DD3 high-cut mod


New member
What does it do, how much does it cost, and who do i go to?


thanks all.

btw, how are kent armstrong pups' sound quality as compared to SD.

before anyone screams "HASSOUND"

i scream it first! "HAS-SOUND"
Dude, you don't know HAS like how I know, so, please. Don't hop onto a train without knowing where it goes.

If you wish to have a demonstration of how good HAS Sound pickups sound, search this forum.

hi cut mod? Google.

Who mods pedals? Search SOFT.
Must be just because I'm tired.

But anyway.

Santa, if you wanna try some HAS Sound pups, let me know. I'll gladly share.
haha...have a good nite's rest man..

"sleep is the balm of tired minds"

- Shakespeare (i tink)
Tanx for plug mates! ;)

The Hi Cut Mod for DD3 effectively makes your digital delay sound warmer. When the Hi cut is engaged the echo when compared to the stock digital echo sounds warmer because the subsequent repeats get darker by losing the trebles more and more which is characteristic of analog and tape based delays.

The Hi Cut Mod is also applicable to DD2, DD3 and DD5 where the parameters controllers are analog. The DD6 however has a high cut mod of a different sort as it's parameter controls are digital encoders.

The High Cut Mod comes with either a choice of 2 (Default/Hi Cut)or 3 way (HiCut1/Default/HiCut2) toggle switch.

Some fellas like myself with a lot of floor stomps do not like to bend down mid performance and twiddle 'em knobs too much so in order to keep things more efficient I offer different degrees of personalized Hi Cuts so that you can easily flick the switch to select between default digital delay tones and analog delay tones without having to readjust the level and feedback dials.

If you find yourself attracted towards tones and after notes that are of a wider dimension or simply want to add a little of that "fairy dust" to your sound here's a cost effective add on solution for your Boss Digital Delay Stomp. :)
thanks embryo.

shredcow, it seems u flame all my jokes. well not ur fault, jokes on the internet are hardest to pull off.

well i will check them out with u when i get my new guitar :D

promise :D

how much is it in sing for a has-sound pickup?

oh, embryo can u help me mod?

and how much?
i got kent armstrongs tweedtones pup... NICE, neck pup is ok only, not honky enuf, but the pup shine at the mid, mid n bridge, n bridge. V nice...

BUT!!!!!!!! It hums ALOTTTTTTTTTTTT with dirt pedals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hehehe that's a hummer for you!

So it's a single coil? if it is you can try this trick called "searching for mecca"
it doesn't remove but can actually reduce the noise quite dramatically. :)
Randolf's hi cut mod for the DD3 is a must have, compulsory mod IMO.

With no hi cut, you get the standard fare, nice if you want your delay heard...

With hi cut on, you get to have a revishish, echo-ish effect, very cool for just wetting the tone up.

With a LOT of hi cut on... woah... very very nice. Though, your delay can't really be heard in the mix lah..
i use these - (neck) Single Hum HR1R / (mid) Single Hum HR1R / (bdg) Humbucker WPU11BL (Kent Armstrong)

sound wise ... mild, not noisy ... the bdg High-gain add a bit boost in it ... good enuff for me ... :D
I second Shredcow's view on Embryo's hi-cut mod on the DD3. Must have. So much so that I'm gonna get a DD-X pedal and get Embryo to mod it soon. I hope. If the $ allows. :rock:
woah. okay. that means no new pedals for me but a modded dd3


btw, embryo can u take apart the electronics in MD-2 and convert it into a ts9? :smt051
I'm not sure that was what he meant... wasn't he asking if randolf could create a TS9 out of the MD-2's circuitboard? Or maybe I'm just understanding it wrongly.
ya.. as i don't see myself with a lot of money available to buy the mod, and a ts9.

the md2 is just too heavy and/or crunchy for me.

i like the warmth that the ts9 has :D

or the american woman overdrive... but its all so expensive.
Santa said:
woah. okay. that means no new pedals for me but a modded dd3


btw, embryo can u take apart the electronics in MD-2 and convert it into a ts9? :smt051

If cost is no object and the motivation behind this makes great sense this is not impossible at all. Other than the obvious transplanting of innards from one pedal to another another idea is to fabricate a TS9 circuit board and transplant it to a MD2 chassis?

O ya and because the TS9 uses 3 knobs for controls right so we will wire the 4th knob of the MD2 to an antenae where you'll get to wave your hand above it for that voodoo effect (even though nothing is happening cos!) because you lppk sooo good doing that unique stage move you'll actually start to sound good... In your head arh!!! Hah!

Ok seriously why would you want to do that? I mean why transplant a TS9 onto a MD2? The MD2 has given me more than a coupla eureka meoments in the course of mod experiments. The special thing about this pedal is that it's got a pretty smart way of recreating that pre and power amp distortion control with 2 onboard drive knobs.

The only thing I am trying to get used to about the MD2 is the shade of orange they use which is very very orangeee for me ya... makes me thirst for orange squash. Heh! :)

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