Does S'pore Drummers Here In "Soft" Have Meet-Ups

Bro that's not what I mean lah....You see...we Drummers are very stylo-milo one and are mostly bery handsome one. I was just wondering, how come no :smt061 Drummer comming mah. This is an opportunity to get to know we all, besides.... got good drumming stuffs to share share here....

na-bei-eh..sayang I am married liao and my daughter just got married in November last year (she is 27 liao)..but many Bros here are still single & available one mah. :smt005 :smt005 ...Oooop ! I forgot you are also not available liao hor !.Kekekeke :lol:

PS; We hope to have more participants joining us at the end of the day - that's the main point. :smt023
heh... im not sure whether my friends want to folow me or not.. i dont think they want... they sure want to go shopping around Sg... hehehe... sorry guys.
Possible topics for the day

1) Self Intro around the room (Rudimental Drummer facilitates)
2) Warm up routines (RLA facilitates)
3) Cymbal type sounds and care (Drum Hobbyist)

Any suggestions for TOPIC X?

wah, not bad agenda

1) self intro.. no problem wif that.. as we all have to do dat!! hahaha
2) warm up.... yesh.. 5BX ( for all those who havent go NS, you guys will know that later)
3) cymbal talk.... or isit cymbal preaching eh, drum hobbyist?
4) topic x

for topic x, lets talk about ways of playing different genres....
like me, whos been playing rock stufss, wud certainly like to know more about playing jazz.... yeah..... and vice versa
its time like this that we can exchange ideas

and also topic x, maybe we can some explaination on how to 'pimp' our cymbals...
like self hammering, self drilling for rivets fix-in

and also, how about bringing our cymbals, exception to drum hobbyist who i think need 2 vans to bring them over...... hahaha
by bringing cymbals, i mean, those exotic and erotic...
those cymbals who haf been pimped.....
RD... maybe I will bring some beau of my cymbal collection to distract you guys from those pretty girls... :wink:

DT... Ya... preach until you guys become cymbals fanatics like me... get ready to be brain washed... :lol:

will be bringing assorted cymbals and self innovated cymbals for demo... 8)
where is Blissuicide? I havent seen him here for awhile. Nobody invite him ah?? He have such a nice collection of Paiste if i'm not mistaken.
Plus he also have the DW's Neil Pert Signature Snare. (yummy!)
i'm coming back in june. hopefully i survive the semester, i dunno i might not. yah blisssuicide, u guys shld get him down, abuse his neil peart abit, genhui is super nice (i hope i spelt it right gen).
hey kari, yes rudi is right most drummers are rather cute (ahem exhibit A). but u guys most prob need to organise ear plugs for the ladies cause it does get loud.
We is missing you blurred. You no come, I is not able to play on your snare. Good times.


Seriously though, good luck for your coming sem. You can do it man :D
woops.. not doing my job.. exams lah... got 4 papers next wk...

sorry sorry.. agreeable on Lcube..

anyway.. those that are comfirmed can you just pm me your real name and phone number.. will be easier to contact...
met with the owner of lcube earlier today at SL, nice fella, talked lots with Blissuicide...

aiya, i should've asked them to chop the vinnie paul snare lah, basket 225 only sia...

wah dam suay lah today, but at least i get a new snare today haha!!

and yah i haven't tried his neil peart snare, costs around 2k!!.. fuhhh..

eh ur names all funny2 dunno which one :smt061 ah...

identify urself leh.. haha

oh RD, u said somewhere that i can use ur dad's lathing machine? can use for cymbal meh?? coz my stock ride too heavy and i wanna lathe the top portion, maybe HH first ah haha...
yeah shred5.. bring it and let them feel the piercing..... hahahah

the only thing i will bring is myself and my sticks... hahahahahahah
so do i need to bring my Tama Bronze snare with Brass hoop?

i dont think so. its too damn heavy. i'll bring my Vicfirth drumpad and a pair of sticks only. 8)