Fights during moshing?


New member
what's with people nowadays eh?
they dont seem to enjoy moshing like 1 big family.
childish people, 'you hit me, i hit you back la'
they're ruining all the fun at gigs and whatnot.
your views?
yea i've once seen a drunk guy walk into a moshpit and walk out alive.

and these 'moshers', some mosh for the sake of moshing. not for the music.
i think moshing is fun... body surfing too! once we bodied surf our friend at a christian gig.... lol everyone was shocked but hey we enjoyed it! so i am sure My God enjoyed that too!

yea but havent in one like TS says i hit u, u hit me sounds like primary school stuff with loads of giggles haha
two different groups of juve deliquents moshing together will spark this kinds of primary school things.
i've seen it before.
moshing should be fun even though it's brutal.
not having fights in it though.
Another perspective, its kinda hard not be get angry when someone just literally did a kung fu kick to you in the mosh pit.
Go and skank more fun.. Hahaha..
Don't like em kids who wear spiked stuffs.. Pain siah!
They provoke a lot also, like punch you in the head for no reason..
Moshing is moshing.
Some people hardcore dance in the pit while everyone is moshing. (what the fish)

Its all crazy but I guess if you wanna mosh, be prepared to get hit, only pussies hit back.

But crowdkillers are a whole different story. They're seldom around but when you see them get the f*ck outta there bro!

Also if you see many kids with emo hairstyle its pretty wise to stay out too, cause they attract crowdkillers. No offence to people with emo hairstyles.

So unless you wanna die or have alot of faith in your spinning roundhouse kick..
When you see emo kids = RUN!

Its hard to identify crowdkillers. Some things to look out for are bandanas and camo 3/4 pants. You should run too if you see a huge skinhead mat wearing a leather jacket, just in case.

This post is 50% serious 50% joke.
To each his own.
It is afterall still considered a style of dance. A form of expression. Hardcore dancing is a big part of hardcore.

I've seen some people who look like idiots while doing it. (think random flailing arms)
But I've also seen some do it with alot of style, very asthetically pleasing (did I spell that right?)

Think of it as a dance with lots of martial arts influence that expresses rage. haha!
To each his own.
It is afterall still considered a style of dance. A form of expression. Hardcore dancing is a big part of hardcore.

I've seen some people who look like idiots while doing it. (think random flailing arms)
But I've also seen some do it with alot of style, very asthetically pleasing (did I spell that right?)

Think of it as a dance with lots of martial arts influence that expresses rage. haha!

i beg to differ, my friend..

u said a form of expression? a form of expression to express what? hardcore? u represent hardcore by flailing ur arms ard people? and i tot hardcore was more abt unity? then it becomes some kind of an elite thing going on when these hardcore dancers, if i would call it, build a pit of their own in the centre..

unity for only likeminded people? just my point of view.. cheers! =)
i beg to differ, my friend..

u said a form of expression? a form of expression to express what? hardcore? u represent hardcore by flailing ur arms ard people? and i tot hardcore was more abt unity? then it becomes some kind of an elite thing going on when these hardcore dancers, if i would call it, build a pit of their own in the centre..

unity for only likeminded people? just my point of view.. cheers! =)

Yes! I said form of expression :)
A form of emotional expression. (Please do note that expression and representation are two different words to me)

Hardcore dancing is more than just flailing your arms. It takes skill to balance while doing such forceful movements. And not all hardcore dancers are brutal, there are many old school 2-steppers out there.

As i've said, dance can mean alot of things, and in this case, during a breakdown of a hardcore/metalcore song, I guess it expresses rage and angst. And of course you interpret the music and move along with the rhythm in dance right?

You also said that hardcore music is about unity. I'd like to think of hardcore as simply a genre as there are too many bands singing about too many different things with too many different views and its up to you to choose your views, beliefs and idealogies.

sXe, unity, politics, racism, personal struggles, personal freedom, slavery, veganism... Not forgetting christian hardcore which is gaining popularity.

You also said about hardcore dancers being elitist, but I don't think the word elitist can be applied in such a context. But anyways, its the same for dancers everywhere, like in clubs, people open up the space and everyone can have a go to 'perform' in the space or 'pit'. People who wanna hardcore dance can go into the 'pit' while people who just wanna watch the band play ... errr ... just watch the band play?

One more thing.. "unity for only like-minded people?". I don't really know how to explain this, but its like saying 'air only for breathing' or something like that. Unity is when a group of people with similiar idealogies come together. What you are pushing for is 'acceptance' not unity.

Unity is defined as : The state or quality of being one; singleness.
So yeah, unity is only for like-minded people.

I guess what i'm trying to say is, I respect and understand your opinion that hardcore dancing is stupid. I have friends who think that hardcore dancing is stupid too. I stand neutral.

And I am truly sorry if I offend you because I think being an elitist is telling someone else what this and that genre should sound like or how people should dress/act/think and whatnot. Kinda like a know-it-all.

Whatever it is, hardcore dancing is and always will be a staple of every hardcore scene, more so in the brutal metal-inclined scenes.

P.S woah thats a pretty long post man..! :/
see emo kid for what run, join in the fun. beat the shit out of them! hahaha

The thing is, i'd rather stand at the side and see them do a spin kick, then they fall.. haha!

I dont hate emo kids ah :) but its funny how until now they still HAVE to wear the skinnies and kung fu.

once again, no offence to skinnies+kung fu enthusiasts. (my guitarist is one of them)

P.S I hope you're joking.. LOL.
see emo kid for what run, join in the fun. beat the shit out of them! hahaha

My favourite part of moshing is practising my kung fu kicks on the mat-emos and such. I mean, I get kind of sick of practising on dummys or people with pads.I want to see some reaction!!

If you don't kick the shit out of those emo kids, it's not called moshing!!

But seriously some of them are really asking for it.
i dont see why people shld get provoked when they get whacked in the moshpit, when you step inside, you should be prepared for those kinds of things..
those people only mosh for the sake of moshing..