Death Cab For Cutie

I thought I couldn't go due to work and such!!! But I managed to get an EXPENSIVE ticket at the last minute. Sheesh.

I loved it, though. They were awesome. Ben's voice was flawless. Sorry for sounding girly here, but I also thought that he looked kinda hot. :p I wish they'd played a couple more songs. I bet everyone was hoping for that, haha. But then again, I paid double than the original ticket price so I guess I expected more. I LOVED Grapevine Fires. I don't know why, but I thought I was the only one there who did. I'm also very glad that they played a few older songs!

I have the setlist on camera. Managed to take a photograph of the setlist from a guy who 'won' it. Haha. He was holding it up. ;) Maybe someone will post it before I do. *lol*

Did someone say something about an autograph session? What? When? Where was I? :shock: :eek:
i thought grapeyard vines was good too. seems that lots of people dont know many of the songs. the only song i could not identify was the 1st encore song. i think they played everything i wanted to hear except for 405, your heart is an empty room and lightness. and i was expecting they played Company calls epilouge right after Company calls.
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The encore songs were Your Bruise, Tiny Vessels and (of course) Transatlanticism.

they played all the songs i wanted to hear the most! the encore songs and Title Track. i am happy.

I was so friggin' surprised that they played Title Track! I was doing a board search on the DCFC forum and they'd played that song and Your Bruise at other venues, but very rarely. Tiny Vessels and Transatlanticism were so beautiful. Just perfect. I think us Singaporeans are pretty damn lucky. People elsewhere are complaining that the band are only playing the newer songs. Maybe they decided to play the more obscure and older songs for us because they were so stunned and honoured that the tickets to their show were sold out in a couple of days. :p Weird theory, I know.

boomslang20117: I agree. I wish they'd played 405 as well. I also wish they'd played Marching Bands Of Manhattan. *lol*
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not in order of course:
Bixby Canyon Bridge
Title Track
company calls
A Movie Script Ending
Why You'd Want to Live Here
Styrofoam Plates
The New Year
Title and Registration
Expo '86
The Sound of Settling
Soul Meets Body
I Will Follow You into the Dark
Crooked Teeth
I Will Possess Your Heart
No Sunlight
Grapevine Fires
Long Division
Your Bruise
Tiny Vessels
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if they played Marching Bands of Manhattan i want them to play what sarah said!

was the tickets really sold out in a couple of days? i heard my friend said no more tickets were available on the very evening itself.

anyway i heard the autograph session they didnt allow signing on tshirts and tickets stubs. only on cd itself.

i wish they would interact more with the audience. but knowing them, it is so not their style to do that.
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Yay, thanks for posting the songlist!

Hahaha, yeah, What Sarah Said and Brothers On A Hotel Bed and the whole of PLANS album. A 3-hour concert. *LOL*

My personal faves were:

1) Grapevine Fires
2) Tiny Vessels/Transatlanticism
3) I Will Follow You Into The Dark (it was awesome as the only so-called acoustic song and the crowd sang along!)
4) Title Track/Sound Of Settling
5) New Year/I Will Possess Your Heart

I should've just said I loved the whole concert. *ROFLMAO* :p

Okay, they SO need to come back. Soon.
yeah, my friends and i were gunning for Marching Bands too... but i guess they were trying to play the more upbeat stuff for us. and i'm REALLY glad they played lots of their older stuff. i loved it that they played Photobooth! it's one of the first DCFC songs i'd ever heard so that was awesome.
lol i need someone to put them in order for me.

my fav were:
Bixby Canyon Bridge
Title Track
company calls
Styrofoam Plates
The New Year
Title and Registration
Tiny Vessels

and its weird ben didnt wear his glasses as i was expecting him to. i like his geeky style. lol.
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haha i was going to note down the setlist, but then i thought.. nah, just enjoy it :) i can tell you that the first 3 songs were Bixby Canyon Bridge, The New Year, Why You'd Want To Live Here, and then Photobooth, i think. Then the last 3 songs (the encore) were Your Bruise, Tiny Vessels and Transatlanticism.

i was so thrown off by the fact that Ben's lost so much weight! couldn't find him at first haha. but yeah, good stuff. they all looked good tonight, sounded even better.
Yeah. That was my first thought. Ben has lost SO much weight and he looks so damn hot. I thought they'd changed the lead singer or something. :p Okay, so Chris and Jason and Nick were hot too. *lol*

Anyway...tada! Here's the setlist. ;)

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i wanted to go with friends at first but then it sold out in a freaking day. and then i got convinced they were just going to play new stuff so i was like consoling myself (i only like their old stuff) and now i look at the songlist and i cry.
^ daryl

I know what you mean. I wasn't expecting them to play old songs. But I guess since it's their first time here and all (unlike the U.S where they always play), they decided to play old songs as well. Don't worry, I'm sure many of the songs will be up on youtube at some point. ;)
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ok i admit. i had no idea who they were nor what kind of music they played. i have been living under a rock the last 30 years. my cuz called and asked if i wanted to go 3 hours before the show cos he had a spare ticket, so i was like, "yah ok..."...and i didn't regret going. really good stuff!
not to gloat or anything but...

it does show if one was really desperate, one could make it inside nonetheless! Just show up at the door with a sign, grin and bear it! You could get lucky...


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