fitness and softies

Lots of cardio training for me. I run 5 times a week, which includes one interval run, one long run, one tempo run and 2 easy/recovery runs. I also add some weight and strength workouts at least trice a week. I find that it kinda improved my running a little.

I'm training for the Standard Chartered Run on 2 december.. Going for the 21.1km half marathon this time. I'm still deciding whether or not to sign up for the New Balance Real Run on 28 October. But no money leh.. haha
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i walk from my TV to my fridge and back and weight lift my snacks & drinks
yup on a calorie restricted diet also... low carb high protein... no fats , sugar, salt and oil... Doing a mix of high intensity interval training and circuits in the gym... cardio here and there.. Used to do bodybuilding, now kinda need to getback in shape...
As a drummer, I actually took up bodybuilding...

Not very consistent though. I also took up bodybuilding to make up for my short stature...
Lots of cardio training for me. I run 5 times a week, which includes one interval run, one long run, one tempo run and 2 easy/recovery runs. I also add some weight and strength workouts at least trice a week. I find that it kinda improved my running a little.

I'm training for the Standard Chartered Run on 2 december.. Going for the 21.1km half marathon this time. I'm still deciding whether or not to sign up for the New Balance Real Run on 28 October. But no money leh.. haha

i signed up for the real run but i'm terribly unprepared! i need to squeeze in training time, once i can tear myself away from the fantastic guitar the thread-starter has sold me, that is.
I do Muay Thai. On days when I don't have time to scurry all the way down to the gym I alternate between doing 1 long run and 1 cardio run. Don't do a whole hell of a lot of resistance training because I'm tired enough as it is between the 2 hour sessions and runs.

For some reason I am still pudgy. Bad genes I guess. Or maybe it could be because I don't really bother about what I eat. Abit hard when your workload keeps you on your ass for most the year. )=
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i've been extremely inspired by the current rugby world cup, how heavily built men can be so athletic and have so much pace. i'm gonna start doing some serious weights after hari raya
i signed up for the real run but i'm terribly unprepared! i need to squeeze in training time, once i can tear myself away from the fantastic guitar the thread-starter has sold me, that is.

You going for the 10k or 15k? Too late to train already lah bro. It's only like two weeks away.
Just treat it as a fun run if you're not properly trained. Better not risk the fragile heart. haha.

I'm only 50% certain that I'll sign up for it. It's not everyday that you can run on an aircraft runway!!
im gonna start some high-cad cycling for cardio and toning, and some upper body resistance training.

i dont want to bulk up to the point of looking clumsy.
used to exercise real hard every saturday and sunday.

but since i finished sec school 3 years ago, i've stopped. want to start again but i'm terribly lazy. =/

the only exercise i get is from walking up the hill to my block in school (those in SP will know.) =(
do you run before or after doing weights?

bro..its good to do lower body workout before moving on to upper body...cos it will release a great amount of testerones..

and oh..if ur lookin to burn fat..drink water at least 10 mins before workout to kick start metabolism..