EMI Singapore closing down?

cereal, digital download or CD are just the media for distribution. When talking about music business, we still need a 'bigger' marketing/sales team to create bigger awareness of the artiste/band. These companies have the experience and know-how. ie. how to handle the press, how to book a tour ...

Anyways, we are now seeing technology companies who are coming into the music business and making it good. ie. iTune, Amazon, Nokia ..

Soon, we will see them as the main players in the music business. They might be the ones signing the next big artiste/band!
I knew this was coming after I heard that EMI around the world has retrenched thousands of staffs.

By the way, I just watched this interesting new commercial in the cinema about file sharing. It makes the people look as though they are drug addicts or something. If file sharing is like taking drugs, I believe something can be done about it. It is just a pity that EMI has to close down.
heh, if downloading is like taking drugs, then we must chop it at where the source is, internet connection! Cold turkey style! No internet, no downloading and everything on the net
James, lets hope. Who knows that maybe nokia or amazon can contribute to our local music industry.

No doubt EMI singapore played a significant role, and yes its true, labels have the experience and know-how, after all they have the funds to pump into marketing and promotion. Again i feel this still comes with terms and conditions and it might not be all rosy after a band gets signed.

I just don't like the idea that all a musician has to look forward to in SG is to get signed to a label, and that after EMI closes, our future all of a sudden becomes bleak. Im for the idea that now a musician can take control of their careers and not just let labels decide for them, and i feel strongly that this new technology we have has catalysed that.

For musicians signed to labels, and i'm very happy that some managed, they should not let an exec decide their future for them.

For musicians that have not, that its not the end yet. Its not the end of the world if all of the record labels in sg decide to pack up and go. That we can still go out and make it on our own. Yup a signed artiste might get it faster but not any easier.

downloading shldn't be blamed for demise of some commercial entities, thats like blaming SMS or email should postal services go bust.
Singapore don't have report. How about canada?
widdly is trying to pick on me =((
this is EMI singapore, im talking bout locallllll not canada or bangladesh..
read properly dude. and we were talking about selling music, either cds or just a mp3 file.
i am saying that most locals dont buy music. get it?

tell me how many of your friends actually buy cds or mp3s?
now dont change the topic, answer the question.

and why did emi singapore close down?!
cuz they didnt make money
and why didnt they make money?
most of it was due to lack of music sales i believe.
and why is there a lack of music sales in SINGAPORE?!
because most local download music.
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How can this mean being tougher to make a living? shouldn't you as a musician be happy that there is a thriving community of people playing their instruments or singing, unless of course if that person is afraid of competition.

bro, by saying that i dont think you are a seasoned or paid musician am i right?
probably you just play music at home or go jamming for fun.

of cause everyone's happy when there is a thriving community of people playing their instruments or singing.

about being afraid of competition, thats your own thinking.
it is REALITY that the competition is tough.

the "LIVING FOR MUSICIANS" that is going to be tough is the life of musicians who makes music for a living, for money, for income, for food not just for fun.

because of the increase in number of musicians, getting pubs or places to play in is getting harder.
more people = more talented people = tougher to play in paid gigs

in fact many of our big name local bands plainsunset etc. do not play in paid gigs all the time (that itself shld tell you how tough it is to get paid to play these days)

plus singapore so small how many places are there where you can actually play and get paid all the time?!?!
with all that i suppose you should understand what james and i meant now.

if not, go make rounds and look at the people playing at marriot hotel, prince of wales blah blah..
First of all, everyone must find something to blame, sad to say its the internet. Why cant people (like i said earlier) release their own demo, EP album or watever, tons of studios are having good rates in singapore in fact based on wat i see in SOFT it seems like any mother father son knows how to record or mix?

Why are people still pining on hopes like joining superband and get signed or joining band competitions hoping someone sign them? Dont get me wrong i am not saying we should boycott or they r bad but if you r in a band and if you have join like 4 to 5 times, its time u move on n record ur own rather than gg back for the umpteen time.

Life is tough in Singapore but definitely not tough till we cant earn and do not have enuff to eat, that i do not believe because if its true u wouldnt even be surfing net on a computer or evening thinking of playing music, you be struggling with multiple jobs to feed ur parents or family.

