Detroit Metal City

What?! Not many people are watching Detroit Metal City??!!!

It's a blasphemy!!! This is so GROTESQUE!!!

Especially those of you, so-called Metal fans... I hope your heretical ignorance will summon Krauser-san from his abode in Hell to rape and murder all you people, all you pigs of capitalism!... Yeah Satsugai! Satsugai, se yo! Go to DMC! Go to DMC! Go to DMC!
On a serious note...

You guys should catch DMC in all three forms... manga, anime and live-action (starring the Death Note's L guy as Krauser-san)....

It's just so funny... damn, I can't seem to get hold of the live action film version... :(
Hahahah I love it! Thanks sage. Metalocalypse, Detroit Metal City..any more? I did remember watching an anime on AXN years back. It was called Rock And Roll Save The Planet or Earth or something like that. Now that series was freaking cool!