Does S'pore Drummers Here In "Soft" Have Meet-Ups

To have An Informal Meet-up Regularly Once a Month After The 1st-Meet-Up

Dear Bros of Soft:-

I had spoke to (Bernard of Ulu Pandan CC, Wind Symphony) and I intend to book the Venue (for 4 hours, once a month on a particular week that is to be decided by all you bros eg 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th week of a particular month - starting from April onwards after the 1st meet-up)....I will pay for it on my own account (it's not very expensive - S$45 to S$50 for the 4 hours only - still negotiating) and I told him I'll take it from April to June (3 months continuously) for this initial period.

Objective Of Having Regular Meet-up between Bros Here (at least on a monthly Basis): - - Thus Important to attend the Very 1st Meet-up

We all now have a Regular place to meet & chat every single days on Drums - and it is here in SOFT FORUM (Thanks to James for making it possibble.....and it is most ideal if we could have a Regular Meeting-Place where we all can meet-up in person (at least once in a month) to discuss, share, build relationship, drink coffee, whatever and at the same time enjoy our very passion.......and all these future meet-up need not be so formal too....Core Objective I had spoke to Bernard is:-

(1) Soft Drummers here, need a regular monthly meeting place - this allow/permit us to become a closely-knitted community of drummer in Singapore.

(2) It like we now have our own Soft-Drummer's little club for meet-up on a regular basis. (The Bassist, lead-Guitarists, Keyboardist - don't get it ...Kekekekeke :lol: :lol: :lol: )

(3) Our this little regular meeting-place is already now housing 50 people from the Orchestra comfortably - meaning it is large enough for our group...and it's so affordable too, located in a convenient location.

(4) At a later stage (where our relationship with the Orchestra Group there excel further) - I am very sure, those drummers who want to book the place for their own practices (on drumming only) will have no problem at all...and it's so reasonably cheap....because the ROOM is only share by both (a) The House Orchestra & (b) We SOFT Drummers and it will remain hopefully as our 2nd home beside this cyber-home (soft).

(5) The Orchestra actually need a second drummer too - maybe they can come pick one of you drummer here too (that's what Bernard told me).

(6) Because the Venue is resonably price (what's most important - it is our home or say our little club-house) - we can get our Instructor Drummer Bros or Professional Drummers here to do "Clinics" for us too as often as we like (if those drummer will do us that favour) - and obviously the price will be not be expensive as we have so many Drummers here.........This kind of clinic has more personal touch too as we already know each other (and majority of us are Singaporeans) - The different is that - after each clinic - we can actually approach & asked the (Professional Drummer doing the clinic) in details how certain things are being done - unlike those other 'Ang-Mo" clinic where - I can only get a "Signature that's about all" - this is the PLUS here - we can learn better.

(7) With our own Drumming Community here again (as we get to almost know each other in person)...I wonder if we can get good buys based on certain bulk buying too.

(8) To be honest, sometimes I have groupie asking me if I could recommend drummers to them (not professional groups but just Jamming regularly/weekly).....this type of lobang can give to our own bros here for gaining experience what or having fun - I had a naughty though imagining I tell them "You come lah - you see 40 to 50 drummers, then you pick one yourself from here...Kekekeke :smt040 - I think it freak him out lah :weedman: ).

(8) With our own little drummer club-house (which hehehehe :lol: in real fact is not so little as mentioned here) - we can get many things flowing and enjoy our passion to it's utmost...

However all these can only materialise - through everybody'd involement & participation and commitment - It's just only once in a month meet-up and I'm sure we could all manage our own time, like the way we manage our drumming - once we have decided on which week of the month we want the meet-up to be (and we will fix the week through our 1st-meet-up hearing it from everyone there) .....the time will remain to be 1.00 to 4.00pm (I think it's good so we all still have time to eat dinner, watch movie, go party, or meet :smt061 after that)...

It's time - we should all move on altogether drummers, and have our Very-Own Sweet-Little-Drummer's Community Home. All these could not be possible - without a Big Thank You To James here too for making it possible for us all.