Before u would even find someone or something to sponsor, what can u show them first? By telling them i can play Steve Vai song and Softies can verify for me cos they say its a gd cover of it? BullF**king shit man. I

Music is more than just writing and performing now at this time, you still have to promote yourself cos if u dun do it, go one and be a local hero in ur bedroom
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"based on wat i see in SOFT it seems like any mother father son knows how to record or mix? " ahem yes, click on my DIY recording FAQ. one day monkeys from macritchie will be surfing soft forum and learning to record also.
Why are people still pining on hopes like joining superband and get signed or joining band competitions hoping someone sign them? Dont get me wrong i am not saying we should boycott or they r bad but if you r in a band and if you have join like 4 to 5 times, its time u move on n record ur own rather than gg back for the umpteen time.

hey dog, dont mind if i call you dog right cuz thats your nick xDD
not all the people joining those competitions think like that.
maybe some just want to get exposure and experience how it feels like being on teevee and stuff like that?
heh, emi singapore wont close down if the mother company in uk didnt lose money lah, nothing to do with singapore music retail biz not making enough to sustain the biz. Its on a whole, not singapore....Heh, we should be looking at the finiancial report and analyse from there, not on a microscale of singaporean downloading music causing a foreign office of a global company shutting down...

from wiki..

"EMI has been owned by Terra Firma Capital Partners since August 2007.[1] Terra Firma bought EMI for £3.2 billion after a dramatic decline in sales and the announcement that EMI had sustained a loss of £260 million in 2006/2007.[1][2] At the same time, EMI's British market share dropped from 16% to 9%. Following the transition, several important artists walked out of EMI, including Radiohead. Paul McCartney left ahead of the takeover.[1] The Rolling Stones have signed a one-album deal outside of their contract with EMI, which expired on February 2008.[3][4]

Guy Hands, CEO of Terra Firma Capital Partners, came to EMI with restructuring plans to cut 1500–2000 jobs to reduce costs by £200 million a year. In January 2008, EMI's UK chief executive Tony Wadsworth left the company after 25 years. The cuts take effect over the year 2008, and would affect up to a third of EMI's 5500 staff."
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Bro chris, i did my rounds at hotels, weddings, prince of wales pub, zombie rock bar, bawa block, bus interchanges, schools, substation, tentages, army camps, community centres, private houses, some other pubs can't remember though cos not that regular playing there blah blah...but yeah yet to play at bar none though. That's at marriot hotel iirc.

Got paid, big sum small sum, got rip off, lost stuff, got bad mouthed by other bands, got good reviews, made friends and acquantainces that we still remember, and they are kind enuf to return us a smile or handshake. All in all it was tough...you bet.

all this in hopes of breaking through. Well some of my friends have made a name for themselves now playing in more popular bands and i wish them the best of luck and very happy for them.

without wanting to digress anymore, competition is tough that's true, that is a duh so lets put that aside... you talk about more talented people = less oppurtunities for yourself am i correct? at least that is how your post comes across. Let me just assume first ;)

So to make up for this lack of oppurtunities you propose that the only solution is to get signed and not by creating oppurtunities for ourselves?

When a label goes defunct there goes the oppurtunity to survive as a musician? when a pub closes there goes your chance to play anywhere? when another band makes a name for themselves there goes your chance of success? when something comes to change the whole ballgame you just sit down and point fingers at every other thing other than asking yourself what can you do to make it better?

If that is the philosophy that is gonna be the mainstream thinking here then i guess those with eyes can see what really caused lack of sales in music.

You may think that without other musicians you have more chances for yourself, but REALITY is if you have been in the scene long enough you realise you need these other musicians, these other bands, some you really loathe and some you love but you will need them to be successful also before you can think that you can be successful yourself too. Its a paradox, its hard to understand but yeah its like that.

Same goes, when a major closes it also allows room for growth, more opportunities for the little people to go have a slice.

and the day when plainsunset decide that the main reason they won't play such and such gig is because they're not getting paid is gonna be a very sad day indeed.

P.s. any money you get from the label is not really yours :)

p.p.s. toneport is such great invention
hey dog, dont mind if i call you dog right cuz thats your nick xDD
not all the people joining those competitions think like that.
maybe some just want to get exposure and experience how it feels like being on teevee and stuff like that?

No Worries brother you can call me anything u like, its internet anyway :)

Exposure n Experience? hmmm ok i just feel that i rather be watching bands n talents showcasing their original music than covering someone else music, well different people have different opinions its all cool cos nothing will be changed anyway Haizzzzz
somebody please help me understand the logic because i think i became stupid 5 minutes ago.

local musicians want 'exposure'

local musicians don't want people to download their music (under the pretense that people are actually listening to their music)

i thought this is called "having your cake and eating it too", but then again i became stupid after reading this thread.

looks like a good band is hard to come by, but mega rockstar attitude comes for free

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