Elections in M'sia and Its Impact on SG

Interesting topic - let me add a few cent's worth since I am a Malaysian.

Was never much into politics as with the general public - we think politicians are bad. In fact I never even registered to vote - which now I truly regret - cause I could have been part of this movement. I am sure to register myself after within this few months. I was more concerned about making more money and securing more investments but never inclined to realize that politics will have a great say in my way of life. I have comed to my senses and I see that as a responsible citizen we MUST vote. Every vote counts.

Race Politics
I think we should not always believe what the media tells us. Being a Chinese I have always doubt what is PAS' motives since they are always reported as the fanatic Islamists. Granted they do shoot themselves on the foot from time to time with amusing policies - which are later abandoned ;) However if you have the analysis of the voting from the newspapers - you will see that even in areas where there is a 80% of Chinese voters : they chose the opposition with an Indian cancidate as opposed to the ruling goverment candidate which is a Chinese. The same with the Malays - areas with high concentration of Malays decide to choose Indian/Chinese candidates from opposition as opposed to Malays candidates from the government. Same with Indians.

One of the main issues that the opposition asked is why after 50 years of independence we are still so divided by races. It was time to put a stop to this. The new voters have answered with votes that transcends race.

Corruption & New Faces
Very rife in the government. People moved from supporting the political party to supporting candidates with integrity. People were sick and tired of MPs unable to defend their rights even if they were within the ruling coalition. The opposition got a lot of new faces that championed truth, integrity,equality and transparency. A lot of them are very qualified in their respective fields. From economists, entrepenuers, CEO of large companies. These faces were in better position to deliver policy & results from the government choices of dentists as head of states. The people in charge need to make social and economic decisions - and unfortunately the goverment chose candidates based on different criterias ;) It was very easy for the voters who are educated and informed to see which are easily the best candidates. To it's credit - not all the government is corrupt but the voters are unable to distinguish the corrupt ones from the genuine candidates and as such those genuine candidates suffer collectively.

The Internet
In a government controlled media such as Singapore and Malaysia - the only time the opposition comes into the picture is when the TVs or newspapers has bad things to say about them. However the biggest tool was lectures given by oppositons and also youtube. They help spread the real news out to people who otherwise think of the opposition as a bunch of incompetent canditates with faltering policies. It did help to change my perception of PAS as other people spoke about what PAS has done for them - the Chinese/Indians.

At the end of the day - we have a better check on the goverment since it is incapable of checking itself. Any entity that becomes too powerful & arrogant needs to be dealt with. The results show the maturity of the voters and to walk the talk. The government can only be better out of this - as they now know that if they don't buck up by the next general elections - they might be the opposition in Malaysia.

To my fellow friends in Singapore - never believe what the media tells you about the oppostion. Check for yourselves the reality. No doubt - the Singapore government runs it's country much better than Malaysia - there is still some worrying issues - like governemt controlled media, transportation, communications, investment, education (not too sure about this). A lot of things happen in the background that most people are not aware of - and some people are just better at concealing it than others. A stronger opposition in any country can only be a good thing.
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hi bro

always welcome a good and thorough analysis especially from across the border

the electorate in M'sia, i believed, had made a mature decision.Nevertheless, the REAL work starts not now,not today but the very day they were elected, be it the ruling party and opposition.

its time to walk the talk
Yes - fully agreed. Most of us are a bit scared actually with the new states governements. However I guess why not we give them a chance to prove themselves - they know if the voters are matured to vote them in - they sure can vote them out. What the voters want to see now is results. You can talk a lot - but results must be delivered. Gone are the days of scare tactics. Democracy is truly alive and well in Malaysia. :)
the reality of the situation here and over there is the electorate

here-weak opposition and new boundary lines drawn up between constituencies.sometimes the HDB block in front of you gets to vote while you don't
reason- you are in a different constituency-it gets the voters confused sometime

i am in my 30's but yet i have never vote..if you have the key ministers heading your GRC-worse still, no opposition will come and touch

democracy is well and alive in your country
a newbie can upset a heavyweight minister..that is like Muhammad Ali being KO by...me..hehehe
what really surprise me is that they are holding the elections admist racial tension issues, rising costs, corruptions, general unhappines with the government....BN's belief in their invincibility lead to their downfall.
the PM made a wrong tactical move..
he moved his piece early and was checked by the opposition
luckily for him no check-mate yet
Over here in this sunny island
1) No racial discriminatory policies from finance to housing to education to even running a damn business.... Over there, almost everything is racially determined. Here if you're good, you'll go somewhere, if you're not at least you're still given a chance for basic education and future upgrading. There... don't need to say lah... I'm the living example, I'm here in Singapore cos my country didn't want me and choose to send "special" students with 20 points and above overseas, while students like me with points below 10 without even a rejection letter to the local uni.
2) Bribery and corruption is not a way of life.

Edder Bro, have you heard of the plight of young malay or indian families in Singapore unable to buy a flat near their parents' place because the block or neighbourhood has reached its 'quota' for minority residents?

some things are public knowledge but some are public myths...
Edder Bro, have you heard of the plight of young malay or indian families in Singapore unable to buy a flat near their parents' place because the block or neighbourhood has reached its 'quota' for minority residents?

But this policy is to make sure there is no race ghettoes in SG. There is also similar restrictions on Chinese buyers if I'm not mistaken. What perhaps can be done is to finetune the policy in the type of cases you mention.

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