Its something to do with how the society was. In simple terms, the kings would have scholars (priests and teachers) , warriers and rulers, farmers, traders, artists and labourers in their kingdom.
Scholars - Brahmins
Warriers and rulers - Ksatriyas
Farmers, traders, artists - Vaisyas
Labourers - Sudras
THOA,it's very natural for people to save their own skin or own kind. In times of emergency i am sure more people of their own types will be saved. Only exemption should be Michael Jackson![]()
THOA,nope there are a lot of tamil or kerela Brahmins,also sindhis brahmin,but most sindhis have converted to Muslims due to history. It is the born into thingy.Definitely not the colour,colour matters not.
Why do we need to be sensitive here? Caste discrimination was banned in the Indian constitution in 1949, in much the same way burning of the Hindu wife at the husband's funeral was banned in 1829.
Because society will be totally mess up when Sudras run the top and Brahmins are denied their rightful rights. which is happening now.
Thank you very much.
"It is a born into thing". So that means there is no chance of changing caste? Can a "criminal" DNA not be redeemed?
if its determined by DNA, can u ever lie ur way around and say ure a brahmin descendent of the great someone? like whos gonna check ur dna everytime?
were the people classified last time once or if ur career change, u change caste too? like someone said and i learnt that brahmins are scholars. if u bornt as sudras but become a scholar how?