embryo (Gigs, Music and Gear News 2007)

Hehe Willy u very notty arh! :lol:
Wait i give you that "Startailor" (pun intended) treatment then you noe arh! hehehehe

Hotel California... the real story according to Randolf
Ok this song actually came about when I was playing solo acoustic and vocals in a pub. This was before I had my loopers. This drunk unker and his buddies came up to me in the middle of a song I was playing and he breathed down my neck demanding for the song and I'm like tinkin to myself...ya, so how the hell am I gonna pull this off with just me and my limited fingers right? So I played this beautiful but over overplayed song to best of my distant memory and i just din want to play the infamous "singalong solo" (how to right?:) and I just played the rhythm guitar and this damn unker marched up to me while I was furiously playing and hollered "Oi! Where's the @#$%in'Solo Brudderrr?" Wanna know what happened? I dropped the rhythm and went into the solo and finished the song with dat "da da da dum" Bminor chord ending rite and guess what? Hehehe...
This drunk unker and his drunken walrus buddies were clapping with flippers for hands missing each other and hollering from the bar "Aya, where's the rhythm geetar?!!!". Aiyooooooooooo!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway this song among several others belong to the secret cache of "Satanic" type of songs that I pull out when some unker or aunty (ther are the young ones out there too btw!)comes along and goes something typically like...

"ya ya oni this band, hur! dunno wheder these guys can actuaree pray proper songs hor? ya! come, let's geesiao them n send them a request to play a jazz geetar song from who arh??? who? oh ya, sure not? eagers har? ah, ok ok go! go" and if they dun pray that song arh... watchout! we go karaoke la and sing sat song together hor and oso arh what's that song from dat cute cute boy? he abit you know la...so famous that guy dunno what...arh! i noe! I noe! Timmy Page! rite? rite? See! I noe! Eh!!! oso arh, got dat song dunno what this pony tail singer just pray..just now quite nice leh dunno dunno what song abt the Brackbird or something...aya, nevermind la! I thinks he sure shud noe how to pray the...this nice nice song arhhhh...I noe! "Reeder of the Band"... you noe wich wan i tokin abt rite? ya the oringeener singer arh... oh ya i noe! i noe! Dan FOXBAT! Very Tokong wan this song! very very sad very shenteementer shong! Ya! quick quick, send the ya ya pony tail singer the request. see he can pray dat song or not....heee heee.eh!!! down here arj got no hiao char bor wan. come! afterwards we go....


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

you figure out the rest!

Sigh! Life is Hard! Hehehehehehehe

Willy! I'm watching you arh! 8O
hahahah.. Randolf, what you say are so typically true. Thats why I know that I'll never be in a cover band (with the attitute i have!) !hahhah.. sure end up, doing face piercing for these 'unkers' with my guitar strings!
I once had a good friend that played in cover bands as well, and he used to tell me the similar kinda shit from 'wankers who got money but no soul'. But like you, he had a good attitute towards all these and nothing else matters. Know what I mean? Just thought I let you know, you have my utmost RESPECT! :) Keep playing hard Randy! Cheers!
The embryo LIVE tonight at Timbre. 10pm till late. Performing originals with an eclectic repertpoire of covers and spacey improvs. Hop onstage for the open jams towards the end of the.


Get ready for the next installment of OpenStage at Timbre happening 20th May the coming Saturday from 6pm to 2am featuring an eclectic lineup of;

4. EMBRYO (hosting the Open Jam)

...and of course the stuff fest Flea Market, great Food, Drinks and FREE Entry!
The embryo will be back at Timbre this coming Thursday night with Wendy (Bass) and Mervyn (Drums) and yours truly on noisee vox and gtrs! we start pluggin in to jam at 10pm

Last but not least we'll also be playing at this coming Sat's 20th May Timbre monthly indie fest OpenStage gig.

Swing on by mates!
Yeah so it's here again!

Come on by Sat night 20th May at Timbre for OpenStage 2 from 6pm to 2am! FLea Market stalls with all their assorted goodies for grabs at great prices that you browse about amidst the great food drinks and did we ever mention the JIm Beam chicks! The great bands showcasing their groovy originals under the shade of the trees in the open air!

The bands for Openstage 2 are

Stoned Revivals, The Love Experiment, Documentary in Amber and The Embryo

Open Inter Band Jam among the rest of us and you towards the later part of the night. The rest is up to you!

Hey and entry is FREE!

