i beg to differ, my friend..
u said a form of expression? a form of expression to express what? hardcore? u represent hardcore by flailing ur arms ard people? and i tot hardcore was more abt unity? then it becomes some kind of an elite thing going on when these hardcore dancers, if i would call it, build a pit of their own in the centre..
unity for only likeminded people? just my point of view.. cheers! =)
Yes! I said form of expression
A form of emotional expression. (Please do note that expression and representation are two different words to me)
Hardcore dancing is more than just flailing your arms. It takes skill to balance while doing such forceful movements. And not all hardcore dancers are brutal, there are many old school 2-steppers out there.
As i've said, dance can mean alot of things, and in this case, during a breakdown of a hardcore/metalcore song, I guess it expresses rage and angst. And of course you interpret the music and move along with the rhythm in dance right?
You also said that hardcore music is about unity. I'd like to think of hardcore as simply a genre as there are too many bands singing about too many different things with too many different views and its up to you to choose your views, beliefs and idealogies.
sXe, unity, politics, racism, personal struggles, personal freedom, slavery, veganism... Not forgetting christian hardcore which is gaining popularity.
You also said about hardcore dancers being elitist, but I don't think the word elitist can be applied in such a context. But anyways, its the same for dancers everywhere, like in clubs, people open up the space and everyone can have a go to 'perform' in the space or 'pit'. People who wanna hardcore dance can go into the 'pit' while people who just wanna watch the band play ... errr ... just watch the band play?
One more thing.. "unity for only like-minded people?". I don't really know how to explain this, but its like saying 'air only for breathing' or something like that. Unity is when a group of people with similiar idealogies come together. What you are pushing for is 'acceptance' not unity.
Unity is defined as : The state or quality of being one; singleness.
So yeah, unity is only for like-minded people.
I guess what i'm trying to say is, I respect and understand your opinion that hardcore dancing is stupid. I have friends who think that hardcore dancing is stupid too. I stand neutral.
And I am truly sorry if I offend you because I think being an elitist is telling someone else what this and that genre should sound like or how people should dress/act/think and whatnot. Kinda like a know-it-all.
Whatever it is, hardcore dancing is and always will be a staple of every hardcore scene, more so in the brutal metal-inclined scenes.
P.S woah thats a pretty long post man..! :/