digital or analog?

haiz... you all got too carried away. musicians must be 'cool'.

ok, look at the original poster's question again. " u think i shld spend 600 on a podxt live.. or shld i go buy analog pedals?"

to make this thread read-worthly, we must put podxt live in the picture. maybe we can use $600 and put together some analog pedals that will match feature-for-feature? then we weight the quality of individual sound.
how about a compromise? run your analog fx through your pod! :lol:

sorry I am digital guy...I want consist sound everytime. Too much troublee with tubes and stuff for tone deaf guy like me.
Back to the beginning, imho, the problem actually lies with the title of this whole post.

To see it turn into analog vs digital is really not what i had intended to see.

There are really too many things that goes into the effect processing to give the tone that we are hearing. To put it as just analog or digital is too naive and oversimplifying the whole thing. Especially, i say again, when we are just talking about distortion side....

Look beyond the analog/digital arugument especially if we are just talking about distortion/overdrive.
Throughout most of the various effect forums and among those fellows who are really into effect locally, no one will talk about analog distortion or digital, because in the first place. The analog/digital is more on delay/echo effect or other modulation effect more than distortion/overdrive. It will be really weird if someone try asking about analog distortion or digital distortion around...

Buying gear is always like a gamble, in the end you might like the sound that others hate or really hated the sound that others like. But the thing is that you had gained from the experience through actual hands on rather than just hearsay from this dude's friend's uncle's son who used it before or reviews, reviews and more reviews reading.

Know what you want in the gear you want to buy is so much more important than what analog/digital can do.

just my 0.02 cent again...

i personally use pedals not because they are better .. there are pros and cons.

notice how line digital products come out 6mths to a year then its overshadowed by another breakthru in digital technology?

pod--- pod2.0 --- podXT --- pod XT live ---

Boss gt5 ---- gt6----- gt8 ----

ds-1 ---- ?

ts-9 ---- ?

for what digital products lack --they make up for it by sheer functionality. hundreds of different tones , light weight , compact , doesnt blow up , low pricing.

for the guitarist that is just beginning to wander into this realm of effects - digital or analog. i would suggest one buy a digital modelling amp/efx proccessing unit. try it out to the fullest. then decide what effects and type of sound he desires. Than save up big time and go get them.

trial and error with analog effects is just TOO expensive.
some people pay couple of hundreds for a boutique "hand made" pedal
.....and before they even try it, they are 100% convinced its Da Shit.

i say focus more on being a guitar player then anything else. know what you want , try everything twice and then make your decision.
As for "boutique" or handmade effect, let's not even go there :wink:

It will be really funny to see comments on it, especially in here....
i mix them up for live or recording.

amp <- ibanez de7 - marshall guv'nor plus
- zoom 509 modulator - boss ds1 -> guitar

never had problem sounding good except for certain types of amps which i dont like.
personally i think it doesnt matter if ur using analog or digital efx, which one is better. its more of what sounds do you actually want.
so go try every single efx there is on the market, try it with the rest of your efx. bring them along to all the shops. sounds good? u need it? get it. skeptical or dont really need it? forget it.
n yes digitally modulated amps... not my thing.
who who :lol:

haha, just have fun with the effect, whether analog or digital. Thats the point.

It's really no point if we are just talking about "digital" distortion... :lol: :lol:
hey, i`ll go with digital,(podxt) for recording function and other cool effects..
its just too troublesome to record the analog way (at home)need other stuff such as mic..etc..

for live i still stick with that pod..just create 2patches
1 home and other for live...use the vibe function for that (update firmware)

distortion wise i cant afford a tube the best way is podxt..
something like this guitar->podxt bean->carvin ts100 poweramp->amp or cabs..sometime i add an eq..

i might go for podxt pro in that i can leave the poweramp and the podxt on the rack..and the bean for practise...

another thing...i can practise anywhere..and hv gd tone..
podxt -> i recommen the pod anytime..
cheers :)
thks for tt penguine.. juz wanna ask u.. haf u tried like turnin off the amp modeling and juz using the effects.. the delays and modulators.. i haf a ds 1 now.. and im think to use the ds1 as my od/dist.. den use podxt live for delay and boost.. is it possible?? i kinda like how the ds-1 work wif my cleans up quite abit when i roll off the volume.. but wif podxt bean last time.. like abit diff.. unless i roll up till 1 or 2 den can clean up.. if not no diff..
stars_jy said:
i kinda like how the ds-1 work wif my cleans up quite abit when i roll off the volume.. but wif podxt bean last time.. like abit diff.. unless i roll up till 1 or 2 den can clean up.. if not no diff..

Thats the problem with digital distortion. ;)
yup u can bypass the amp...
there ppl that does that im not one of them..:)

ur amp is set clean or dirty?
one thing when using the podxt it depends where u plug in..
direct, or the return loop..if u use direct u need to set the bass and treble to 0
and the mid to full...
and the vibe option is very critical..

i find the DS1 is kinda thin sounding too...u need to combine with an Od or eq pedal to get that thick sound...

btw i did not like the podxt live just like the bean and podxtpro..
yea.. ds1 is kinda thin sounding on its own.. but im modding it soon.. its like the od on my amp.. but sounds alittle better when i use it on the od channel of my amp..
so.. penginue.. does it clean up much when u roll the volume on ur podxt.. mayb tt time i set too much gain ?

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