Happening this coming Sat evening 27th May at Art's House Earshot

Featuring the return of Singaporean indie legend The Mother...the band that spearheaded the local sound of beautiful shoegaze guitars back in early to mid 90's.

LifeWithoutDreams will be the first to go on (feat Fuz) and Camra with whom I'll be playing guitar with followed with the closing set by the Mother.

Show begins at 7pm and entry is free.

The Embryo wants to say tanx mates!!

It was great fun having you guys and playing for and with you guys at Timbre lat Thrs nite at Timbre. Tanx to the wonderful folks including Bhasker, Jacq, Simon, Ezal, Imran and Pang


Tanx to all who came by early to Arts House for the gigl. It was great fun!
Life without Dreams who opened the gig played a bereathtakingly lush set.
Camra...welll it was great fun reinterpreting the songs with a more intimate strip down arrangement and w/o a bass player and whole different approach to the new song White Hart's Lane. Glad it went down well.
Mother...what can I say except it's been a long wait boys. Sounding great boys! We're all looking forward to more shows of such nature along the way.

Coming up on 16th June at Fort Canning, I'll be playing with Camra on the closing set for Fri nite 16th June for the Rock the Fort 3 day event!

Members of the Embryo (Wendy and Randolf) will be playing with CAMRA tonight at Fort Canning for the Rock the Fort event. See you there!

Hi lovelies! It's been awhile and we hope things have been well for you. :) Embryo whilst in the midst of recordings we've decided to take a break from the studio environ for a breath of fresh air playing a coupla live shows out in the open. :) It's gonna be fun and we need it! heh!

2 Shows occuring on the same day later today Saturday 25th November 2006. The 1st of which The Embryo will make a guest apperance performing some emotive atmospheric instrumental versions of new songs for the "Help Anna Charity Event" at Clarke Quay happening at 4pm. There after we will strap on our skates and wheel down to East Coast to perform 1 set of songs and sounds with new compositions and improvs at the event held at Marine Cove (info below). Come by to share the live experience of an atmospheric weekend of sound and breeze by the beach with the embryo and the featured talents for the rest of the evening. Cheers! See ya! :)

The Embryo featuring;
Randolf Arriola: Vox, Guitars and whole lotta floor based Ooopa Looopas!
Wendy Phua: Vox and Bass
Mervin Asher: Drums

Acoustic Night
25th November 2006

Venue: Marine Cove (east coast near the underpass carpark)

Time: 7pm onwards

Bands playing:

Koff Koff http://www.myspace.com/koffkoff

The Embryo http://www.myspace.com/the_embryo

Jamie Michaels http://www.myspace.com/jamiemichaeluk

So come on down for some great music
Hi Lovelies! :D

Just to let ya know that I'm jammin out 5 nights a week solo on vocals, acoustic guitar with my Ooopa Loopas. A different mix of songs and sounds for the night depending on the mood for the evening. Swing by when you can and say hi and catch up over some dwinks and fine company.

Randolf Arriola LIVE at Harry's (Harbour Front n Far East Square)

Harry's Harbour Front 7.30pm onwards (Mon, Tues and Wed)
Harry's Far East Square 8.30pm onwards (Thrs n Fri)

Randolf's Solo Acoustic Gig setup;

Guitar: Godin Multiac Steel Duet (LR Baggs equipped)
Mic: Shure SM58 Beta
Pedal Stomps: Boss CS3, Boss DD20, Yamaha MagicStomp, Boss RC50, Line6 DL4.

Cya! :wink:
Ah, dah petite dynamo of a keyboardist of Ooopa Looopa Band is a Yamaha Magicstomp... I call her Maggie as she's quite magical in her own right, doesn't talk much, likes to stay low on the floor with her fellow Bossy friends. She's unique and she knows I noe she noes it so I do treat her kinda special. :)Maggie is pretty cool most of the time but she's been kinda cranky lately eversince a shiny new member (RC 50) of the Boss family joined the Oopa Loopa band:) Maggie is also quite a bass player herself and can also throw in some unexpected ambient textures when she's in the mood for it.

Apparently Maggie's favourite stage colour is brinjal purple which prince himself wud've lud to abduct...sooo i was told. Hehehe. Maggie has a twin sister in the Arriola mansion that's undergoing retrofitting eversince she overclocked herself to a premature cyber death. Maggie, her Bossy frens and I await with bated breath for her twin to return from the workshop.


AgingYouth said:
bro embryo bro, I still say that the keyboardist in your line-up is AMAZING!!! Where you get him from?

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