Drum Xchange: Singapore Drummer Circle (ALL are welcome!!)

Very enjoyable exchange today. Learnt some very useful stuff :D Sorry I had to leave early though. Had to rush off for jamming...

Woo nice vid James! Any video of Jerry's drumming is good stuff :D
Hey guys it was nice meeting up today. Thanks for coming down. It sure was a learning experience.

I hope you guys caught Simon Phillips after that....that was AWESOME!! totally Inspiring!!
yeap very impressed but all the pros today... all e nice ppl... willing to share.. thanks...

gonna work hard on basics now...

i'll definitely be going to the next if ever theres arnother one....
Ma'an, real nice to meet up with you peeps today.

It all about sharing broz. No trade secret when it comes to x'change, they'll strip naked if thats possible...errrrr only the drum part yea, and it been that way since day one.

Thanks again guys for sharing and gracing the event, thank you James for making your present felt.

Ahpek,Jerry and the 2' Daniels kik right on the S' yeah, still pain siak.

Looking forward to visuals and text info from the x'change.
First of all I would like to say
a BIG thank you to ALL who came, saw, played!!

It is very heartening to see that the spirit of our sg drum circle is very much alive, and we are spreading it to welcome even more fellow drummers into the fold!!!

Kudos go to the drummers who very kindly and selflessly shared their knowledge and expertise, and answered fellow drummer's questions: Ahpek, Daniel Chew, Daniel (another daniel, r u here in the forum? :D), Jerry (Myx Studios)

I would like to share some clips of today's exchange. I will be putting it up for 2 weeks before taking it down due to space & bandwidth constraints.

In alphabetical order:

ahpek: RLR L
ahpek: shuffle
ahpek: double paradiddle shuffle

chewy: 6/8 latin pattern
chewy: 6/8 latin pattern II
chewy: demonstrates kenny aronoff's moeller technique approach

daniel: demonstrates bounce using technique shown to him by wen (another terrific local drummer!)
daniel: buzz roll

Jerry: Paradiddle I
Jerry: Paradiddle II
Jerry: Paradiddle III
Jerry: Groovin'

Please note that these clips are, in no way, a substitute or replacement for a full-time drum teacher. The intention of sharing these clips, is to provide budding drummers an additional platform to learn from, as well as to encourage greater public awareness of the great drummers & drum teachers we have in SG.

If you are inspired, or very interested in a particular drummer, please feel free to approach them, for one-to-one lessons are only way you can truly "learn from the master" =)


Moving forward, I spoke to Ohfunk buddy from our circle about inviting Wen to our next exchange (which will tentatively be held in a month's time) hope we will get a favourable reply, he has some incredible chops =)

also, if you guys have any suggestions/ideas for next exchange, pls feel free to share them!!!!

any softies that couldn't make it for this one, please do come for the next one!!!

cheers and see you all again soon,
thanks blissy bro!!!!! :lol:

frummer, no problem.. i was very blur after finish my pub gig at 3am, checked again bfore i collapsed in bed and fixed the 2 links!!!
yah!!! i uploaded then dunno how to use program to tilt the video 90 degrees.... 8O sorry u all have to watch it like that.... anyone know any software that can rotate it??? thanks!!!
Had a good time yesterday. Nice to see james and fellow softies, plainsman, ohfunk, bizz2020, blissuicide, dchewk, and the rest.. We must do this often.

Keep the faith!!
17wil said:
ahpek rocks man! :o

Everyone who's at the jam rocks bro!

One more thing for you bros and sistas, do not feel intimidated by other drummers. We all just wanna share what we've learned. The most important thing is to have good time-keeping and solid groove. When it comes to drumming in a band or back a singer, rudiments and techniques are secondary, the most important thing is to have a solid groove going, no matter if you sucks at rudiments or techniques, if you can get the crowd grooving to your drumming, then you're good!

Keep the Faith!!
hahaha well said..

BAIK AHPEK!!! aahaha wanna see u again next time man..
go quit our club gigs la.. come play for us haha
