Stupid Things You Did as a Beginner - For Retiring Beginners


New member
Hi Everyone...

I was wondering if you mind sharing some of the stupid things you did as a beginner...

Here is my story:-

I was loitering around Viva jam studio hoping to buy my second guitar, an electric many years back. Saw some nice pieces (as if I can tell the difference then) but didn't have the guts to actually ask. Then came along a Rocker in denim jacket and tight jeans asking me (I thought I saw him exit the studio earlier... hmm ya.. was oogling at the guitars for over an hour, maybe more).

(translated into English, ori in Malay)

So he asked me: Hey Mat, you want to buy a guitar?

My reply: Yes, something like that..

So he asked me: You want to buy my guitar?

My reply: You got a guitar to sell?

So he said: Come here take a look.

So we went to a couple of shops away and he opened a box (now I know this box is called a hardcase) and showed me this metallic bluish grey guitar with a pointed Head (i.e. kepala tajam). I was so excited because this guitar has ... guess what... A Pointed Head (ok.. now I know it is called the headstock).

So apa lagi, I said: If you sell cheap I buy.

So he said: tiga setengah (three and a half) - this part i understand what he meant lah... $350.

My reply: alamak, not enough money lah!

He asked: How much you got?

My reply: (after calculating my pocket money to set aside for the week) $240.

He said: $240 only? This is a very expensive guitar. Surely you will like the guitar.

My reply: You sure this is expensive? But I think a must be a bit more expensive than the guitar I have now (which happens to be an Aria Pro II JS series)... because got Gear!! (Now I know this is called a Floyd Rose Trem)... But seriously I got only $240. Can lah! Sell me the guitar!

He said: Ok settle lah. You push me that $240 (just doesn't sound right).

So I passed him the cash and he said: Ok This is now yours, Good Luck!

I was so happy that I didn't even see him go off.

--- So where is the stupid part? ---

---Here it comes---

So now I have a guitar with a Gear!! and Pointed Head!! in a freaking heavy 'box'... I thought who would want to bring a guitar around in a 'box'? ... So I did the best thing I thought anyone would do... I removed the guitar from the 'box' and all that is in it... The Gear stick!! and Cable!!


I dumped the 'box' one side...

Walked into Viva holding the guitar by the joint (with head pointing downwards to the ground) and asked for the cheapest bag they sell. They passed me a Brown guitar bag (Classic!! I still keep it till this day, just the bag I mean) and asked for $15. I had $12 left, so I bargained lah! ok I got to buy it at $12.

Baik Ah! I now have guitar with Gear!! and Pointed Head!! and Brown Bag!! (Classic!!).. Happy like #$@!

I page my friend ask to meet (last time no handphone yet.. Pager also my current handphone size) and learnt that I got myself a ...

KRAMER STRIKER!! (Ok what the hell... I don't even know if it is a good thing) but I think it must be a good guitar because my friends say so... Duh!!

But... That is not All.

I didn't like the shape of the body (because not pointed). So I went to my school workshop, borrowed a hacksaw ( I was in Technical School)... and guess what?

I saw off part of the two horns 45 degree, and saw off some other parts and transform it into what looks like warlock!! (I haven't seen a warlock guitar then but I just want to make the guitar pointed). Tada!!

So I have a Kramer Striker with Gear!! (I learnt Later it was a Germany Made FR) and Pointed Head and now with a body all pointed!!

Next... I sanded down the head and sprayed the head and body yellow + Blue (because that was the two available colours on the shelf at the workshop).

I used the guitar for a while until I got myself an Ovation Celebrity electric guitar (that is another story) and dismantled the beast that I had created.

How about that :twisted:? Awesome right?

Well, it was for me, until I learnt some time later that 1) the Box that I threw away was actually a hardcase, 2) Kramer guitar Company has shut down so making the guitar (if it had stayed original) a rare piece.

Well, that was my episode of stupidity as a beginner and also the beginning of my tinkering days.

Finally, last year I finally got the guitar reconstructed with a replacement Original Kramer used body. Not exact like the original as the headstock remains without logo and the body I got was black.

That is all folks!
hehe, viva eh, that was long time ago. My first jamming session with friends was there.

anyway, as a beginner, i wanna something that do sustain long long, i went home with a delay. Oh well, its was way more fun then any pedals which i gotten after that.
Well.........during my times when I was gigging as a beginner, I always scooped my mids for all songs.

Yes, even ballads.
He said: Ok settle lah. You push me that $240 (just doesn't sound right).

- :p:p:p I totally relate to that, I got that a couple of times 'brudder'.
viva is at bt panjang/upper bt timah there or the older one at hill st or bt timah forgot*

used to jam there when i was like in my teens in sec school! hahaha before i move to TNT coz near my school ;p
Lol cool story.. The mat rock who sold you how come so willing to sell at such a cheap price, I wonder. Even back then a Kramer 2nd hand for 240 was an awesome deal.
Lol cool story.. The mat rock who sold you how come so willing to sell at such a cheap price, I wonder. Even back then a Kramer 2nd hand for 240 was an awesome deal.
last time mat rock not like mat rock now. last time mat rock smoke a lot of ganja and other elicit substance to get the feel ;p

$240 that time was a big deal for a student like me brudder!! Nasi Lemak only 60cents, feeder service 20cents... or was it 25cents??... hmm doesn't matter cos can share bus stamp :p

Anyway, I think the guy was desperate for money... or maybe the guitar wasn't his in the first place... I won't know
I haven't got a chance to try a recent production... but my opinion is that in general, production quality was better then somewhat. Also, I had the slightest idea of the make of a guitar then. Heck, not even the brand. I saw off all my first 3 guitars (Aria Pro II, Kramer Striker, Ovation Celebrity solidbody Electric) into weird shapes beyond recognition. My goal, Pointed Guitar!!! no rounded corners!!

I had an Ibanez EX series (Gold Print, pre RG) and Aria Pro II and an 80s Squier, all were among the cheaper guitars then, when compared to similar models today, I can vouch that at least the cut and finishing were much better.

Example, the pickup and electronics cavity were neat without those jagged wood splints. Even the neck joint were smooth. Tone wise, I can't say much because I was a young wannabe then with a DIY pedal board of 6 pedals, Turbo Distortion, EQ, Flanger, Octave, Chorus, DD but then don't know how to control the amp, everything high gain. When humming like crazy thought pickups problem, so go and change pickups. Duh!
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I can only imagine the @#*!!^3%4*!@@#! that will be thrown for the stupidity. Luckily I never did get to know the guy in person. hehehe (Not sure if he surfs this forum and find this story familiar).