Foreign Workers

I've lived with and had an assortment of bad experiences with migrant workers of all races, but still think it's cool with them being around.
I think under the circumstances they're in and how hard they had to work just gives me a better locus of understanding, but within limits lah. Sometimes I feel we simply directly influence each others' behaviours.

Plus it's not like the locals here are perfect either, so there's no reason to pinpoint anything really..
if wanna complain... I'd say the locals here "generally"

1) Likes to litter. BIG TIME.
2) Likes to argue about their so called "rights"
3) Inconsiderate. Its all about teh ME.
4) Likes to litter.
It's like how the developed countries complain that China and India are releasing too much pollution, but the US themselves did so when they were developing.

They still are, dude. The world's top pollutant in terms of greenhouse-gas emissions.

if wanna complain... I'd say the locals here "generally"

1) Likes to litter. BIG TIME.
2) Likes to argue about their so called "rights"
3) Inconsiderate. Its all about teh ME.
4) Likes to litter.

this thread claims that singaporeans are xenophobic, and that discrimination based not only on nationality but on race is a major issue among singaporeans, assumed a link between foreigners and crime, and generalised the sentiment of the entire society, backed by one episode of Crimewatch and 'latest propaganda'.

i don't really buy all of that... maybe can explain abit further? it is very likely to upset alot of people

Shinobi sama,

This thread is not 'backed by' Crimewatch or propaganda.

It just seems funny (weird funny, not haha funny) that the government tries to (or at least seems to try) seek the general Singaporean's understanding that we need these foreign workers however detestful they are perceived to be, or how alien their language, culture and practices seem to be. It is sad, that some of us seem to think that the universe revolves around Singapore.

The fact that there are foreign workers of a multitude of origins and skin colour, from China to Vietnam, from the Philippines to Sri Lanka, from Nepal to India, from Malaysia to Indonesia, from the United States to the Great Britain BUT all I see in the television programmes and newspaper articles are initiatives to somehow assure Singaporeans that their concerns and needs will be taken care of, and the face of the group of foreign workers in question always seem to be of an Indian of some sort.

It is ALWAYS a picture or a television interview or scene of dark-skinned and obviously Indian workers, either from India, Bangladesh or Sri Lanka. Almost never a Thai, a Chinese, an Indonesian or a Filipino.

It gives the average man an impression that these are the people everyone is wary of, the very people who are toiling day and night in the name of economic progression, but apparently resulting in collective degeneration of social graces of Singaporeans.

Why is that, I wonder?

Is there some reliable statistical studies that prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Indian foreign workers are much more likely to commit crimes like rape, armed robbery, snatch theft, gang violence and murder?

Well, this is what I personally feel, the vibe that I myself am having, that dark-skinned foreign workers represent the face of crime in this little city of ours.

Hell, I may be wrong, I may be over-sensitive but rest assured that I am not going out of my way to wonder about this out loud just because I am Indian.

In which case, I'm not.

Happy Deepavali anyways!!!

The issue about housing these foreign workers where are actually not an issue to me. Like many have said, they are human after all. Whether they are from China, Bangladesh, India, etc...

They are just here to earn a living. Crime happens everywhere in the world. Some of the reasons for that are unemployment, war, natural disaster, etc. If we have high unemployment rate for instance, I can guarantee that the crime rate will go high. Crimes are pickpockets, buglery, smoking unpaid duty fee cigarettes, road offence, unable to pay for utilities bill, etc. It is almost a crime for not having money here in Singapore if you see where it'll leads you to.

Talking about people who are afraid to have their maids getting hooked by some of these foreign workers are absolute absurd. Your maids are human too. They have feelings and desire. With or without your knowledge they will find that desire and fill up that empty space inside. Some are strictly here to earn. But let's be practical, they are not robots who have no feelings. You can only educate them to be out of trouble. But everyone chooses his or her destiny. No one has any right on anyone!

