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my 2 cents worth ...

i believe that culture always had it's beginnings and it's that desire to want to be different that people tend to push the boundaries to set the pace. In the past the "ah beng" look was in trend, just a few years back when dyed hair wasn't a common sight and people tend to keep the longest hair with the maximum usage of hair GEL (not wax). Centre parting all the way with a sharp comb sticking out of their pocket.

With the influx of more and more emo-rock bands, i believe it's a culture that is beginning to find its home in the hearts of many rocker-wannabes and hey-i-look-like-you-guys-with-low-hanging-pants-and-dyed-hair-and-thick glasses-so can i-be-accepted attitude in the youth of this generation.

i don't hate emo. Honestly i think emo is a nice genre of music, really listenable but personally i don't listen to emo. I think it's an overdone-music at this point of time with so many bands locally setting up and playing emo-rock/metal kind of music. I think the local scene is way too saturated for that.

But i believe that a rise for such a culture boils down to one thing. FINDING ACCEPTANCE. Just because we want to be part of a larger gang and identify ourselves and someone cool. I may be wrong, i'm not sure but seeing so much of such things i figured that i may be right after all.

Music is an exploratory journey. No one can teach you music in a personal way. Theory can be learnt but to find that niche of expression is something we have to explore ourselves and take time to develop.

Maybe emo rock is another form of expression that is interpreted wrongly ...
THAT (the one above wangdexian's one lah, no offence wang. :lol: ) is an example of an intelligent post. Learn from it. :twisted:

The bottomline is;

Emo as a genre is just another branch of music. Another form of expression, which, like black metal or grindcore or blues or even jazz for example, not everyone is able to appreciate. You like it, good on you, you don't, then too bad.

Like the hokkien saying goes;

"Ai jiu ai, mai jiu mai, swak liao. Bei song, mai kuei chui."

Or translated;

"If you like it, good, you don't, then just forget it. Not happy? Don't open your mouth."

My stand is such,

Dissing the MUSIC itself is not cool. Do, however, feel free to diss the fags who give it a screwed up image.
yea to what was said earlier, the """"emokids""""" here are actually better than ones at the State or anywhere else i guess. but at the rate the kids here are goin, NONONONO

i'm a big fan of emo.
but i don't like the term.
emo sounds stupid.
its getting overated.
they think listening to MCR and the Used is emo.
its stupid cos they seem emo and call themselves that.
it's friggin irritating i swear.

what happened to the ah bengs.
even mats are becoming emo. wth.

stop all these emo crap and call the fasion : fashioncore-kids
thats for those who dress all ""EMO"" and don't know a shit abt any reall bands.
and lets just call those who you call "real emokids"

my 3 cents, 2cents or whatever
SherT said:
Emo as a genre is just another branch of music. Another form of expression, which, like black metal or grindcore or blues or even jazz for example, not everyone is able to appreciate. You like it, good on you, you don't, then too bad.
I think we should post this as a disclaimer or something to stop all these dissing threads man.
why do ppl start threads only to make it a bitching session... *sighs*
I dunno leh that guy.
One of my classmates' friend.
Last time I didn't see him with the crappy makeup.
I think they all emo. :lol:
everyone can diss away.it's like your own point of view :)
i have loads so why not i join you cool peeps?
haha forget it guys whatever you do nothing helps except YOURSELF.
quit complaining, start growing up.
okay have fun.
anyways Shert, you're cool dude(or whatever you are).
sarcastic remarks are acceptable though.
maybe you're right, i think i may be an elitist too.
i think i am!
people, read whatever shert have to say... cause he or she don't understand what i'm trying to say here.
fine if you think im elitist or whatever shit, but hey i love you dawg.
chill uh don't get too emo over tt.
alright ciao.
That last bit was me being politically correct, but seeing as it didn't get through that "I PWN ALL OF YOU" skull of yours...

Alright DAWWWWWG. Since yo' wanna do the whole hip-hop thang.

