Do You Look Like A Musician?


New member
I mean - do you make effort to dress up when you go out and look like a musician?

You know what I mean right...

Don't need to wear t-shirts with your favourite band on it. Hell, that doesn't mean you are a musician yourself - you may just be a big fan.

As in, you know.. musicians kinda look different. They are non-conformists, they've got attitude and style (well, most of 'em) and you can almost always tell a musician apart from the rest of the garden variety species of humans. :mrgreen:

It can be unruly, long hair, more accessories on yourself than usual, maybe tattoos, anything - as long as you wear it with attitude and you think it carries the spirit of the music genre that you like and you actually play, originals or otherwise, that genre of music.

I only remember once I went for a job interview in a hotel and I kept long hair (tied it back) and the first question the guy asked me was "Are you a singer?". Maybe he was serving me a piece of sarcasm-flavoured cake lah but it was cool cos I just starting to learn singing and all.

So, do you look like a musician or just normal, boring looking?

I know James of Soft looks like a nerdy professor on his profile picture but in real life, he can pass off as a cool, Chinese rock bassist.

PPl who make an effort to dress like musicians are posers. u should just be yourself, dress the way u want to. not to show off. cos thats just gay. i know alot of dwebby lookin ppl who are better musicians than those who dress up just to look 'cool'.
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Whether you look at me from any angle, I just look like another average tomboy walking on the street with zero effort in attempting to dress like my favoured genre, or 'fashionable' at the least.

I don't feel a need to look like a musician. Besides, it's always more fun to 'shock' people and have them realize that you can't judge books by covers.
fashion, much like music is an art form too. nothing wrong with dressing up. viisual kei is a bit too extreme though.
PPl who make an effort to dress like musicians are posers. u should just be yourself, dress the way u want to. not to show off. cos thats just gay. i know alot of dwebby lookin ppl who are better musicians than those who dress up just to look 'cool'.

in a way youre right.
then again theres nothing wrong dressing up.
but some ppl think like " i HAVE to let ppl know im a musician so they'll think im cool"
which im kinda of against but oh well let them do what they want
Well, you can look at it from many angles lah.

If you think you don't want to look wannabe-ish, that's fine. It's your choice.

Then again, it's a lot of musicians' and famous rock stars' choice to look and dress the way they do, and set trends and make fashion statements and ultimately, look cool and fantastic.

Don't forget - a lot of times when you perform on stage, it is not just about what the audience 'hears' - it's a whole sensory experience. Being visually attractive and interesting is what sets the boys apart from the men. Unless of course, you are part of the church choir lah. Then again, you'll see how those gospel black singers have lots of facial expressions and gestures to work up the crowd and lift their spirits and get them to sing with passion.

So, I'm sure lots of musicians will agree that somehow most people retain a visual element or two on themselves - be it bodily piercing, hairstyles, a certain style of clothes or whatever. To them - their music is their life and part of their lifestyle is to 'wear their passion', to sort of tell the world "We are not quite the same as you".

Not everybody is musically talented, so I think there's nothing wrong in living their lives the way they want to and look and dress the way they want to, deservingly as musician.

Of course, at the end of the day - if you are bloody talented and play music for a living but don't want or feel the need to dress up - then it's your own choice right?

No right or wrong to it.

The only thing I don't really like is musicians who blindly follow fashion just to look cool. They are probably poseurs and spend more time on fashion than the music itself.

But of course, there's nothing wrong in dressing up. I don't, though. No blings, no accessories, no shit, nothing. Just maybe a band tee and a pair of pants. Simple and casual enough.

I guess maybe I don't look like a musician. A lot of people do get mildly surprised when I tell them I'm a vocalist of a metal band.
I look like a CEO of a multinational company .... when Im on stage :mrgreen:
So, do you look like a musician or just normal, boring looking?

Errr, what is a musician supposed to look like? Are "normal looking" (or "boring looking", whatever that means) people not musicians? I sense some kind of judgement being made here...:(

The musicians playing in an orchestra, for one, look pretty "normal" many times without their tux and black dresses when they perform.

On stage, ok. However, there's more to stage presence than just how the person dresses. Off stage...that's another question. We can't judge a book by it's cover, right? ;)
In the end the difference between dressing to be yourself and dressing to be a poseur is the same as in music or in any other art form lah: do it to EXPRESS, not IMPRESS.
I don't look like a musician, and I liked the surprised expressions when people know that I play music... its interesting =D
^ I like your style.

I dress up like this though:


Sure gets strange looks when I'm on the MRT to Jurong East.