FUZZ! and whuzz and duzz


New member
Hey people,

Any recommendations for fuzz? I'm looking into page, hendrix, cream, rolling stones type of fuzz... And i have no experience with them at all. Been with overdrives and distortions all my guitar life.

If u look into the schematics of a fuzz pedal. U'll realise that its a damn simple circuit but people are paying shit loads of money for them!!!
cool... wow i didnt know there were so many fuzz around in the market. Previously i'm so oblivious to them. Like the word 'fuzz' just scares me away.

I read about the seymour duncan tweak fuzz. Gotta try that one..
Duncan's Tweak fuzz is a no-frills good fuzz unit. unlike the LBM, the EQ settings are preset, so it's not as dynamic. however, what the Tweak Fuzz has in store are all acceptable tones.

i'm not a fuzz fan but these 2 pedals got me interested.
Hello Evan,

Cool. Well, the Screw Driver is really the one for those late 60's
early 70's Page and Clapton and cleanish Hendrix styles. You can turn
the gain all the way up and the sharpness all the way down to get a
fuzzy tone. The Screw Driver isn't what I would call a true fuzz,
however; it's an overdrive based on the fuzzface circuit. If you want
the earlier fuzzy sustaining Hendrix tones, you'll want an Analog Man
Sunface, or for the Band of Gypsys tone, something in a silicon
fuzzface like a silicon Fuzzfoot by Foxrox. For the early Page tones,
a ToneBender MkII would be the fuzz to get. (Lots of people make Tone
Bender clones, like an inexpensive version would be the Yardbox by
Prescription Electronics.)

But you can really cop the cleaner Hendrix, Clapton, and Page tones,
especially the live Led Zeppelin stuff, with a Screw Driver.

My Mayo and ? Lady pedals are based on the Big Muff circuit, which is
a more extreme fuzz with a fat, wooly sound like Montrose and Fripp
and Corgan. Great fuzz, but generally not associated with the Page,
Hendrix, and Clapton styles.

My Top Fuel is a modified Big Muff circuit with an articulate bite and
a midrange hump with an overall modern tone, rather than the vintage
style fuzzy sound my other Big Muff copies have.

Best regards,


Saturday, September 16, 2006, 8:32:45 PM, you wrote:

Good day!

I'm currently into page, hendrix, cream types of style. The fuzz sounds
which i'm unable to achieve with my overdrives or distortion pedals.

Anyway to cut the long story short. I'm interested to explore into the
territory of fuzz and looking and upon hearing your pedals online, i'm very
impressed. I've personally heard a screwdriver from a friend. However when i entered your site, i got really confused.
Which pedal is the right one for me?

Please advice.


Evan from Singapore.

This is a reply from Marc from skreddy
hullabalooeeks said:
If u look into the schematics of a fuzz pedal. U'll realise that its a damn simple circuit but people are paying shit loads of money for them!!!

Haha you're right about that. That includes the distortion pedals as well. Some believe there's mojo in the vintage ones especially when its been left around for ages, which is about the same time electronics start to get a bit less reliable. Who knows, maybe it does sound better. Some of the boutique pedals are similar designs to these too...

If you ask me, get a modern day stock, mod the hell out it or get someone to help and you'll probably get closer to the sound you want for fuzz. Otherwise a FF will do. :lol:
I've seen them around in UK stores, not sure who brings in in Sg. You might want to call SL to ask if they can bring in la since they carry dunlop. Quite ex for a stock.

I'm sure there are other alternatives? I don't play around with fuzz very much, so can't recommend anything special except common ones like Big Muff and FF.
Wat type of fuzz u looking for? Wolly smooth fat type of fuzz, or buzzy chainsaw like, or just noise making like ur amp is gg to explode type of fuzz???

Try Zvex???
Go to Guitar77, they have some nice boutique fuzzes.

Fuzzes are simple circuits, so every component counts towards the final sound, towards the final feel.

If you wanna get an awesome fuzz fuzz, go boutique or at least go with a company that will spend the time and effort to match parts.

Skreddy Screwdriver lah. What are you waiting for?
a classic fuzz face circuit may look so simple but this is the case of a classic circuit where the value and type components really counts.

its soooo easy to phuck a fuzz circuit and so difficult to get one to work to how you want it to be.

unless if you have enough practical experience with building fuzz faces, its best not to dismiss that simple circuit. a lot of hair pulling i tell ya...
just wondering... edwin u make them too?? haha.

Errr.. to those asking what fuzz i want cant u read where i'm coming from??!! I'm leaning towards the classic side.
lolz i had no clue you were on thsi forum...hey Marc
Sid here....really really loving ths Screwdriver...the pregain and brilliance trims are just amazing.....

hulla:me and dan are gonna meet up prolly tomm or day after and test out our screwdrivers to see the differences between the two versions....u are welcome to join us :lol:
hullabalooeeks said:
just wondering... edwin u make them too?? haha.

Goose's Big Muff and Face Face clones are rocking too. Very very practical and usable designs. Designed for live playing too. Check him out.
hullabalooeeks said:
Arbiter Dallas Fuzz Face?

Where can u get them now?


hullabalooeeks said:
just wondering... edwin u make them too?? haha.

Errr.. to those asking what fuzz i want cant u read where i'm coming from??!! I'm leaning towards the classic side.

I was halfway developing one with a feedback loop noise maker... but its more of a crunchy fuzz than a classic fuzz. That pedal is still a work in progress. May totally revamp it to another.

If you're curious I can pass you the prototype of the crunchy fuzz and see if its your kinda thangg... but do note its not a finished product yet.

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