I think yo' trippin' homie.

You missin da whole point, and yo' still tryin to cova' yo ass?

Make yo' point, and stand behind it dummy.

Yo' don't be understandin' yo' OWN posting. Yo' Jez' tryin' ta be da shit by postin' long-ass shit and hopin' respect comes yo' way.

There, now that that's in the open...


Christ, we need a kid's table around here for these community playmates.

Dude, take a hint from the example of an INTELLIGENT post a page back. Alternatively;

This thing has made proper forummites out of every form, shape, personality, and dick size of trolls thus far. Click here and pay attention.
taken from

Emo Kids

To refer to emo as an entire subculture centered on being vain, melodramatic, pathetic, self-absorbed, and emotionally histrionic would be unfair. There’s more to it than that. There’s also all the terrible music, stupid haircuts, and fantastically complex MySpace profiles. While we can all conjure up a mental image of a stereotypical Emo kid, with a tight sweater, hair dyed black, tiny jeans, and converse with “deep” lyrics Sharpied on, it can be difficult these days to tell emo kids from any other scenester morons. Asking vanilla hipsters and emo kids to list their favorite bands would net similar results: a list of bands you’ve never heard of. However, an emo kid’s band list would contain telltale patterns. First of all, watch out for bands with melodramatic, complete-sentence names, like “I Die in Agony” or “His Heart is Sour.” Secondly, the list of bands will quickly transmogrify into a diatribe about how the emo kid doesn’t really want to be there because he or she is feeling very depressed over a girl/boy and Hawthorne Heights really helped him or her out during tough times and maybe you’d like to go back to his/her place and see his/her zines and maybe make out a little bit, no big deal. The great thing about emo kids is that they’re both promiscuous and emotionally crippled (except for the weird Christian ones).

Musical Taste: A broad banquet of crap. Some emo kids hate the other emo kids because they listen to new fake mall emo instead of the “good” stuff which was by bands from twenty years ago who never actually released any albums but were quite good nonetheless, according to third-hand recollection. Other emo kids listen to the fake mall emo and love it. I’ve met quite a few who never actually admit that they listen to emo: “oh, they sort of used to be emo, but they’re basically just indie pop now; oh, that’s not emo, it’s just sort of slightly emo-ish hardcore.” Jesus, you idiot, if you listen to six hundred bands that skirt the borders of emo, you basically just listen to emo. Fuck.

How to Tame an Emo Kid: Leave them flattering comments on MySpace. Listen to their problems. Be a member of the opposite sex and reject them (they love unrequited love more than most people love sex, so they’ll hang around you for-ev-er).

Benefits of Friendship: They’ll listen to your problems (for about three minutes, before turning the conversation back to their own problems). They’ll write you really bad poetry if they fall in love with you, which you can share with your sane friends for a classic chortle.

Drawbacks of Friendship: They are really, really into the terrible music they listen to. This is true of any hipster subculture, but a lot of emo kids have absurd tunnel-vision taste: they listen to only their shitty little niche of emo, and you’ll never get a moment’s respite from it. Regular hipsters will turn off the Wolf Parade once in a while and throw on some David Bowie, but emo kids will offer no such breaks: it’ll be straight from His Dying Words to She is Cruelly Dying to This is My Pain Area to He Cuts Me Deep.
Haiz. To be honest, you can be emo pop punk what ever, it's your attitude that counts as a person. I know people who dress/listen to emo but i find them so much cooler than rock and metal listeners in terms of being nice. Ok i dont know what im saying, just stop the hatin already!
this whole dissing and hating thing is like a cycle.

new trend appears ---> gets popular ---> people get dissed for being stereotypes / uncool for following the popular---> people get pissed and stops following the trend ---> trend starts fading ---> new trend appears and it starts all over again.

and the amazing thing is, people just love for the cycle to continue and they don't get sick of it.

just my 2 cents.
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