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mourn said:
Emo is a cheap imitation of goth. Not the new goth plz. love emo

you've already said that, and that's pretty much all you've said. unless you've got something to actually *add* to the thread, please don't post. :)
mourn said:
Emo is a cheap imitation of goth. Not the new goth plz. love emo

And as we all know, both of these subcultures in the context of Singapore, are the biggest jokes in the entire universe.

Seriously, at least the so-called "emo" kids here aren't as bad as overseas. They just pose, (well, that, and clear out the entire stock of thick framed black glasses and hair oil from far east on a weekly basis.) listen (or at least claim to, which is even worse) to MCR and think they are the shit when it comes to emo scene.

They don't slash their wrists, hold ganja parties in the middle of expressways while simultaneously drowning themselves in Jaegermeister, start suicide clubs and and brainstorm ideas about how to kill themselves, or even add a zillion "X"s into every piece of digital working they can lay their black fingernails on. THOSE emos are just sad.

Oh wait, crap, that would be a compliment in their context.

As has been mentioned, it's not the music, it's the culture, that people enjoy dissing. Honestly, it would've been better for the genre if some joker hadn't decided to try and be a trendsetter, and left it to remain faceless.
talking about black...
found this:

made this:

okay, that was just for fun.

SherT wrote:
As has been mentioned, it's not the music, it's the culture, that people enjoy dissing. Honestly, it would've been better for the genre if some joker hadn't decided to try and be a trendsetter, and left it to remain faceless.
but... don't other genres have their trends too?
yeah all of you are right.
But i hate this one guy in my school who keeps saying emo music sucks to me.
he keeps saying "come on be a metalhead"
He listens to alot of metal and brags about it.
But i asked him to go jamming with me.
And he didn't even know to play the guitars.
If he wasn' my friend i would be bitching at him!
Funeral for a friend!
Eh since some of these emo kids are inflicting pain to themselves. Why not burn their forehead, there will be a huge oozing blister, isnt that sooo cool? and since it's on the forehead, people can notice easily. haha that so random, sorry.
Paperpunk said:
And he didn't even know to play the guitars.

that's quite a rare incidence-

I know do quite a few young metalheads who can shred away, who diss emo kids who really can't play more than a few power chords.

I'm a traditional rock person myself so I frankly enjoy seeing them bash each other xD
my friend and i use to have a long fight.
about our music differences.
she had this stereotypical thinking about local music and emo music.
and punk.
so i tried explaining to her and we ended up fighting.
but its all okay now.

actually, slitting wrists won't help if one wants to commit suicide right?
i heard they must slit the throat there, the thumping blood vessel area around your neck.
my friend actually set fire on his hair once.
i don't know if it was on purpose or accident.
sycododo said:
actually, slitting wrists won't help if one wants to commit suicide right?
i heard they must slit the throat there, the thumping blood vessel area around your neck.

You're quite right actually. In order to be able to die by slashing your wrists, you have to cut down give or take a third the diameter of your wrist to reach a major artery. By severing that area around your neck however, you effectively cut through the vena cava (assuming the cut is deep enough) and you lose bloody supply to your brain. You'll be brain-dead in about 3 mins, and then proceed to have mutiple organ failures. Add that to the fact that you will be losing a massive amount blood with every heartbeat preceeding the cut, and you're one pretty screwed kiddo.

sycododo said:
my friend actually set fire on his hair once.
i don't know if it was on purpose or accident.

