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mighty morphin emo rangers!!!!

emo music is nice, i have to admit.
but sometimes, some other so called emo music sounds way off.
and, music and fashion dun mix lah, imo.
but culture wise, its different.. :roll:
but everyone is emo arent they?
maybe teenagers get it more. haha well i'm 14 too.

i mean guys with makeup and silly girl's stuff just don't make no sense!
trends are just plain lame, i mean yeah.

but if you slash your wrist, i mean thats stupid lah. i dont think its about the outside, the way you dress or do or whatever. its the way you think, and that probably expresses itself in lyrics!

either way its the music that counts, to me especially the lyrics lah. punk emo, emo rock whatever, emo is emo and i love it :D

then again, that's just one person.
I have nothing against their lyrics... i have heard even more depressing sad lyrics or even stupider lyrics from other genres

if emo equates to emotional, well the frontman of the mars volta said, how can you possibly not call your music emo when you work so damn hard for it?

personally i dislike the emo singing style, the very whiny kind.
Atreyu is true emo to the bone. With tons of heavy throat vocals, double pedals, heartfelt solos and emo lyrics. For example "Live Love Burn Die - Lip Gloss and Black" and "I watched my aspirations crash to the ground on the backs of the angels that I've slain… " "......"love kills romance is dead and I dont even trust myself but I love you. you can pull my wings apart and pin me down under glass until the end of days"
me and some fellow softies are just back from an emo extravaganza.
I noticed one guitarist scrunch up his face in the most agonizing manner throughout his whole performance. It looked like he was in extreme pain playing the guitar. Go figure.
Emo is not even a musical genre, it's more like a way of life. When i think emo i think the same irritating 14 year old sounding vocalist and the kids who wear black and many accessories and stuff ...
I'm just wondering how the normal human behaviour of being 'emotional' evolved into this whole slash-wrist-black-eyeliner thing. =\ Emotional lyrics are okay to me. The songs aren't totally that bad either. The fashion thing is a total turn off. Isn't being EMOTIONAL sth totally normal?! How the hell did they twist it into a FASHION STATEMENT?!
Why debate on a forum when I can find it on Wikipedia? 8)


As a result of the continuing shift of "emo" over the years, a serious schism has emerged between those who ascribe to particular eras of "emo". Those who were closely attached to the hardcore origins recoil when another type of music is called "emo". Many involved in the independent nature of both 80s and 90s emo are upset at the perceived hijacking of the word "emo" to sell a new generation of major label music. Regardless, popular culture appears to have embraced the terms of "emo" far beyond its original intentions, out of the control of the independent-minded.

Looks like emo is the new goth.

Also dug up this informative old thread. http://soft.com.sg/2006/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=9778&highlight=
Vaiyen said:
me and some fellow softies are just back from an emo extravaganza.
I noticed one guitarist scrunch up his face in the most agonizing manner throughout his whole performance. It looked like he was in extreme pain playing the guitar. Go figure.

I think I know this gig. Third Place? Was probably the guy who had trouble finishing his set because of viral fever and had to go home and recover straight after. Nothing emo about that one.

Was also the first time I've seen kids in a Singaporean moshpit who observed etiquette and actually looked like they knew what they were doing instead of being idiots trying to maim each other. Warms the heart.
after seeing that old post. i think this trend is not just in singapore. it's in the western countries as well. we can say as much as we want. it's just not going to stop. it's kind of useless, seeing this thread going nowhere. we can say all we want but things is not going to change. period. i meant the fashion wise.
Vaiyen said:
ok. I think I'll need fake blood as well.

.... and mascara,long fringes which covers one eye,black converse jack purcel!
i find emo music quite okay, only the lack of variety in lyrics bore me.. every other song would be a girl leaving you,someone dying,you being angry at someone,blah blah
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