Does S'pore Drummers Here In "Soft" Have Meet-Ups

I guess we could bring our cymbals or snares if we wanted to. But we need to agree to only bring them out and play them / test them during the Free and Easy time. Otherwise, there might be too much going on. Anyways, Im just bringing my practice pad and sticks.
Bro rla is correct (during free and easy time only) - Whahahahahaha ! :smt040 :smt040 :smt040 you guys really wanna tear down ....." L Cube " .... izzit for charging us S$35.00 an hour.

See...don't mess around with Drummers har?.
Wah-Low see-beh angry man :smt021 ...I also have snare what ! and somemore my Snare is almost as old as me lah (1969 Ludwig SuperSensitive Snare) :smt023 ... I bet you never smell :smt033 one before hor? all say Please.eeeee lah :prayer: - I bring let you try try...want or need muffling one....Kekekeekeekeke :smt005

PS; - Wah...Soft got so many wicked icon here one har !... :smt040

PS:- ...OK jokes all can bring your Cymbals/Snare whatever (it's good for ShowCase & Testing Purpose)....but we must all remember the core purpose of this meet-up ok Bros....yes and we will reserve all these for the last session (probably 1/2 an hour on this).....but please you all must take good care of your own stuff that you will be bringing - and don't loose it.
RD, what about ur lobang with the old ahpek selling vintage sets man??

suddenly no news.. and can try ur dad's lathing machine anort eh?? maybe someone who knows how to use it can help lathe... hopefully a lathing machine that can accomodate cymbals lah... hehe

oh cheh, i tot 20 lugs on each side... 10 lugs quite normal wad..
bro RD.. i need u to teach me the moeller technique. I've been browsing thru the net to find the video n such but the connection here is sucks so i cant really broadcast it.
As for the Ludwig Supersensitive.... i beg u!!! :prayer: PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! BRING IT!!!
can i try?? 8)
Bro marcdadrummer: - - - The stupid old man neber call me. My friend says he have 2 Warehouse all pack with Musical Instruments (old ones)...some in good condition some not and he is a weird man - he happy he sells he not happy he don't sell you. Hmmm.mmmm yes thanks for reminding me - I totally forgot about this old man...maybe must apple-polish him a little bit then he sell me.

By the way - not my father machining shop lah..but my Father-In-Law one. I think with all those machining tools - yes you can lather a cymbal, but I think the difficult thing is - Do you know how to use the cutting knife (if by free-hand) or how to operate the automated machines - I don't know leh.

Bro kari-convention: - - - I don't know the Moeller Technique :smt017 (only in Theory lah :smt116 Kekekekeke)...maybe I'm doing it (I'm not sure myself here. But I really don't think the moeller is very very important here to me (unless WFD comes to Singapore - World Fastest Drummer)....because when I do accenting (my favourite thing in drumming) the Moeller Technique is contrary to wha I'm using for that's why I did not really go into learning how the Moeller Works.

PS: And yes - I will bring my 1969 Ludwig Sensitive Snare for you all to see and play problem.
ooooo ludwig, dammit i wish i was still in s'pore. when i come back in june lh lah. i reckon the supersensitive is a best for semi pro to pro drummers, at least must have 1 as a workhorse. ludwig makes copies of them i think. model 300 or something can't remember.

yah i know tht old guy, is he the dude at qlark quay? he's got alot of ex saf band equip with him. u wanna get a 14 by 14 snare, he's the man to go to hahaha
Bro blurred - No lah not the guy at Clark Quay. This guy has as I mentioned 2 warehouse all full of Mussical Instruments only (and nothing else).

PS My Ludwig is not from any of them - It's my Sifu one..Huh hh :lol:

Bro Heartbeat... :smt041 welcome to Soft (Hm.mmm 1st post I see) and welcome to join our meet-up also. PLease PM our (Bro rla) your nick real name & HP number since you are joining us....glad to have you around also.
Date: 17th Mar

Time: 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Venue: L CUBE @ 16A Duxton Rd

Drummers Attending Meet-Up: (updated as at Feb 13th 2007)

1] RLA
2] Rudimental Drummer
3] Drum_hobbyist
4] biopromax
5] reuben
6] Hong Liang
7] Drum Bum
8] Melvin
9] Syedo
10] Rustee
11] w-x
12] Frummer
13] Doublestrokesg
14] Shred 5
15] Marcdadrummer
16] rengaw
17] Myner
18] Hi
19] shred5
20) Qwebie
21) Dull Theather
22) Mel80
23) Heartbeat

Any more ppl?

Date: 17th Mar

Time: 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Venue: L CUBE @ 16A Duxton Rd

Drummers Attending Meet-Up: (updated as at Feb 13th 2007)

1] RLA
2] Rudimental Drummer
3] Drum_hobbyist
4] biopromax
5] reuben
6] Hong Liang
7] Drum Bum
8] Melvin
9] Syedo
10] Rustee
11] w-x
12] Frummer
13] Doublestrokesg
14] Shred 5
15] Marcdadrummer
16] rengaw
17] Myner
18] Hi
19] shred5
20) Qwebie
21) Dull Theather
22) Mel80
23) Heartbeat
24) BebopIggy

Sorry bebop:)

Hi Reuben,

The drum set used in L cube is a Yamaha stage custom, Nouvea lugs.

The pedals used are double chain, an iron cobra set.

Cymbals used are ZBT sets, and Paiste Alpha 18" crash.

For the general info, We welcome drummers attending this meet up to bring their own gear and sets for trials and fun. But please do remember to label and identify them yah ? : )

Hopes the above information is useful to all brudders attending this event.

Cheerio !!!


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