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redname said:u miss out melvin wong & din for the local bassist.
The amount of good local bass players can grow to quite a long list... Mhd Nor & Colin Yong are the other two that come to my mind...
redname said:u miss out melvin wong & din for the local bassist.
rylche said:just a side qn, how would you guys 'qualify' someone to play fretless? am very interested in fretless but well, how would you guys adapt?
Ken said:Jameson and Bob Babbit for their impeccable groove.
And the bassplayers who played with the likes of Death and Opeth (i.e. Steve Digorgio, Martin Mendez) cos the best players are not peeps who can pull off flashy stunts, but those who know their place and function in their genre of music and rhythm teams.
Btw, you folks think Gary Willis is only guy who rocks the fretless world, check out Steve Digiorgio in Cynic and Death and hear how the fretless is utilised beautifully in speed and death metal.