Analog Mixer, Digital Mixer, Audio Interface, or Control Surface?


New member
After doing some research on setting up a Home Studio/Recording Studio, I'm come into a dilema.
My current set up is as follows:
2x Guitar
1x Bass
1x Keyboard
2x Monitor Speaker
1x Computer

My ultimate aim is to be able to set up a "Home Jamming Studio", as well as being able to do Multi-track Recording when the need comes. I might consider getting a Digital Drumset in the future when I got the spare cash. I will also need 1-2 mics for vocals and backing vocals too.

Based on the setup, I will need at least 8 inputs, probably with some extra to future proof.
My initial intention is to get a mixer with a reasonable amount of inputs for all my equipments, but this brings me to a question.
If I want to to Multi Track Recording, should I just get an Audio Interface and do everything within the computer with the use of softwares, or should I get a Mixer with outputs to the computer?

After doing some research, I found out that there are Mixers that are able to connect to the computer, thus removing the need for Audio Interfaces, but I do not know how many tracks it is able to record simualtaneously. They usually do not indicate it clearly in their specifications.

There are some who say the use of the mixers is rather redundant now since there are very advanced softwares designed to act as a mixer which usually have more or better functions than a Mixer. In such cases, there is only the need for an Audio Interface, thus saving on funds on a mixer which I would probably only use it for volume control and it's limited EQ and Effects.

Some would prefer a Control Surface or a mixer as they like the "Touch and Feel" of the faders and knobs.

Are there any solutions you guys may have that is able to complement my setup?
I'd also like to mention it is a plus if I am able to "use" my setup without switching on my computer, for instances like when I just want to do practice jamming without recording.

My budget is under 1k as I do not want to spend too much money.
Most (not ALL) analog mixers with built-in USB interfaces only send ONE, mixed, stereo output to your computer. So no, you can't multi-track. Look for ones that specifically say that they can 'send' 8 or 10 or 16 (however many) channels to the computer.
As far as I know, most Behringers, Peaveys, etc. will only do stereo stuff. Here are some that I know can help you do multi-track recroding:
Mackie ONYX 1620i
Helix Board 18 FW MKII
Alesis Multi-mix 16 USB 2.0 (ATTN: the normal USB one sends only 2 outputs)

There's also the digital Yamaha N12, and then the Presonus Studio Live both of which I'd imagine would be more expensive than the aforementioned ones.

Personally, if recording is your main (or only) focus, I'd ALWAYS suggest buying just an 8-track interface WITHOUT a mixer, simply because you record dry and flat and balance and mix ITB (and save money!). But as you said, if Jamming is essential, I would say go for something like the aforementioned mixers; they'd cost you over 1K but will be worth it in the long run. Any compromise will be.. well, a compromise! :) And the idea of interface-to-computer-to-Control Surface seems too painful to pull off for jamming live, but that could be just me.

Just as I type, another option just struck me. If you can't afford any of the above mixers, here's a solution.

Buy a second hand 8-track interface -- should find here on Soft in the range or 400 - 500 SGD. Use ONLY for recording.
AND buy a used mixer with 6 to 8 mic pres which you can use only for jamming.

And if you're recording LIVE - i.e. recording while jamming, take the outs from your interface, feed and balance on the mixer and then send to the PA / monitors. That way you're recording dry, but have some well balanced monitoring controllable on an external mixer.

Phew this was a longer relpy than i thought!
Thanks for the reply!
The ONYX seems to be good, but it's price is rather expensive. I think only the 1640i version can record multi-track.
I'm quite interested on the Helix and Alesis, you have any idea where can I get/test them in Singapore?
From Sinamex website, the Alesis cost close to 1k >.<

I've also seen the N12 and Presonus Studio Live, the price is overkill :o
I use ableton live software ...has upto 8 tracks, which you can record independently, and then mix them and addeffects. I have a box thing my instruments plug into and it plugs into the computer .... I record each track seperately and mix them on ableton live. If you get the ableton live pro, think you can have as many tracks as you like. Then of course you can add pan and effects, and output as a stereo mp3

I am a beginner musician ......looking for someone to jam with ...interested or know a drummer who might be?

The ONYX seems to be good, but it's price is rather expensive. I think only the 1640i version can record multi-track.
That's not true. I believe all the 4 onyx xxx0i models can record multi-track. Of course, it boils down to how many mic-pres you require. Highly doubt you'd need the 4-bus board for recording / jamming. the 1620i should be cheaper..

I'm quite interested on the Helix and Alesis, you have any idea where can I get/test them in Singapore?
From Sinamex website, the Alesis cost close to 1k >.<
I thought 1K falls within your budget? :D

Call these guys for the Helix boards.

Trektech – Industrial Light & Sound
Phone:+65 98260452

I've also seen the N12 and Presonus Studio Live, the price is overkill :o

Yes, I think both are a rip off in a way. N12 just simply overpriced. The Studio Live would've been worth it if it came with motorized faders. Without those, it's "complete recall" feature is a bit of a joke! Never tried either of them though.. maybe they have really awesome pres and onboard FX which make them worth it. Don't know.
Yea, most of the good stuff is over priced here in SG. And yea, shipping from abroad can cost a bomb.. plus its a bit of a risk, coz things could get damaged in transit. And of course, most sellers don't ship globally coz they're not officially authorized to.

Go the 2nd hand route, i feel. keep checking out the classifieds, you should find some good stuff there.