FUZZ Addicts, over here!

Hahaha I'll try, it sounds great with the carbon batt tho.. I'm trying to use it with my PSU as often as possible now, only with batt when I jam cos the 1 spot can't power it.

Since this is a fuzz thread.. I've been really into the bonamassa fuzz face tone so my fuzz face gas is back! haha. Any idea which fuzz face can get that tone without the 200USD price tag? Not really willing to pay that amount for a 2 knob fuzz face that takes up that amount of space..
Haha I already have one.. Doesn't really get there but I'm still trying to tweak it. Not as smooth and fat as his tone but its mainly my strat la, can't get the LP tone. Plus I think his fuzz face is stacked into a marshall type amp compared to the screwdriver which is a fuzz face boosted by a single transistor boost.
Trick to a fuzz face is an overdriven amp. Not so practical for us in SG though. If you want a good, reliable fuzz face try the MJM London Fuzz. Or since you SMS me the other day, a fuzz face AND treble boost in one (ala Sunface) would be the Soulsonicfx Shizzle Fuzz!
Yeah, hard to get a good overdriven tone from amps esp if I wana crank the power tubes more. I'll try tweaking the skrewball more and maybe stack it with my dirts/ beano if that doesn't work I'll seriously consider the shizzle. ( Btw, I think you meant sunlion)
Right now, I can get in the general ballpark but theres still something missing haha.
Yeah you're right sunlion! Lol my bad.
Power tubes? Perhaps a good attenuator would do the trick. I've brought my head to the studio before just to crank it hahaha.
Yeah an attenuator would do the job. Haha nice, bet the amp's tone opened up a lot when you cranked it. Maybe I just need a LP with the skrewball, that would cost more than the sunlion tho haha..
Hey fuzz addicts, as i am pretty disconnected from fuzzes, would you guys have any recommendation for a fuzz that works well with bass and electric guitar? need something tight and chunky. but dynamic as well. (not just an all-out-mayhem-one-trick pony). Im guessing such fuzzes do exist, let me know!
Thats a hard one man. Tight and chunky seems to describe a muff but its not dynamic like a fuzz face.. Seems like you're describing a distortion like the 7th but with a fuzzy character haha.

The first thing that came to my mind is a monsterpiece 2 headed monster with a muff on 1 side and something like a fuzz face on the other. A PTD fuzz might do it but I haven't tried one so I say much about em.
actually i own a seventheaven but i've never tried it with bass... was thinking i'd never reach fuzz territory like that... hmmm
Yeah, its pretty hard to find a fuzz like what you described. Hope someone else knows a fuzz that does what you want..
Ordered one of these bitches


Sweet! How long till its here?

Wait time is a mere 2 to 3 weeks. I caught the wave at just the right time he's just building a new batch right now. Pity, I'll be in camp by the time it's ready. At least I have something to look forward to when I book out.
Haha at least the wait time isn't as long as some of the other stuff you were considering. Btw, heard about your deafening jam at with darrell.. You used more gain on the bugera than my friend who plays metal haha.