Even in flood, India's `untouchables' last rescued

I am merely stating the possibility of all castes co-operating and acknowledging the fact that Bhagawan Lord Vishnu created this system to regulate people. It is due to some unsatisfied minorities from the Sudra castes which is causing so much troubles for other castes,some even snatch away brahmin's designated jobs,like teachings etc... I am emphazising how great india can be if everyone accept their own castes.

in an ideal world, that is. but the world is not black n white. everyone in this world has the right to attain higher goals don't they? u can't tell everyone to accept their fate.

which caste are u?
Vimal,seems like you don't know hinduism at all? or are you ignorant about the fact of reincarnation? we hindus don't believe that you goto heaven or hell eternally after this lifespan is over.Instead,reincarnation is an universal fact.And if you cannot accept this caste system,then at least you must understand karma,why are you not a brahmin?that is what i want to ask you.
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rottenramone,you asked me which caste i belong to? ok i will tell you after you answer me are you an indian?
I find this thread very disturbing.

From an honest point of view, there's no way we can carry on this argument because apparently martel is insistent on his views of the caste and the rest of us are thinking differently.

But. As far as Singapore is concerned, the caste system does not apply here. There isn't such a thing as class discrimination here. And to talk about a great India if the castes are rightfully in its right place, martel, are you from India?

And if you're to ask my own personal views, I don't understand the need for the caste system in a religion. And humans created religion, so what makes you think that whatever you say is gonna be true? I'm not intending to provoke anyone, but shouldn't you take a step backwards and try to question instead?

Why don't we create a scenario? Imagine Singapore has a caste system. The Eurasians belong to the uppermost class. The Indians and Malays belong to the middle class and the chinese belong to a lower class. Society will be split into three groups and disintegrate eventually because not everyone is equal. People will and do question about their rights for equality and as much as I can see, why discriminate people even when they are of the same race? And when equality isn't achieved, what do we get? Internal conflicts, riots, demonstrations, coups and the worst, genocides.

I mean, do spare a thought for fellow human beings here. We don't want a new Rwanda. And I really believe if India did not ban caste discrimination in 1949, India's future will not be as bright as it is now.

Disclaimer: I have no intention of any disrespect. I'm just trying to question.
aiyo, martel. U should go back to Indialar. This type of thing over here cannot "pakai" 1.

Here's a verse to enlightened u, Bhagavad Gita, Verses 9-29 to 9-33
so poor dalit victims of the flood get killed waiting needlessly for help while the rest of the world laugh at India's caste system and still, people like 'martel' can keep defending it.

It's nice to know everything is alright with the world.

regarding hurricane katrina, racial prejudice will pretty much always be around, especially in a loot-prone area with a 60% black community. however I don't think the rescue effort was in danger because of the apparent racism of the rescue personnel. People got treated unfairly sure, but looking at the body count, there doesn't seem to be anything fishy. However I wasn't there so I can't comment objectively, and I still question the veracity of user-uploaded youtube videos.
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[vogue]angel,Here's some important verses to open your eyes. Bhagavad Gita, Verses 18.41-18.44
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I am not a brahmin because my pervious generation was not skilled at teaching or being warriers. They were also not skilled at singing and dancing for the elite class. They were good at doing all the other labour intensive work.

Don't follow religion blindly...Learn the best of each religion and appreciate and respect all religions.

If you have read some scholarly articles and books that are well researched on, you will know what I am talking about. If you have only heard these things from your relatives and some coll hindu dude who just thinks what he says is true then sorry bro...thats how stupid things like untouchability and dalit shit happened.

Simple explanation to casteism in India.

The caste system in India began with the arrival of the Aryans from central and south Europe and north Asia, around 1500 BC. Hindu is the Persian name of the Indus River where the Aryans were responsible for the Indus Valley Civilization. Casteism has developed out of a practice of a society over several thousands of years. After their arrival, these powerful Aryans set up some social and religious rules, which allowed only them to comprise of the upper class of the society. The community during those times comprised of the locals who were suppressed by the Aryans, and the descendants of Aryans with locals. Later, Aryans added others to their system on the basis of the different professions.

A good Hindu was expected to do everything to live up to the expectations of his caste in order to ensure a good life in one's next reincarnation (janam). Their caste system comprised of five different classes or ‘varna’- Brahman (priests and scholars), Kshatriya (rulers, warriors or landowners), Vaishya (merchants & artists), Shudra & Harijans (labourers, sweepers and cleaners). Within each of these classes were the actual castes know as ‘jaatis’ or ‘zaat’, within which people are born, marry, and die. The caste system was related to the occupation or profession of a person. Anyone who did not belong to these four classes was an outcast and untouchable. This included all foreigners and non-Hindus.

