Even in flood, India's `untouchables' last rescued

Mark this, if you are a born a sudra it is very difficult for you to even study properly,and even if you make it in other countries,chances are your character will reveal more about you than your PHD will. Because you belong to the low.


if like tat die la... i'm a breed of malay, indian, chinese n dutch...
then where do i stand?
i just want all girls here to noe this.

once u're with an indian guy, then only will u fully understand the fundamental elements of The Kamasutra..

Krist,your nick is of noble values. Kindly refrain from injecting erotic elements into this serious topic. Caste system is the most confused issue in countries outside india and it is good to educate those ignorants a bit when given a chance like now.
Martel, roger that.

but isn't the colour of skin also an issue(among indians), besides caste systems?
i dun reli like rojak...
chicken rice can? i want steamed chicken... thigh part... from boon tong kee... thx...

wateva it is...

caste or race or religion or wateva system...

if need to be save n help, must be fair.

the lowest caste are still human beings. created by God.
Im Indian..born and raised here..
And i feel the caste system is a pile of bull...They shouldn't be having this sort of "stereotyping"...its just wrong..
" Originally Posted by Krist View Post
i just want all girls here to noe this."

I am very sorry, but i strongly disagree with your stand entirely and utterly. You should be ashamed of yourself for stating such a presumptuous and entirely untrue thing. I should know, for i am at one with its very teachings.
That is individualistic ideas. Who can prevent them to see only on the surface? Much as most singaporean men prefers to flirt with women from china than indonesians, there goes the same.But colour makes no difference,castes yes.
I guess we can safely deduce from all these that martel must be of an exalted caste (and sub-caste). For none will so unthinkingly defend a belief if they are under the boot of that philosophy.
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Im Indian..born and raised here..
And i feel the caste system is a pile of bull...They shouldn't be having this sort of "stereotyping"...its just wrong..

Being born in singapore as an indian is not wrong,neither is it wrong if your parents belongs to the lower castes,whatever it is you got the right to study academically in Singapore and earn some fat salaries. But you can never change your caste and DNA molecule's structures.
I guess we can safely deduce from all these that martel must of an exalted caste (and sub-caste). For none will so unthinkingly defend a belief if they are under the boot of that philosophy.

I am only sharing the right facts about caste systems. You don't have to guess which caste i belong to. But i am sure you have no caste. Are you an indian betsybug?
martel=Being born in singapore as an indian is not wrong,neither is it wrong if your parents belongs to the lower castes,whatever it is you got the right to study academically in Singapore and earn some fat salaries. But you can never change your caste and DNA molecule's structures.

Stickman, I'm afraid you are screwed!
According to this bigot anyways. The rest of us will still love ya.
Being born in singapore as an indian is not wrong,neither is it wrong if your parents belongs to the lower castes,whatever it is you got the right to study academically in Singapore and earn some fat salaries. But you can never change your caste and DNA molecule's structures.

Ok, but that's not the point.

In terms of caste, im a Brahmin...if im in india, ive got nothing to loose..but i just don't like the idea of the caste system...

Just imagine, the lowercast man who is extremely smart but unable to achieve his goals due to his caste...that's not fair imo...
martel=You don't have to guess which caste i belong to.

But you yourself find it alright to ask my caste earlier, did you not?
Why so coy, pray?
i find this super super .........................

the chinese girls who use to go 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' to the indian or malay guys who proposed to them in secondary sch, many of them are now with indian and or malay guys.

forget caste and DNA, if u have the paper qualifications, all will be ok.

but if u dun have anything, then just be a GNR ripoff and perhaps write for a magazine in ya free time.
Ok, but that's not the point.

In terms of caste, im a Brahmin...if im in india, ive got nothing to loose..but i just don't like the idea of the caste system...

Just imagine, the lowercast man who is extremely smart but unable to achieve his goals due to his caste...that's not fair imo...

It depends on that lowercaste man,because foremostly brahmins are given the rights to understand scriptures and pursue spiritual cultures and become king's advisors and teachers. The lowercaste man can be extremely smart,but if his smartness ruins him eventually due to his unspiritual nature then it is wellplaced to have him appropriately situated.
A sudra in strict terms is for example a person who cleans gutters. I don't do that so do I want to be treated that way? No ways. Should anyone treat some badly just becuase someone does a miniscule job but mind you a very very important job...NO WAYS.

So saying ignoring your caste is like forgetting your parents...if you are not a brahmin or ksyatriya...in India your caste is like a badword! I dont know how to explain in words but if you get what i mean...

But I am more than happy to tell many of the high class guys in india ofcourse. Only the ones who are super nasty and proud of being from a higher class that i am from the lowest caste but I am doing a lot better than you good for nothing snobs...Actually I spank any dude who thinks he is the best thing that happened to this world...hehe

Yes,everyone is human,i never disprove that. But the characteristics which makes a sudra a sudra and a brahmin a brahmin should be clearly distinquished. Running away from homeland and mingle with other races are alright,but ignoring your own caste is like forgetting your parents,not a very intelligent move.
this video is for all my Deftones and Incubus memberzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

we know what rock is. we know what rock music really is.

its so powerful. even when our earphones are not plugged in, we hear the song being played.


i don't care where, just farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..

Ok, but that's not the point.

In terms of caste, im a Brahmin...if im in india, ive got nothing to loose..but i just don't like the idea of the caste system...

Ah, but what sort of Brahmin are you? When I visited India some years back, I was told by an acquaintance that he was a Brahmin. But he went on to say that when he visited a Brahmin friend, he found out later that his friend's mother threw away the cup he was drinking from because he was a "lower" sort of Brahmin. And you could very well be scolded on the streets if you so much as let your shadow fall on a higher caste Indian. I kid you not.

Now, whilst I can understand (and respect) the utility of this social structure and the belief that underpinned it in the past, I do not apologise for my stated opposition to its present-day practice, and I choose to call it bigotry, plain and simple. There is respect, and there is also clear-eyed recognition of an evil thing. Do not let it take hold in Singapore.
...Only the ones who are super nasty and proud of being from a higher class that i am from the lowest caste but I am doing a lot better than you good for nothing snobs...

That's my point exactly...Some high caste people will tend to "look down" on the lower caste, even if the lower caste is more better off, due to the caste system..and some lower caste tend to get "demoralized" knowing that no matter wat they do, ppl will still look down on them..

So just imagine if the caste system did not exist? There won't be this sort of shit happening...

my 2cents...