Hi all, since pf personally msg me to join in the discussion, here I am.
"Be discriminate in your listening. Remember, you're training your mind. Choose music like you would your friends."
for me, when i read this quote, there are a couple of things that comes first into my mind.
1. discriminate in listening
2. training your mind
3. choose music
Now, the point here is not simply listening, or hearing. But it's simply listening intently and the end process of doing this is taking down a lot of ideas, influences, and simply say, internalizing the music you listen to your own music.
Why is this important? Because in jazz, we need to listen to other musician, other player, other improviser to actually grow ourself in our improvisation. By simply listening and playing to the same thing over, let's say 5 year ... it won't change or improve our improvisation much even though we practice like crazy. Because we simply doesn't progress. Our music doesn't take any new information, therefore doesn't digest and doesn't produce any new music (improvisation). So when we're listening to the music, we actually training, as well as learning about music, whether we realize it or not. (the example of this will be the instance when I listen really a lot to Hiromi's music ... whether i do it intentionally or not, my improvisation or solos start to sounds like hiromi.)
and the third point is that choose your music. So it's not about not judging music or an album without listening to it first. But whether, after knowing which one is good, and which one is not ... to listen intently and learn, internalized the music and taking up the influence of good musician.
in a nutshell, "if you listen to crap, you will play crap ... if you listen to gold, you will produce gold"
That's my point of view =) , feel free to criticize or correct me if you think i'm wrong