embryo (Gigs, Music and Gear News 2007)

embryo said:
Hehe Willy u very notty arh! :lol:
Wait i give you that "Startailor" (pun intended) treatment then you noe arh! hehehehe

Hotel California... the real story according to Randolf
Ok this song actually came about when I was playing solo acoustic and vocals in a pub. This was before I had my loopers. This drunk unker and his buddies came up to me in the middle of a song I was playing and he breathed down my neck demanding for the song and I'm like tinkin to myself...ya, so how the hell am I gonna pull this off with just me and my limited fingers right? So I played this beautiful but over overplayed song to best of my distant memory and i just din want to play the infamous "singalong solo" (how to right?:) and I just played the rhythm guitar and this damn unker marched up to me while I was furiously playing and hollered "Oi! Where's the @#$%in'Solo Brudderrr?" Wanna know what happened? I dropped the rhythm and went into the solo and finished the song with dat "da da da dum" Bminor chord ending rite and guess what? Hehehe...
This drunk unker and his drunken walrus buddies were clapping with flippers for hands missing each other and hollering from the bar "Aya, where's the rhythm geetar?!!!". Aiyooooooooooo!


man -that god damm hotel california song ..... have been in yr shoes b4 & rocked the same boat

cheers Randolf
gsonique said:
:smt011 ...had a feelin that was coming ....

Hurhurhur, why you worry about all this, bro gsonique bro? Get ready for your neoclassical guitar duel!!!

I'm prepping all the merchandise with your avatar as the logo!!!
bro aging youth bro... as i'm typing, i'm designing the flyers for my "up to 50%" year end sale for the majorest bigger than slayer event of 2007.

can someone serve humji peng there?
I got the supplier already...

Just waitin' for the license to be approved lah. You know, tax this, tax that... Remember, bro edder bro, GST up by 2% next year!!!
hur hur hur huru snot hur hur huru snot :lol:

i got better things to do lah ....

btw you fellas checkin out Love Hunters over the weekend at Gas Haus ??
Yo Lovelies!
Ok check This Out! Wendy just informed me the following which is...

The Embryo LIVE Online @ audioreload.com this Sun. 17th Dec 8pm (GMT + 08:00)!

Read more about this exciting new live performance platform via the net by our own cutting edge folks at audioreload.com

Read more about it here;

Back from the Red Bean Session soundcheck with Wendy and Mervyn and it was a fun filled evening. The atmosphere was cool the folks were cooler and the idea we were all working together for is one of the coolest in a long while. Thanks to Angela, Lin, James, Nigel it's a pleasure to meet and work this exciting idea out with you guys. The chat we had over dinner was filled with laughter, raised eyebrows and woops of amusing stories. :) Wish everyobody a gud rest tonight, the Embryo trio looks forward to meeting again tomorrow evening for the kick off of Red Bean Sessions. Cya'll! :)
Right, so we're off to audioreload.com to plug in and kick off this evening's debut of Red Bean Sessions happening Live at 8pm (GMT + 8:00).

The Embryo will play for you a coupla new original tunes and throw in an improv tune.... destination unknown. :) Log in, join in, and show some love and support for the wonderful folks who've come together to make this idea a reality. We all hope you'll enjoy the ride with us online. Keep fingers crossed for us all, you might just be next ya. Cya! :)

Season's greetings to one and all here at soft.com. Let's hope this'll be a better year ahead. Cheers!

Thought I'd like to share this with all to put a smile and get you rolling on the floor if you've got your humour intact. :lol:

Never say never!

Howdy Lovelies! :)

Hope the new year has been sweet for you so far and the rest ya.

Just to let you know that Embryo will perform 2 sets at Esplanade outdoor stage on the coming 21st Jan a Sunday evening. We will be performing 2 very different sets of embryo tunes and sounds.

The 1st part of the show features intimate solo acoustic guitar through atmospheric loops and soundscapes and the 2nd set will feature the band fleshing out for the the first time new materials which we hope you'll come by to experience and hopefully enjoy. A limited run of home baked cdrs containing demos, in the studio work pieces and live material will be made available for friends, fans and collectors among you. :D

Uber Rocker this coming weekend at The Esplanade Outdoor Theatre. Come on down and rock on!

19th Jan Friday
730pm - Sevenfalls
845pm, 10pm - The Leaven Trait

20th Jan Saturday
730pm - The Oslo Castaways
845pm, 10pm - Nuance

21st Jan Sunday
730pm - Randolf Arriola
845pm - Embryo
Thanks for the enquiry guys. Thanks for the compliments. Glad you liked it.

The recording was captured onto an MD direct from the mixer board at Harry's Harbour Front where I gig Mon, Tues and Wed. I also gig at Harry's new outlet at Far East Square Thrs and Fri nites.

Ok so I though it might be of certain interest for the gear heads among you the gear that was used in the live loop improv;

Guitar: Godin Multiac Steel Duet with LR BAggs Dual System pups
Compressor: CS3 (Stealth Mod)
Yamaha MagicStomp
Boss Gigadelay DD20
LIne6 DL4
Boss RC50 with Proel Exp Pedal
Cables: Spectraflex
Pick: AweInOne Rock Vibe series

Comin up this Sunday Embryo Live at Esplanade Outdoor (Free Concert)

Come by this Sun evening for an intimate evening of sound, songs and moods.

Where: Esplanade Outdoor Theater
When: 21st Jan Sunday 2007
Who n What Time:
730pm - Randolf Arriola (solo acoustic loops and soundscape)
845pm - Embryo (Trio performing new and old fav originals)

The Embryo is; Randolf Arriola: Vox, Gtrs, Live Looping and Floor pedals Wendy Phua: Vox, Bass Mervyn Asher: Drums Also: Limited Home baked CDs of Demos and In studio works made available there.

Sample teaser track for you: http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=batch_download&batch_id=cj/itNGF4oB5TA==


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