Everything is about money here. Money is important but not everything. Even free text book also want to take which are meant for the poor. We all know about these clearly about our fellow Singaporean. What have we become?
I might be considered 'xenophobic' but these people do not only conquer the blue collar sector but there are also a lot of them coming in to fight for the white collared jobs here.
I might be considered 'xenophobic' but these people do not only conquer the blue collar sector but there are also a lot of them coming in to fight for the white collared jobs here.
This has been going on for sometimes already. Blame the people who brought them in not them if you ask me. Hehehehe!!! Other countries, priority must be given to citizen first.

Thousands of graduates from local Universities, Polytechnics, ITE, each year just to end up to a job that is irrelevant to his or her trade or for some couldn't get the chance to be in as lack of experience. That's very sad, as foreign talent are more prioritized to their core of trades even though fresh graduates.

What's a gurkha? Hahaha. It sounds cool.

Gurkhas are trained soldiers from Nepal, commisioned by the President to guard key installations in Singapore. They wear police/CD-like uniforms, brown berets, and carry weapons like the M-16 and MP5.

How do i know so much? I used to work in close proximity with them, and wave and greet good morning to them everyday. And despite their tough outlook etc, they're really friendly ppl. :D
their numbers are starting to get bigger by the day.
its good to have this people but too much might cause a slight concern.
I might be considered 'xenophobic' but these people do not only conquer the blue collar sector but there are also a lot of them coming in to fight for the white collared jobs here.

On the surface, it seems that way to me too BUT I have heard of many true accounts of local SMEs trying to recruit staff for their respective establishments, and you know what's the average percentage of Singaporeans calling to apply?

A whopping 1 percent.

YES! It seems some Singaporeans think they are too good for certain vocations and careers.

It doesn't help businesses too because some MOM policies dictate that the minimum salary for an S-pass holder is supposed to like 30% more than what is supposed to be paid to a Singapore citizen.

I know, Singaporeans are ambitious - they want to do something that earn them big bucks, are glamorous and looked upon as prestigious. So, that's why there are still many people complaining that the Singapore service industry has much to improve on. Only because most of the Singaporeans just treat these jobs in the service industry as transitional.

Which is understandable, I think.

Who in the right mind, given the choice and equipped with the education, would want to earn a minimum wage waiting at tables all their lives right?

Singapore doesn't have a tipping culture that promises a lucrative career, like in the US, where service staff in the top restaurant establishments are regarded very highly, and are respected for their very high service quality and product knowledge.

It still startles me to learn that some opportunistic companies pay only like S$12 a day to construction workers. Even if they are putting up in dorms or whatever, they still have to pay for necessities in Singapore dollars leh. And inflation is like crazy now.
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I have to agree with Hecklerkoch at some points. It is true that foreigners are paid 30% more than Singaporean for the same vocation. That's what called 'foreign talent' even though just graduated. Which at some point looked as if our local tertiary education standard is 'lower' than our foreign counterpart? Can't comment on that as I didn't graduate here.

Yes, I have to agree that Singaporean will not work as a cleaner if he or she has a diploma or degree. But, here's an account about my experience. I worked in Indonesia for sometimes. After finishing my contract, I decided to come back to Singapore. The job market wasn't doing well though during that time. So I registered myself with CDC with many Singaporeans alike. Resume and copies of certificates was given to the officers. After about a month in Singapore(unemployed), I got a call to say that a job is waiting for me. I went to the office, yes I've got a job offer as a cleaner. In my heart, these people never see my CV and certificates or what? Well, to me everything is a challenge! I take up the job and worked for a month after my employer cheats all the workers money. I then, see how hardship is like for unfortunate Singaporeans.

My wife was furious at me for taking that lowly paid job in the first place. I told myself I wanna do some 'nonsence' job and get the feel of it. I tried digging graves the times when they have Bidadari cemetaries dug up. I am proud to say I was part of that. Hehehehe!! Tried doing Karang guni! Got alot of rivals from locals, foreigners, bangla's...etc. Hehehe!! Finally I tell myself, that's enough and went abroad again.(Played music also nitely at some pub joints before going abroad while doing all that nonsence.)

And now, I'm back again in Singapore only worked for 3 years I think. Still accepingt 73% pay cut from my previous work career but I'm kinda contented. Money is important but not everything.

So tell me comrades...any Diploma and Degree holders felt as if their certificates worth nothing? Don't be dispair, the world is huge....Go no limit!!
