Foreign Workers


New member
I know, I know.. this may sound like old, stale porridge but I just watched Crimewatch just now and I noticed the latest propaganda now seems to be getting us Singkies to accept foreign workers more gracefully.

And foreign workers now seem to only consist of Bangladeshis (whom I notice speak much better Engrish than the garden variety Hokkien peng), Indians and Sri Lankans.

The same future criminals that a 1000 plus Serangoon Gardens fought tooth and nail to get out of their manicured lawns. Maybe somebody should recruit a bomoh, a tangkee and a priest and set up a crime foretelling/preventing facility like in Minority Report. :mrgreen:

And the funniest thing is that I heard from someone that the dorm was actually intended to house migrant workers from China, and maybe the Philippines. And indeed the government announced that it is meant for workers from the service and manufacturing (is this correct?) sectors, and not the construction sector.

And all the while everybody's panicking that dark-skinned construction workers will impregnate their horny maids and make them lose their S$5k deposits.

Well, like it or not the next wave of migrant workers will be coming in droves, especially with the IRs up next year.

Say, how many of us Singaporeans do you think are xenophobic?
Well, I grew up on Serangoon Road aka Little India. The only trouble that I experienced were from the Chinese gangsters around the area ( my shophouse is nest to a bar) . This was in the 70s.

Love the fresh cow milk and curry food.
Actually, I love taking the occasional walk around Little India.

The nooks and crannies are quirky and have a lot of character and charm, I think.

I dreaded to think that the government was trying to do up Little India and make it all modernised.

i understand some of the concerns of those Singaporeans who are against all that, but in my view its just a display of such a closed mindset. What they dont realise is that they're all still human just like us, and in this time and age, to set distinct identities and judge another stereotypically is just so sad. So some of them want some companion, or dont exactly stay indoors after dark, isnt it the same for us singaporeans.

worse thing is, almost all instances of concern over 'foreigners' is only those of darker skin tone or the construction workers. no one gives a hoot if they're rich and playing around with girls night after night at clubs. i dont wanna get down into naming groups, coz then i'm no better than those who set prejudices. i'm fine living where I am, which is also quite close to quite alot of dorms.

those residents in Serangoon have a valid point, but to rise up till such a point that it sorta creates this image that majority of Singaporeans are Xenophobic/Dark-skinned-foreigner-phobic, well its just disappointing.
Just to add one thing: This issue infringes on relatively sensitive social issues, so no spamming here guys? And tihnk before you type/speak/gah

Anyway, I don't know what's the fuss about the foreign workers. Fine, one must admit because they are not Singaporean locals may have a bias view towards them. But many of these foreign workers only have the sole aim of earning some money to support their families back in the motherland. Of whether the crime rate or pregnancy rate will increase is a bit irrelevent IMO. Singaporeans are also guilty of lying, cheating, stealing, raping, and all sorts of other crimes that foreign workers are also guilty of.

However, I also udnerstand the dilemna of those who are a bit afraid. It's always because of a few bad eggs that ruin the reputation of the foreign workers. Also, I guess it is human nature to accept people who are "more like us". This saying, Singaporean are not so accepting of foreign workers just because they are foreigners. This is actually typical human psychology. All Singaporeans will need to do is to be fair and willing to accept these workers and realise the fact that they are here to help us and make a living. Honestly, Singaporeans wouldn't want to do construction work. They should be thankful that there are other works who are willing to do work for them that they themselves are not willing to do
Hmmm I would think majority of our crimes are committed by Singaporeans ourselves... These workers may seem a little unrefined on the outside but I'm sure they still have a conscience and set of morals inside. The people living in Singapore before it was Singapore probably didn't like our migrant forefathers as well... But look where we are now!

It's like how the developed countries complain that China and India are releasing too much pollution, but the US themselves did so when they were developing. We complain against something that we once were... Oh aren't we humans quick to judge others huh...
Actually, my heart goes out to the brave foreign workers who have dared to take the plunge, probably have gone out of their villages and countries for the first time in their lives, just to get out of poverty and work really hard to support their poor families.

It takes a lot of courage and determination to do that.

And my heart sinks every time I see a newspaper report of them being treated like animals, caged up, without food, made to work without pay by unscrupulous manpower companies who are out to just make a quick buck out of cheating these poor men.

Some people are really evil to the core.


There is a real concern for those Serangoon Garden residents. Only if you are one of them, will you then understand. There will be social and financial consideration.

I now live near the Gurkha camp @ Mount Vernon. One thing I realise is the shops/kopi-shop all benefited from them. I dont think there are much crime when there are 2,000 super cop hanging around. ha..ha...

