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Such is the sad reality of human nature my friend...

...and such has already been repeated several times in this thread. :twisted:
wah? k tt was good.fine la i lose la.haha okay la you got it right man but my point was to tell people not to be so shit abt the genres and all the shits behind it.so yeah.shert, i love you man... i knew you were the one that would hit me back cheh.but hey, respect didn't even appear in my mind before typing tt out.
so guys, just be honest like this shert dude.. he's the intelligent one.
no point of me trying to help, cause in the end i lost it all back.
okay ciao now :D
blackductape said:
this whole dissing and hating thing is like a cycle.

But good music lasts forever. You dont see a metal head suddenly disliking classic metallica ten years down the road, or a rock fan suddenly disliking GNR.
I don't really know what emo REALLY IS.
I mix up music from the used,atryeu,thursday,the get up kids,finch,story of the year,underoath,hatwhrone heights.
Which my friends and other people claim is emo.
I don't know if it really is emo.
But i enjoy these type of MUSIC!
Someone please tell me what type of music emo i exatcly.
Im sick of everything my friends is telling me.
And the internet.
If slitting wrist and suffocating and dying is so emotional.I've gotnews for all you EMO BOYS AND GIRLS.


AH. So touching their songs. OH SO EMO! SO EMOTIONAL!
Mobius said:
Everybody diss everybody's music. The shredders diss the non-shredding music for the lack of technicality. The non shredders diss the shredding music for playing too many notes. The rock fans diss the pop music for being coporate minded and making music for the love of money. The pop people diss the rock music for being too loud and not knowing wat the hell they are singing.

So it doesnt just happen to emo, it happens to all types of music. Jus ignore the critics and njoy the music u love. Thats the most important thing. Life's too short to be miserable and criticising other people's taste in music. :wink:

veryvery true :D nice one
Emo is dumb.I use to have a friend who was so emo he carved his ex name in his arms when he was dumped..He was listening to all this emo bands dat timeI laughed at his action as i knew this kind of people just want attention.I told him he might as well get a bloody tattoo rather than a pirated version.And i told him that he might as well kill himself rather than take the o's since he is gonna fail for nt studying.Then a few days down the road he totally changed and even told me that emo is just an excuse for him to be sad.I laughed at him again.Seriously.
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