Bro chris, i did my rounds at hotels, weddings, prince of wales pub, zombie rock bar, bawa block, bus interchanges, schools, substation, tentages, army camps, community centres, private houses, some other pubs can't remember though cos not that regular playing there blah blah...but yeah yet to play at bar none though. That's at marriot hotel iirc.
Got paid, big sum small sum, got rip off, lost stuff, got bad mouthed by other bands, got good reviews, made friends and acquantainces that we still remember, and they are kind enuf to return us a smile or handshake. All in all it was bet.
all this in hopes of breaking through. Well some of my friends have made a name for themselves now playing in more popular bands and i wish them the best of luck and very happy for them.
without wanting to digress anymore, competition is tough that's true, that is a duh so lets put that aside... you talk about more talented people = less oppurtunities for yourself am i correct? at least that is how your post comes across. Let me just assume first
So to make up for this lack of oppurtunities you propose that the only solution is to get signed and not by creating oppurtunities for ourselves?
When a label goes defunct there goes the oppurtunity to survive as a musician? when a pub closes there goes your chance to play anywhere? when another band makes a name for themselves there goes your chance of success? when something comes to change the whole ballgame you just sit down and point fingers at every other thing other than asking yourself what can you do to make it better?
If that is the philosophy that is gonna be the mainstream thinking here then i guess those with eyes can see what really caused lack of sales in music.
You may think that without other musicians you have more chances for yourself, but REALITY is if you have been in the scene long enough you realise you need these other musicians, these other bands, some you really loathe and some you love but you will need them to be successful also before you can think that you can be successful yourself too. Its a paradox, its hard to understand but yeah its like that.
Same goes, when a major closes it also allows room for growth, more opportunities for the little people to go have a slice.
and the day when plainsunset decide that the main reason they won't play such and such gig is because they're not getting paid is gonna be a very sad day indeed.
P.s. any money you get from the label is not really yours
p.p.s. toneport is such great invention