The sight of them jogging/training passionately also inspire the keep fit spirit in the neighborhood.
hehe i have a friend who lives in the gurkha camp. the situation there is that the houses around there love them too much, coz its extremely safe. the gurkha's are always around. haha. wow james, i'll come say hi then. I hang out around there alot.
LOL. The Commando camp should be nearer to the heartlands then. Then the people will REALLY be safe.

Yes, my heart also cries out for those who are treated like animals. Foreign workers are also human. They too deserve basic rights of having a proper accommodation. Even though it may be the BARE MINIMUM, at least its better than being in a cage
worse thing is, almost all instances of concern over 'foreigners' is only those of darker skin tone or the construction workers. no one gives a hoot if they're rich and playing around with girls night after night at clubs. i dont wanna get down into naming groups, coz then i'm no better than those who set prejudices.

Can't think who you mean there old boy......:D but I do agree and know what you are getting at.

I think if someone moves to another country to work and abides by the rules of that country then they should be left alone to get on with it. If you think about it, foreign workers have a lot more to lose by breaking the law, when you are a guest in a country it is all too easy to ship you right back out again if you don't.
for the sake of discussion and no intentions of baiting, flaming or so. Its the same thing which i ask myself and having no answer.

Ever wonder how will we, react(even though tolerance is what i believe in, for others, human, animals what so ever) when theres some love ones in the family, being hurt in any ways or us, being deprived of job opportunities due to foreign workers, be it skilled, unskilled or professionals?
If I may, xenophobia seems to adversely affect dark-skinned humans, probably because of the perception (of some of us) that dark equals inferiority, and white equals superiority.

I don't know how this will sound but somebody I know actually attributed the 'proud and generally defensive' nature of Indians (mostly the educated migrant workers from India, those IT professionals) to be some sort of a natural defense mechanism because they know what non-Indians (and some fair-skinned Indians) actually think of them.

Honestly, it's actually ingrained in some of us to equate a certain visual image with certain good or bad things, we've psychologically been programmed or exposed or 'educated' a certain way to behave like this or that.

It really doesn't help that it's clear the government doesn't really want foreign workers to actually, seamlessly integrate with us locals, the way the angmohs are left to their devices and perceived to be of higher value to society in general, just because they are, well, angmohs.

That's why of all the places in Singapore, dorms for construction workers are built right in front of a huge public cemetery, and there is still such a thing as a huge expat pay package.

for the sake of discussion and no intentions of baiting, flaming or so. Its the same thing which i ask myself and having no answer.

Ever wonder how will we, react(even though tolerance is what i believe in, for others, human, animals what so ever) when theres some love ones in the family, being hurt in any ways or us, being deprived of job opportunities due to foreign workers, be it skilled, unskilled or professionals?

The employer technically should not favor any candidate other than the best for the job, I said ''technically'' as we all know that this is not always the case. In this instance though do you blame the worker getting the job or the employer? I would say the employer, is it the worker's fault that they have applied for a job and got it because of who they are or because they will accept lower wages? No, I wouldn't say so.
I work with them. 3 nationalities some more. Burmese, Indian and Bangla.

Communication breakdown sometimes, but the ones that works with me... they're hardworking people with only one aim... make many many money, send many many money back home for their families to have a many many better life.

unfortunately agents are the scumbags here. Take deposits up to 8-10 months of their salary and make them work for FREE. Charges the company many many money for the workers and pay little money to their workers. All they do is sit around doing the paperwork, invoicing companies, getting permits done, getting medical checkups done and getting fat themselves.

And many companies still need contract workers cos they're not willing to pay a lot of minimum wages for S-passes, medical, extra headcount etc etc. Too many reasons to think about and therefore exists these agents.

Dog eat dog, I tells you many many but people... they listen little many.
this thread claims that singaporeans are xenophobic, and that discrimination based not only on nationality but on race is a major issue among singaporeans, assumed a link between foreigners and crime, and generalised the sentiment of the entire society, backed by one episode of Crimewatch and 'latest propaganda'.

i don't really buy all of that... maybe can explain abit further? it is very likely to upset alot of people
I now live near the Gurkha camp @ Mount Vernon. One thing I realise is the shops/kopi-shop all benefited from them. I dont think there are much crime when there are 2,000 super cop hanging around. ha..ha...

The sight of them jogging/training passionately also inspire the keep fit spirit in the neighborhood.

u stay near there meh? i stay beside them only... we ae neighbours ah?

abt the crime rate wif them around here... i would disagree wif u james. i lived here since i was born n i see many bad things happened. from locals to them, them to locals.
hehe i have a friend who lives in the gurkha camp. the situation there is that the houses around there love them too much, coz its extremely safe. the gurkha's are always around. haha. wow james, i'll come say hi then. I hang out around there alot.

What's a gurkha? Hahaha. It sounds cool.