FUZZ Addicts, over here!

I didn't use the Bugera. I used the Rockerverb with volume maxed and gain at 10 o clock. I used very little gain, and my pickups are very low output as well. Was trying to go for that power amp breakup thing. Used my Lumpy's Heartbreaker treble booster to push it into further overdrive. Funny thing I was the only one who left the room without ringing in my ears. The Orange wasn't my thing though..

I'm looking forward to the Pigdog, his reputation for building vintage fuzzes seem to be way up there with the other gods. I admit, I REALLY do miss playing with fuzz, especially the MKII, it has to be my favourite fuzz of all time. I might order a MKI from him in the future as well. I mean, shit.. His stuff is seriously impressive..
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Yeah, his stuff really has quality written all over it.. Demos sound impressive too but fuzz on youtube is not accurate at all haha.

Ah, I thought Darrell said you used the bugera. Must have heard wrong. Damn, when I jam there I use the the same amount of gain but with the vol at 10-12 o clock. Must have been freaking loud, I don't know how you didn't get ringing ears haha.
That's why reputation and a certain amount of trust is needed when splurging such sums of money.

http://youtu.be/PrtMi5kDHfU Check this, there's very little difference, and I prefer the Pigdog because it's not as raspy as the DAM. And this is the MKII sound I seriously dig. Vocal, midrange heavy and thick. The Lumpy's MKII you have now is also somewhere in that ballpark.

I didn't know I was that loud because I was leaning against the wall and away from where the amp was facing. O well..
Nice clip. Exactly what you described, its gritty and isn't too buzzy also..

Ohh I see, no wonder. That means Darrell had to be standing in front of your amp and getting the full force of a cranked orange haha.
Thats a whole lotta droolsome mojo there.

Sigh lumpy oh lumpy.. why didst thou forsake me.

Duddie.. when u get ur MKii do try and do a recording, always wanted a MKii.. but lumpy oh lumpy thou didst forsake me..
I have a recording of my old Lumpy's MKII which now belongs to ck. Check out Beck's Bolero in my Soundclick page.

Well, I feel bad for you in the sense that I forsook him for this. Hahahhaa
It sounds incredible! It's a huge sounding, singing and vocal fuzz. Compared to my previous MKII this one has less gain, and is raspier, but equally quiet. I can't really describe right now how great it sounds because I really got lost in my playing, and I really really do miss playing a MKII.
I own CK's Lumpy now, and its awesome, except for the part it won't play nice with my DMM. or the fact that it wont accept buffered pedals in front of it, almost bought a Phase 45 for some psuedo vibe.. Then again, im waiting for a Black Analogman Astrotone!
Gotta accept the fact that these vintage type fuzzes will not accept buffered pedals in front. Why won't it work with your DMM? I own one as well and it's all good. You could have gotten the Phase 45 modded by Analogman for an LED and true bypass. My Phase 90 is in front of my Tonebender and since it's true bypass it doesn't screw around with anything.
Sweet. The reason I let the lumpy's go was because I wanted something more extreme ( but not fuzz factory-like), still haven't found it tho haha.. Actually I prefer a buffered pedal before the MKII.

Ad, how does it not play well with the DMM? Haven't had experience with DMMs so I'm new to this. Btw your vibe is great, might not let it go afterall haha.
I told you your gonna find that sweet spot with the mojo vibe. Kinda miss it though. But i still am looking for something subtler. I dont know whats up with my DMM and tonebenders in my chain. Before the Lumpy, i had the original MKIII Soulbender from Fulltone. That and the lumpy "thins out" when the DMM is engaged. But ive remedied that by putting my Tim in between. But in any case the astrotone is gonna do my lead work, which includes heavy use of the echo, and the lumpy more for 2nd lead/dirtiest rhythm. Also im using batteries on every pedal except my DMM

Dudelove, hows the phase 90 treating you? Isit vibe-ish ard 12.30 to 1 o clock on the speed knob? Does it have a volume drop?
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Yup. Vibe-ish at slightly over 12 o clock. I can use that setting for Trower like tones. No volume drop issues at all. My favourite modulation.
Yeah, I traded cos I thought it was gona be easier to sell but ended up liking it.. Still have to spend more time playing it tho. I see, didn't have that problem with other pedals before.
Yeah i think it has something yo do with the DMM -.-, but i am NEVER selling it. In SG, its hard to sell fuzz, most people here or more to distortion, but i wouldnt mind if they were into Rats, but instead... Well you know what i mean.Dudelove which version of the phase 90? I want to try out.

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