Death/ Black Metal- any fans here?

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there is frost from satyricon,there is hellhammer,there is Fredrik Andersson.. there is Stormblast from Infernal War.. you should check him out.. you will be shocked of that polish black metal band.. it may be underrated or not well known or famous as other drummers.. but he's the best so far with both speed,technicallity and creativity..

ni part baru nak caya lah.. ROFL!!! woot~ sorry,darfina.. most probably we will be playing Darkthrone - Skald Av Satans Sol, Kult Ov Azazel - Perpetual Demise of the Bastard Son, Sargeist - Sargeist and Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion.. these songs are added to the playlist for this saturday.. woot~ i'm gonna be dead playing those songs including with the 6 of the original songs we are playing.. :mrgreen: pffft~ its time for nuklearblast the drums woohoo..
In my opinion Dimmu Borgir is more like symphonic extreme metal because only their corpsepaint and the vocals seem black metal. But genre apart, Dimmu Borgir is one Hell of a kickass band. Can never get bored with their music!
Dont forget Old mans child! Awesome! love thier Vermin album and ill natured spritual invasion album.

Panzer grindshack! \M/
i sooo lurveee black/death . death reminds me of cockroach being squashed and black of the oozing flowing black chocolate..or isit dark brown ?? ehh wait,wtf am i talking about ??? :twisted::confused::) sorry donoe which smilies to use harhar
anyone here likes Bloodbath? kinda like it lol. maybe its cos im an opeth addict as well and i just love mikael akerfeldt's vocals xD
I also like Peter Tagtgren's vocals, actually. He sang for one of Bloodbath's albums. I really miss his growls now! They're very rare on Hypocrisy's newer stuff.

Call me wierd but I also like Nergal's vocals :cool:. Its not a very typical vocal style in death metal nowadays. Or rather, Behemoth's well-conceived blend of death and black metal.
anyone's into brutal death?
i love hate eternal, Nile and suffocation and such bands
can introduce me to some of your favourite?
In flames anybody?especially their old stuffs...kinda melodic and the songs makes u headbang all along..haha..especially december flower..
Im a huge fan,the dp is one obvious is my fave,but Satyricon is fast becoming a top fave of mine.As for CoF,i hope that their boat could just stop rocking,seems to me that they are losing members gradually and i wonder who is to blame.hmm.......
Brutal death gets on my nerve at times. Although I do like Nile, I cannot appreciate the rest of brutal death.

Strangely, black metal, especially the raw materials, works on me.

I prefer technical death like Necrophagist and Morbid Angel.

But, melodeath is still for me. I love Mikael Akerfeld's voice. He is totally my inspiration because I'm a vocalist too. He got me hooked onto vocals. And Bloodbath owns because it's a supergroup. Haha!

Oh, I also love Behemoth's Demigod. Actually, I love Behemoth's Inferno. Inferno made me fall in love with drum rolls and blast beats.
Not much into hyperfast brutal death, but I like slower brutal death... Nile manages to sound great even at top speed though. Not to mention the Middle east melodies. :cool:
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