I am not a brahmin because my pervious generation was not skilled at teaching or being warriers. They were also not skilled at singing and dancing for the elite class. They were good at doing all the other labour intensive work.
Don't follow religion blindly...Learn the best of each religion and appreciate and respect all religions.
If you have read some scholarly articles and books that are well researched on, you will know what I am talking about. If you have only heard these things from your relatives and some coll hindu dude who just thinks what he says is true then sorry bro...thats how stupid things like untouchability and dalit shit happened.
Simple explanation to casteism in India.
The caste system in India began with the arrival of the Aryans from central and south Europe and north Asia, around 1500 BC. Hindu is the Persian name of the Indus River where the Aryans were responsible for the Indus Valley Civilization. Casteism has developed out of a practice of a society over several thousands of years. After their arrival, these powerful Aryans set up some social and religious rules, which allowed only them to comprise of the upper class of the society. The community during those times comprised of the locals who were suppressed by the Aryans, and the descendants of Aryans with locals. Later, Aryans added others to their system on the basis of the different professions.
A good Hindu was expected to do everything to live up to the expectations of his caste in order to ensure a good life in one's next reincarnation (janam). Their caste system comprised of five different classes or ‘varna’- Brahman (priests and scholars), Kshatriya (rulers, warriors or landowners), Vaishya (merchants & artists), Shudra & Harijans (labourers, sweepers and cleaners). Within each of these classes were the actual castes know as ‘jaatis’ or ‘zaat’, within which people are born, marry, and die. The caste system was related to the occupation or profession of a person. Anyone who did not belong to these four classes was an outcast and untouchable. This included all foreigners and non-Hindus.
Vimal,seems like you don't know hinduism at all? or are you ignorant about the fact of reincarnation? we hindus don't believe that you goto heaven or hell eternally after this lifespan is over.Instead,reincarnation is an universal fact.And if you cannot accept this caste system,then at least you must understand karma,why are you not a brahmin?that is what i want to ask you.