know about these people.. because ive never encounter such a thing before.. lol
dude i feel for you a potential consumer he's just being a prick. i guess at the end of the day it's still business and softies who are intending to sell their prized possessions for one reason or other should be more cutthroat and trust no corporate sharks.... :pit might not seem cool but at least it protects the seller's interests... because in cases like this the ball is in the buyers court. If you guys have hot items to sell then the power is in your hands...yeah, music and business don't really go hand in hand but as musicians (include hobbyist too) , the principles and integrity of music have to be upheld regardless of what kind of attitude you put up...thanks for sharing your story bro and i wish you guys all the best man....:cool:

RAWK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:
what many consider personal info is actually in the public domain..

So what is your point? That you SHOULD allow people to post his number here which could lead to him being harassed?

I re-iterate subversion's point, that availability does not equal consent to publish. You can download Radiohead's In Rainbows for free from their website but if you distribute it, that is piracy.

However you try to justify it, that argument would never stand in a court of law. We as moderators try our best to keep this place as free of trouble as we can. That includes the possibilities of libel. By allowing posters here to post threatening remarks and the OP is label him a "scammer", we're already treading thin ice. So don't try to be a smart ass and make us take down this whole thread.
just all the best for everyone here and hope u guys get this scum if any action is gonna be taken. just don let it get to u and do anything that places you in a bad situation which you regret later. Its still best to plan this out properly and if possible get this person out n talk to him if all else fails, with whatever proof you guys have, seek the right channels n authority for proper help n management of this whole issue.

besttest luck
anyways the girl in my avatar pic is my wife-to-be. can ppl stop pming me if thats me in the pic or pm if "hi can we be friends?"

search my posts. ppl call me bro here lah. sorry if this is the wrong place to post this haha
to these ppl, either get a life or get a gf.
agree with may cause harrassment to the party that has his personal info on a public forum.and when the police tracks, i dont think we will be able to discuss abt anything here anymore
Dude...aren't you Marxist's "best buddy" who also got into a rather similar spotlight recently? So how's your trip at planet Nippon? Bought many Gibsons lately?
not good buddy.just a 1 elitist you think theres another planet called nippon?i though theres only 8 now.since when theres such a planet?did you not complete primary school education?