Elections in M'sia and Its Impact on SG


power to you.very insightful.

"Again, true to a certain extend. But such discussions, although seemingly insignificant on surface level, can be enough to affect mindsets and ultimately decisions on who to vote for in the polls. We see it already happening in the last election; the percentage gap of votes between the ruling and the opposition has narrowed"- THOA

I believe, however insignificant our part might be, we do hold the keys to a change, to have our voices heard but the thing is..I am in my thirties and I have never use my power as a voter to have my say

Damn it..walkover all the time. The rule of the game is this..more power to the elite and more goodies to you "digits"...
It seems like Malaysians have finally realized that the current government is not doing enough for the citizens, especially the minority, and they want a change.

I'm totally shocked with Penang though. It was the most unexpected of all. And I believe PAS and DAP can work together. I mean, they have a common aim. Boot out BN.

But I doubt Singapore's politics can be as exciting as Malaysia's. We only have Potong Pasir. It's not enough lah huh.

And to think about it... If there is almost an equal number of opposition and PAP in the parliament, I think for a small country like Singapore, it spells trouble.
did you really find penang a shock? i didnt think so. i thought that the opposition did enough to stir up racial tensions in the country, and you know that penang has such a high percentage of indians and chinese

i thought selangor was a shock
I used to be very anti-PAP, and if and when I get the chance, I'd probably vote for opposition.

But the reason is more because I don't want those in power to get too comfortable, rather than because I believe the opposition can do a better job.

Do you really think the opposition can do a better job, here in Singapore? The PAP is very alluring to our top potential politicians. If I wanted to make a difference to Singapore, I would join the PAP rather than say SDP or WP because I believe I will have more power, job security, you name it.

I'm sure many of our younger PAP candidates feel this way. And once there is no clear Voice From Above, I'm sure we'll see our best people start to be more vocal about their different views.
haha visa
nice way of putting it..voice from above..
the jargon among those in the know is the king and the prince..haha
followed by the tall medium and short..hahaha

yup selangor was a schock,
penang was the in the care of the opposition to begin with
the Gerakan party was in the opposition camp in 1969 when Penang was under their administration

in 1974, they jumped over to BN and became a component of the multi-party BN
I don't see that happening in Singapore, but yeah.
My relatives just came down from Malaysia, and heard them all talking about the elections.
Majority of the Chinese and the Indians voted for the opposition party, looks like a good win. But you gotta see that BN really did make things worse with unfair policies and racism.
I applaud this brave move by the Malaysians,it shows that they are not afraid of change but that the same time,still prefer some stability to be in place and that is why BN is still the majority.Its good news for the opposition as well but now the talking will end and the hard work begins,keeping their promises and bring the much needed change people sought for.In a way,it allows opposition parties in Singapore to take a leaf from their neighbours up north and put up a much stronger front in the political arena back here in Singapore,instead to having a certain opposition icon to thrust into the foray and lambast key figures,which i think its both a shame for the oppostion as it mars their chances in the polls and that of the voters who could have voted for them if not for the antics.

gosh,it feels as though im writing my answers for my History A'Level papers.This statement is just an L2.it requires more elaboration but if i were to do that,i would be boring everyone to death.lol
well about time too.

subbie, I doubt singapore will ever have election issues like what malaysia is facing today.

At least the fundamentals of a "fair" and "equal" governance is generally practiced. However the words "fair" and "equal" may mean different things to different people in Singapore. The people here have not suffered enough to be hungry for a change. They have only "suffered" enough to gripe online. :mrgreen:

Over here in this sunny island
1) No racial discriminatory policies from finance to housing to education to even running a damn business.... Over there, almost everything is racially determined. Here if you're good, you'll go somewhere, if you're not at least you're still given a chance for basic education and future upgrading. There... don't need to say lah... I'm the living example, I'm here in Singapore cos my country didn't want me and choose to send "special" students with 20 points and above overseas, while students like me with points below 10 without even a rejection letter to the local uni.
2) Bribery and corruption is not a way of life.

These 2 points are enough to cover a whole lot of issues pertaining to why people there are hungry for a change. Its been a long time running.
Won't say that the majority has suffered enough, but do agree with edder in general. Most of us are just too apathetic at the moment trying to make money and watch property prices.

I haven't read enough on the news to comment on the scene up north, but its gonna be an interesting time for Malaysia.
Won't say that the majority has suffered enough, but do agree with edder in general. Most of us are just too apathetic at the moment trying to make money and watch property prices.

I haven't read enough on the news to comment on the scene up north, but its gonna be an interesting time for Malaysia.

I'd say the majority just put up with the state of things and as long as it doesn't get too bad, they can earn a living with a little bit of "charity" money put aside, its all good. :mrgreen:

Its basic needs lah, don't all of us just wanna get by comfortably albeit at the expense of a bit of "charity"?
Maybe S'pore's government will learn from the M'sian election, do something about it, so the same thing won't happen to them.......

No, not by showing more care or concern for S'poreans (not their style)........but by CHOKING THE FREAKIN' LIFE OUT OF THE OPPOSITIONS MORE THAN EVER BEFORE TILL THEY CEASE TO EXIST !!!!!

Big question for you: What wrong has Singapore done to you till something like no 2/3's for the current government would actually happen?

Its all words on the interweb bruddah.... thread with care.
choking yes, but if you're determined enough like the m'sian opposition, there's always a way to survive eh

worker's party pretty steady lah. sylvia lim ftw!
bro edder

your country loss is Sg gain...WELCOME WELCOME or shall I say

believe me..the "scene" here is that in almost every ministry..there is a planning dept..
they send scholars overseas not for nothing..the "scene" here abide by the motto "failure to plan is planning to fail"..the lessons of the M'sian elections would be duly noted and thoroughly studied..

hell..been in the service long enough to know how things work here..
as for the opposition here, I believe WP is doing things right at the moment but it takes more to pose a REAL challenge to the whole men in white machinery

i dont believe we can see the opposition here doing likewise in M'sia in this lifetime.
Seriously though, if malaysia ever really brushed up it's act, singapore will be in trouble, even lee ky suggested a reunification would be good for both countries.

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