Your friend needs a keeper.
i did too..well..u noe those aerosol hair spray..my fren tt bastard..we were at a chalet..he did a stunt..threw a cigarette across the mist..my whole hair caught fire..was a mess..in the end i cut my hair GI..haha..stupid bastard.he bought me dinner tho as an apology..but its damaged my roots i tink.now my hair is sucky...
now that's way too overboard. inflicting damage to oneself doesn't give them any right to hurt others by pulling off stupid stunts like these.
just forget abt the emo shit and stuffs.
maybe you guys are all emo people too, it's just that you guys don't even notice tt.
go write some song with your NON-EMO band abt how you hate emo so much, how you dissed 'emo music' on soft.com.sg forum, how you tell people emo music could suck ass (which doesn't even makes any sense to me though),how you hate girls pants so much,how you hate people who use fake blood as their menses, how you hate people who slash their wrists cause they just found out that they have a mother who's born to a whore, how you hate people who posted some topic abt why people hates emo music and bla bla bla.
and you know what?tts already emo.
if you like rock, support your rock.
dont hate other genres.
if you like metal, support your bloody metal.
don't hate SISSY genres.
if you're into pop, be like tt.. cause i dont think you know what underground music is.
it's the way you people think.
it's HOW you people in the so called SCENEEEE thinks.
you think that if you post something like 'PUNK ROCK SUCKSSS, METAL RULZZZ!!!\m/ \m/(with the all the slashes with the Ms in between showing tt you are reall METALL or PUNKERSS or whatever)", YOUR people.. the im-so-going-to-be-a-metalhead-forevahhh weirdos, will support you... yeah maybe in sg, but some old timers will feel like "who the hell came out with this atrocious post?get a life kid.", or like the "PUNK ROCKERS" will start dissing you because of tt.
maybe you metalfreaks only knows who metallica and iron maiden is.
you don't know otherrr GOOD bands like dragonforce or stratovarius, or some other good bands uh haha.kk.
or like the silly PUNK ROCK fashion which came in before the EMO trend whatever you call it.
still the eyeliners.
still with the STUDDED BELTS.
still with the ATTICUS,LEVEL 27, FAMOUS STARS AND STRAPS, and bla bla all the bangles on you.
tts not even punk rock.
pls don't give shameeee to the punk rock community,or more important, the real punks out there.
you only know blink 182, simple plan, good charlotte, where?THROUGH THE BLOODY MTV.
and i remember i was at some local show, and this band was like "hey this is for the oldskool punk rockers, this song is blablabla by NFG!"
i was what the hell?what the hell happened to NOFX, Bad Religion, Screeching Weasel and all the old GOOD OLE PUNK ROCK bands???
if new found glory is oldskool to you, than nofx would already be ANCIENT PUNK ROCK.
and then EMO.... whats with you ppl dissing GENRESSS and their TRENDDSSS, or FASHION.
metal heads:big sized tees,black coloured, any metal or opera rock band print on it. back and the front(worth the cheap buy at peninsular ay?)
punk rockers(the new style):wearing striped socks on arms which is TOO RIDICULOUS TO EVEN DESCRIBE, eyeliners and blabla you know what im going to type out.
then there's the emo trend with half of the hair too long and the half too short, eyeliners again... same band tees with every other 'emo kids' around, tight jeans or girl pants, sneaks.
don't give a damn abt the fashion.
it's how you live it with your music.
some don't even know who the get up kids is.
and yet they call themselves emo... just because they took a picture of them staring at the camera looking sooooo pretty, but actually they're some fat ass chick on the prowl for 'cute' SCENE DUDES(just to put it up on myspace.com or friendster.com)
or like they get mixed with hardcore and emo.
it's a different thing after going through some music puberty okay.
just stop the stupid shits abt TRENDS AND FASHIONS AND WHATEVER AND MAYBE MUSIC GENRES.let it be, let the punkrockers be happy with their punk rock, the emo kids happy with their emo music, let the metal heads enjoy their hard dildo metal.
there's no point keeping music elite in singapore.
SOFT.COM.SG supports music yeah, but the forum does not.
see what i mean.
oh my dear fellow elitists,
please don't be a coward behind your avatar and soft.com.sg username dissing bands, genres or whatelse or anything like tt... ,
keep it to yourslef, there's more to life than dissing away like your dad's grand daddy who cried to sex pistols.okay the ramones perhaps.
okay fine kenny g.
well alright guys, hope you understand what i'm trying to say.
maybe you all are in fact stubborn, what more can iask for.. but do me a favour be happy, support local music.
do you all even go to gigs to support bands playing or go to gigs to find girls to date, or just dress up to show people you're so into this kind of music.
come on, grow up.
i know school's starting soon for you guys, enjoy for the last time.
happy new year.

wait, some times i wonder.....
did you guys sign-up for SOFT.COM.SG to support it(and local music) or
just to post your hatred towards local bands, or your hatred towards music that you hate in this forum?
think about it.
you still have the cheeks to say support local music.
cause i was never a soft.com.sg member until a friend of mine show me the url to this EMO topic forum.
get a life guys.
support local music(for how many times ive said this) and be well.
Guys, let's all clap for levitation. :smt041

We should all shut our traps and sit down now because this guy knows more about punk and metal bands than any of us put together. :roll:


Wowsers he's so cool. I wanna be just like him.


Gimme a break.

You've just spent one entire post dissing our subculture wannabes yourself now you're telling everyone to stop being elitists. Congratulations.
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