Vimal,seems like you don't know hinduism at all? or are you ignorant about the fact of reincarnation? we hindus don't believe that you goto heaven or hell eternally after this lifespan is over.Instead,reincarnation is an universal fact.And if you cannot accept this caste system,then at least you must understand karma,why are you not a brahmin?that is what i want to ask you.
The most precise and important verse comes from 18.44

"The actions of a vaisya born of his own nature are agriculture,cow protection and trade,also the actions of a sudra born of his own nature consists in service to brahmins,ksatriyas and vaisyas."
Vimal,i don't look down on you due to the fact of your caste type.But without proper knowledge and simply cut and copy from sources which is totally untrue,i welcome you to know the real india. India's invasion by Aryans is a myth,Caste system are from time immemorials.There exist caste system long before any 'invasions' happens.
I was mentioning earlier to Thoa that even the south dark skinned people,some of them are brahmins, it totally defeats the "aryan invasion". Because it is invented by non-hindus who wanna abolish the caste system and disintegrate hinduism.But come on,Sanatana dharma what does it mean?
Wow, all I wanted to know is about the Indian caste system and I end up starting a floodgate.

This is my understanding from what I gathered so far:

1) The caste system is a system of order that was said to be designed by Lord Vishnu to segregate the "lower" from the "higher" beings.

2) It is the purpose of the "lower" caste to serve the "higher" caste.

3) The higher up the caste the more pure is the blood and DNA of the person, with the Brahmins being almost almost celestial and Godly in nature, while those who do not even belong to Shudras are deemed outcasts or untouchables. These would include foreigners and non-Hindus.

4) All Brahmins almost do not commit sins or criminal activities while all untouchables almost do.

So from this I can gather that:

1) Lord Vishnu's system is of strict order, and this has to be accepted by all mankind.

2) Lord Vishnu or the pantheons of Hinduism will not make exceptions to anyone, even if they have the power to do so (which I am sure they have; they are after all, Gods).

3) Upsetting the system will cause chaos to that order.

4) So with India currently dealing with foreigners and non-Hindus aka untouchables to sustain its economy, they are upsetting that system.

5) So it is then best for India to go back to the ways of the system to avoid such a chaos which leads to the age of Kali.

Am I making sense?
Thoa,you are making mostly nonsense.

The correct versions=1) The caste system is a system of order that was designed by Lord Vishnu to fullfill the different inborn nature of different types of men.

2) It is the duty of the "lower" caste to serve the "higher" caste.

3) The higher up the caste the more pure is the blood and DNA of the person, with the Brahmins being almost almost celestial and Godly in nature, while those at the bottoms belong to Shudras. These would not include foreigners and non-Hindus.

4) Brahmins are less able to commit big sins or criminal activities while untouchables are very prone to,again due to their nature.

Then of course what you will gather here will certainly change your views on the caste system.
Lets just say Martel is someone who belongs to India from a few hundred years ago. Now is modern, equality and meritocracy should prevail.

come on . More prone to commit crimes due to 'their nature'?Something decided before birth? You trying to prove your stupidity ah

I say, anyone who still believes in this system should take it and shove it up their self-important a$$.
Thoa,you are making mostly nonsense.

The correct versions=1) The caste system is a system of order that was designed by Lord Vishnu to fullfill the different inborn nature of different types of men.

2) It is the duty of the "lower" caste to serve the "higher" caste.

3) The higher up the caste the more pure is the blood and DNA of the person, with the Brahmins being almost almost celestial and Godly in nature, while those at the bottoms belong to Shudras. These would not include foreigners and non-Hindus.

4) Brahmins are less able to commit big sins or criminal activities while untouchables are very prone to,again due to their nature.

Then of course what you will gather here will certainly change your views on the caste system.

I am making nonsense because I have no proper understanding of what the caste system is about. For that I apologies.

So now that I have a clearer picture, thanks to what you last posted...

In the eyes of Hinduism and the caste system, is it then considered ok to look at someone of lower caste and see them as being "worthless" or "no good" and to treat them as such? Or isit more right to see them "as a necessary part of a system that works" in which case they are as necessary and as important as the Brahmins, only that they are on the other end of the spectrum?

Cos I would believe that Lord Vishnu would have given a Sudhra as much grace as Brahmin, even though the system of caste was placed upon by him. Or isit more like the PEOPLE are the one who are giving themselves the interpretation that "lower" means "bad"?

Please excuse my questions. I am as much trying to filter out the emotions that are being thrown into this thread so as to gain as much understanding as I can.
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Thoa,you finally hit the jackpot,the answer is YES. Sudras are as important as brahmins.Without the legs,the entire body falls to the ground. The Lord will open his gates if a Sudra does his duty well and follow the brahmin's guidances in life. After all,Verses 9-29 to 9-33 comes from the lord too.


Anyone even the pig eaters.