Time: 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Venue: Ulu Pandan CC, Wind Symphony Room (? week of a month which we will all decide later)

Organising Committee: (SOFT- James of course) and Depending on What's The Meet-up for (we can then decide on the committee for different events) - it's just basically "involement".

Drummers Attending Meet-Up: eg April Meet-Up, May-Meet-up etc will be put up in a Thread - if possible try to come - it's just our little drummer's club meet-up afterall...dicuss or we can TCSS (Talk-Cock-Sing-Song) session.

Well...........let's all make it happen, finally we have our own 2 permanent home and meet-up venue fellow drummers.
Don't say like that ley..It's really all the TeamWork & Involvement that all of you here that had motivate me and made all these happens - "you are the guys that sparkle the initiative" It's like telling ourself - "Hey it's time - we drummers here need a club-House to meet-up every month"..and We did our best - we hope to inspire other "Prospective Drummers Contenmplating To Take Up Drumming To Join Us In Sharing Our Very Passion".... and it is proven that we are a Closely knitted healthy group, and inspiring one too aren't we? .....

I know that there are many drummers not in Soft Forum, as such do not know about our meet-up. Hopefully they will come to know about it join this forum from words of mouth eg some from my friends who are Drumming Instructors and friends....and I'm very sure this Drummers Family will grow in no time.....can't imagine - Soft have it's own Drummer's Collective in Singapore oneday......well everything started somewhere...some say "Don't Dream"...but "It's good To Have Dreams"...

So to all those out there who is not a taking up any Instrument as yet but plan to - "If you wanna be a Musician and want to pick up an Instrument - BE A DRUMMER - You won't go wrong with that ".

Cheers my fellow Bros.....and have a wonderful weekend.
As mentioned - The next gathering have been fix from April to June 2007 (3 months) - but only once a month, on a particular Saturday (to be decided on our 1st-Meet-up on 17.3.2007 at L Cube) - 4 hours from 1.00 to 4.00pm - These are informal Meet-up/gathering (no stress - free & easy kinda things, make friends).

As mentioned, the 2nd, 3rd & 4th Meet-up is unlike "The 1st-Meet-up" which will be more structured and organised, and we hope to have everyone participating if possible - sharing what they know on the selected Topic for the day......

We proposed, that all those who could make it - please do come for the 1st-Meet-up...Reuben will be collecting details eg contact, e-mail, from you guys, so as to enable us to contact everyone easily for our upcomming monthly Informal meet-up or any future events.

Upon consolidating these Datas - all those who attended will be given a list so that you can contact one another easily, so to build closer tie among one another...try attending the monthly meet-up - and achieved our main objective as a Drummer through knowledge sharing in the area of drumming.

I have always love the below quote by TOYOTA (but I have add in some things here lah ) , and it's very applicable here - especially in our quest to be excellent in drumming and together we have one-aim.


It's Impossible - Says Reason

It's Tough - Says Experience

It's Painful - Says Pride & Disclipine

TRY - Says Dream

The Challenge - - to bring A Dream To Life !

I believe we all have that dream, our Dream To Be An Awesome Drummer Oneday - Don't We...Yes We Do !

PS:- I think it's very good for all those New Younger Drummers who cannot afford to have an Instructor for now, to still be able to learn from all the Brothers here through the monthly Informal Meet-up and carry-on enjoying the drumming hobby (and not let the drumming passion die-away at the initial period - this is crucial) till they get an instructor oneday. And for all those that are still drumming to share among one-another (their own different knowledge in Drumming) - this way we all excel faster.

To: The Bros listed Below - - Reuben does not have your Details (Real Name & Contact HP No). We would appreciate if you could PM Reuben by latest tomorrow so as to enable him to consolidate the list in proper order which is required for our Committee Meeting this Friday.

Your Co-operation is highly appreciated...Thank You !

Hong Liang
Shred 5
Kari Convention
Knvt's partner
Jimmyplaydrum (Your Tel No had been PM to Reuben by myself)..thks
I have replied previously that I can't make it for this gathering due to work. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Paiseh ah RD. I saw my nickname in the list of people who haven't given their contact numbers mah.

Have fun guys. Someone take vids of the gathering ah :D